Resolution 107-1969 RESOLUTION NO. 101'.1969 WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida has been petitioned to renounce and disclaim any right of the County and the 'public in and to the hereinafter described street, il,lley-way, road ., or highway as delineated on the hereinafter described map or plat, and WHEREAS, due notice has been published and a public hearing has been held in accordance with Chapter 336, Florida Statutes, and WHEREAS, at said public hearing no objections were made to the renouncing and disclaiming of any right of the County and the public in and to the hereinafter described street, alley-way, road or highway as delineated on the hereinafte~described map or plat, now, therefore, BE IT Ri:SOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, that said Board hereby renounces and disclaims any right of the County and the public in and to the following de- , " , scribed street, alley~way, road or highway as delineated on the hereinafter described map or plat, to-wit: That portion of Parrish Lane now dedicated to the use of the public:, as shown on Bayview Subdivision, according to the 'map or plat thereof recorded in Plat Book 2, Page 101, of the Public Records of Monroe County, Florida. .' BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED BY SAID BOARD that the Clerk of said Board be, and he is hereby authorized and ordered to publish notice of the adoption of this Resolution by said Board in accordance with the provisions 'of Chapter 336, Florida Statutes. Dated October 28th 1969. :,. '", '-" r, 1;f September 16, 1969 ~ ~ J " ~ j i I I I I , Mr. Donald Cormack Director Building &. Zoning Department Monroe County Court House Key West, Florida 33040 Dear Mr. Cormack: This is to advise that there are no water lines on or under parrish Lane in Bayview Subdivision, Plat Z, Page 101, Public Records of Monroe County, Florida. The Florida Keys Aqueduct Commission has no objection to the abandonment of Parrish Lane or a portion thereof. Sincerely yours, ,. J. W. Higgins, Jr. Manager " -"; JWH /hgh RECEIVED ocr lO 1969 COUNTY ATIURNEY'S OFfICE ~. ~ FLORIDA I<o..t::YS ELEC1~IC COOPERATivE ASSOCIAlluN, INC. PHONE 852-2431 TAVERNIER, FLORIDA 33070 TRUSTEES: FRANK F. TAYLOR, .JR., PRESIDENT, KEY LARGO GARY T. EDELSON, VICE PRES.. MARATHON MILDRED LEE, TREASURER, ISLAMORADA G. CARLTON WALTERS, SECRETARY, MARATHON .JAMES T. ELLIS MANAGER TRUSTEES: DEAN C. ELVER, KEY COLONY BEACH CARROLL KENNEDY, ISLAMORADA WALTER E. KRAMER, ISLAMORADA WILLIAM A. LANE, TAVERNIER LEO F. LIPPS, TAVERNIER September 18, 1969 Mr. Fred Tittle County Attorney County Commission Court House Key West, Fla. 33040 RECEIVED SEP 1 9 1969 WU~ll ATIOR~lY'S OffiCE Dear Mr. Tittle: Subsequent to my letter of September 16, 1969 with respect to the proceeding to vacate Parrish Lane, Bayview Subdivision in Marathon, the owner has agreed to provide the Cooperative with an easement for the maintenance of the pole I ine now existing in Parrish Lane. This easement will cover both the Southern Bell installation and the Cooperative's installation in Parrish Lane and Mr. van Bueren has agreed to sign it on September 18, 1969. Under the circumstances, the Cooperative has no objection to vacating Parrish Lane. If the situation is changed in any manner before September 23, I will communi- cate with you. Sincere Iy, JTE/em FLORIDA KEYS ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE ASS'N., INC. ~/ //" ,/ .... / '- . ././ /~;~s ~{:'Ellis ~<2 t: ,7 Manager ........ ~~ // r I ~\ /" ~~aro /~,-/--/ Bla:n.co RECEIVED SEP 1 9 1969 COUKTI ATIORNEY'S OFFICE Morine Resor' 1996 Overseas Highway . Marathon, Florida Keys 33050 . Area Code 305.743.5125 September 18, 1969 Hr. F-.ced 'ri ttle Legal Advisor To The Board of County Cownissioners IVlonroe County Court I-Iouse Key;;Jest, Florida 3301.1-0 }w. James T. Ellis Florida Keys Electric Coop. Ass1n. Inc. Tavernier, Florida Be: Parrish Lane, Abandonment De ar l'ir. Tittle: I enclose a letter from l;Lr. van Kessel and a notarized copy of the easement which Nrs. van Beuren and I have executed in favor of Southern Bell and Florida Electric Coop. their assignee. You will find the same self-explanatory. The enclosures should remove any objections to the abandon- ment of Parrish Lane. Unless I hear from you to the contrary I \,dll assume that no objection to the abandonment lV'ill occur at the Commissioners meeting of Tuesday, September 23rd. Sincerely yours, Illt; e1..