Resolution 102-1969 RESOLUTION NO. 102-l969 WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida has been petitioned to renounce and disclaim any right of the County and the public in and to the hereinafter described street, alley-way, road or highway as delineated on the hereinafter described map or plat, and WHEREAS, due notice has been published and a public hearing has been held in accordance with Chapter 336, Florida Statutes, and WHEREAS, at said public hearing no objections were made to the renouncing and disclaiming of any right of the County and the public in and to the hereinafter described street, alley-way, road or highway as delineated on the hereinafter described map or plat, now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, that said Board hereby renounces and . disclaims any right of the County and the public in and to the following de- scribed street, alley-way, road or highway as delineated on the hereinafter described map or plat, to-wit: A 30 ft. right of way being more particularly described as the Westerly l5feet of Lot 13, Section l-6l-39 according to the Model Land Company Plat as recorded in Plat Book 1 at Page 68 of the Public Records of Monroe County, Florida and the Easterly 15 feet of Government Lot 1, Section 1, Township 61 South, Range 39 East, lying North of the Wes- terly prolongation of the South line of said Lot 13. ALSO A 30 ft. right of way being more particularly described as the Easterly l5 feet of Lot l4, Section l-6l-39 and the Westerly l5 feet of Lot l5, Section l-6l-39 according to the Model Land Company Plat as recorded in Plat Book 1 at Page 68 of the Public Records of Monroe County, Florida. BE IT FUR THER RESOLVED BY SAID BOARD that the Clerk of said Board be, and he is hereby authorized and ordered to publish notice of the adoption of this Resolution by said Board in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 336, Florida Statutes. Dated October l4th , 1969. @ Southern Bell K. W. CATLIN DISTRICT ENGINEER AREA CODE 30S 248.2922 205 NORTH KROME AVENUE HOMESTEAD, FLORIDA 33030 September 16, 1969 Sexton Cove Estates Route 1, Box 158 Key Largo, Florida 33037 Attention: :r-1r. Joseph T. Lance Dear Sir: In reference to Hr. Eager's phone call; we have investigated the area containing the two 30' roads located between Gov. Lot 1 and 13, and between Lot 14 and 1.5 of Section 1, Township 61, Range 39, Model Land Company Plat, Plat Book Section 68. Our records indicate that we have no plant in the area. If we can be of further assistance, please contact Bob Carballo of this office. Yours truly, .j.../.J/ //',. "',/~' / t ,,4/' C1lfL-;:7'- G:........ ' District Engineer RC/aho RECEIVED SEP 25 1969 COUNTY ATTORNEY'S OFFICE FLORlu...... .......~YS ELECl ~IC COOPERATI v"E ASSOC~"""'ILJN, INC. PHONE 852-2431 TAVERNIER, FLORIDA 33070 MANAGER TRUSTEES: DEAN C, ELVER, KEY COLONY BEACH CARROLL KENNEDY, ISLAMORAOA WALTER E, KRAMER, ISLAMORAOA WILLIAM A. LANE, TAVERNIER LED F, LIPPS, TAVERNIER TRUSTEES: FRANK F. TAYLOR, ..JR., PRESIDENT, KEY LARGO GARY T. EDELSON, VICE PRES., MARATHON MILDRED LEE, TREASURER, ISLAMDRAOA G. CARLTON WALTERS, SECRETARY, MARATHON ..JAM ES T, ELLIS September 12, 1969 Mr. Fred Tittle Attorney for County Commission Court House Key West, Fla. 33040 Dear Mr. Tittle: We understand that two 30 foot roads in Sexton Cove Estates in Key Largo are to be abandoned. One road is between Government Lot 1, Section 1, Town- sh ip 61, Range 39 East and Lot 13 of the Mode I Land Company Plat, recorded at Plat Book 1, Page 68 of the Publ ic Records in Monroe County and the other road is between Lots 14 and 15, Plat Book 1, Page 68. We have no facil ities in these roads and have no ob jection to the abandonment of the roads as public rights-of-way. Very truly yours, FLORIDA KEYS ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE ASS'N.,INC. '7~' ames T. Ellis Manager JTE/em RECEIVED SEP 1 6 1969 CUUNTY AllORNEY'S OFFICE SEVEN MILE BRIDGE KEY WEST September 24, 1969 }vIr, Donald Cormack Director Building & Zoning Department M:onroe County Court House Key West, Florida 33040 Dear Mr. Corrrlack: This letter is being forwarded to you at the request of Mr. George Eager in accordance with his letter of September 13, 1969 which is attached. There is also attached the legal description of two rights of way which he desires to have vacated. The Florida Keys Aqueduct Commission has no objection to the rights of way as described in being vacated. These roads are recorded in Plat Book l, Page 68. For your information these roads as abandoned are indicated on a Bailey, Mooney, Post Associates print dated 4/l~;/69 Tentative Plat. Sincerely your s, JWH /hgh E nel s. P. S.. Original request sent to you on September l6, 1969. Second request being sent at the request of Mr. Fred Tittle. ~lJrJlne 0/ the WOI.li ~ cJ.~argejl .s~ingle purpoje :J)ejalting Plant p, O. BOX 1239 · KEY WEST, FLORIDA 33040 ......;1fIIlI'* ,,,.-.,, (\ ro' ""'~ September 13, 1969 Captian Higgenl Florida Keys Aqueduct Commission Key West, Florida Dear Sir: I enc10le legal description of the roads to be abandoned in Sexton Cove Estates as per our phone conversation. Thank you for your kindnes.. s1ncere1y. ~ /< '> !,-) ,~~ . ~~. ~I ./ _. . .-----:::::_-.- --., ",..\!.-: ~~' -- - Geor~~er .. or. ("~ ('. \\\ ~ ,",v\' "\ \" ." '~\,~\ ' _'J; ~ ! I ,- ... ,-... .\ BAI LEY. GLASS 11 POST. INC, ~ cONSutTlNe EM!JINEEI'fS AND SUI'f~~ I"OST OF" ICE eo- :147 ISI....MOR..D.... F'LOR D'" 3~036 . TEL F'P.Hl....E' 30'5/ee04-4eZR I.EGAl. DESCRIPTlON . for abandoning tW0 30 ft. road~ in Model Land Co., plat at recorded in Plat Bouk L at page 68. 1. A 10 Lt. right of wa\' belng; more part.icularly Je,scribed as the Westerly 15 f0et uf Lot 13, Section 1-61-39 accf)rding; to the Mod", 1 Land Comp;my Plat a<; recoI'ded in P I at 8,l\,k l dt Page p;l, ,l': the Publ ic R,'cords o:~ Monroe C>lmty, FI.'ridi. illld the ,. "le!1v l5 fel~t n:' r.c\'ernment : III l, section 1, Townsh1p 61 Suuth, R<ln~p 19 East lying ['\llt't h I), the WesLi'Lly pr,,1 l'lgat i')n of the ~outh line of c;did lot 13. ~ ... A 30 fN')1 Light of way lleing more particularly described .j~; the l~dsterly 15 feet o' 1.,.1 1'.., Section 1-61-39 and ! I'l' '..:e-;terl y 15 I eet or Lu; IS. See! ion 1-&1-39 according i ,) Ulf' ~1"de.l Li' '.d Company Plat. a.~ rec0rd,:d in Plat Book 1 al. P"q.;e 6.13 ()f '.lle Publ ic Recnl'ds ot Monroe county" Florida. :-ic:pL. 13, 1969 O>'-69-0i7.0 Ar'ILIAfE POST BUCKLEY. MOONEY c:C SCNUH.INC . CONSULrlNB I!NBINI!I!RS AND SURVEYORS I ..