-tAc12J. 1/O-L ~1LZ5----. cc. otis Radebaugh, Esq. IIichael van Beuren, Owner HvB/lr @ Southern Bell K. W. CATLIN DISTRICT ENGINEER AREA CODE 305 248.2922 205 NORTH KROME AVENUE HOMESTEAD. FLORIDA September 18,1969 Key West, Florida Mr. Michael C. Van Beuren Farro Blanco Motel Marathon, Florida 33050 COPY TO: Mr. Fred Tittle Legal Advisor To The Board Of County Commissioners Monroe County Court House Key West, Florida 33040 Dear Sir: On the request that public right - of - way described as Parrish Lane, Bayview Subdivision, P.B. 2, page 101, Public Records of Monroe County, Florida be abandoned, the following requirements must be met in order for Southern Bell Telephone and Telegraph Company to agree to this abandonment: That a right - of - way easment be executed by you, the adjacent property owner, to cover our buried cable facilities on the right - of - way you are requesting to be abandoned. Upon the execution of this easement a copy of this letter and the executed easement will be sent to Mr. Fred Tittle in notification that our requirements have been met and that we voice no objection to the abandoment of Parrish Lane as a public right - of - way. If we can be of further assistance please contact Me. G.H. Van Kessel at 296-9010 (collect) in Key West, Florida. Yours truly, . /~ ~'e~)J 1- ~.~ ~ District Engineer GVK/mr RIGHT-Of-WAY EASEMENT Rece ived of the SOUTHERN BELL TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY One ------------ -----------and no /100 Dollars in consideration of Vlhich the undersilmed does hereby 1{rant said Coapany, its associated and allied coapanies, their respective licensees, successors and assigns, the right to construct, operate and aaintain a line of co.aunication consisting of such poles, lDires, cables conduits, I1UYS. anchors and other necessary aDDurtenances as froa tiae to tiae are required upon, ~cross, ov~r -a~dior under that certain tract o'f l~~d situated in I Honroe County, State of Ti'lnrirl::: , to-Vlit: A nt,ility easement 10 feet in wieith the center 1; ne hei ne: ::IR foll O'W~. r.ommen~; ne: on t.he ROllt,h ri ght, - of - 'W~!'Y 1 i np of P::lrri Rn (20 ~ollrt.) T.::Ine::lt.::l point (5) five fRAt 'West. of t.he east, pro:0ert.y line hence continuing in a northerly direction on a line parallel to the east property line to a point (~) five feet west of the east prooertv line on the north right - of - way line of Parrish (20 court) Lane all bein~ in Bayview Subdivision, according to the plat thereof, as recorded in plat book 2 page 101 of the public records of Monroe County, .. Florida. and upon, along and under the roads, streets, or highVlays adjoining or through said property with the right to perait the attachaent of and/or carry in conduit lDires and cables of any other person or coa- pany for coallunications purposes or for the transaission and distribution of electric power and the right of ingress and egress to said preaises at all tiaes for the purpose of inspecting and aaintain- ing said line and with the right to clear and keep, cleared all trees, undergrowth or other obstructions within a strip of land 5 feet on each side of the center of said line and to tria and cut and keep triaaed and cut all dead, weak, leaning or dangerous trees which aight reach, said line in falling; including the right to relocate said line on said preaises to confora to any future highway relocation, widening or iaproveaent; the said sua being received in full paYllent for the rights herein grant ed. Contingent upon the abandonment of Parrish Lane this easement is granted to encompass the telephone cables now buried on public right - of - way which will revert to adjacent 9roperty owners said grantors. A sketch of the easement described above appears on the reverse of this instrument. . 17., IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned GrantorS-, ha..Y.esettbill hand"s' and seal~ this~ day of ~.Pt' ~- . , 19~. Wi tnesses: t~~1:~~;~ STATE OF Florida COUNTY (~m!tJl) OF Monroe Michael C. Van Eeuren Diane E. Van Beuren, his wife Farro Blanco Motel ~arathon, Florida 33050 ae _-.Michael C. Van Beuren , the lIIithi.. naaed grantor(s) lI1ith whoa I aa personaLLy ac- Personally appeared before n lane E. Van Beuren (grantor) quainted, Vlho acknowledged that, (they) e%ecuted and delivered the therein contained. being inforaed of the contents of the within instruaent en) ~) saae voluntarily as ~ (~) (their) act and deed for the purposes I<'/~ Witness ay hand and seal this .' day of 'S:.-~~.~~ , 19.k3.-. ~ . ~ . ~(S~".,~ ~ -~ Notary Puhl;(, 5lat~ of Fhr:aa ill large My Commi~sjo!l ExiJircs March 11. 197.2 eondl;d t1y". Amencan ~jre & Ca5ualty (OJ "_~ STATE OF COUNTY (PARISH) OF Before .e of the State and County ~foresaid, appeared , with whoa I aa personally acquainted, and who, being duly sworn, acknowledged hiaself.to be of the , the within na.es bargainor, a corporation, and further acknowledges that he as such , being authorized by the Board of Directors of said corporation so to do, e%ecuted the foregoing instrument, and affi%ed the corporate seal thereto, for the purposes therein contained, by signing the naae of the corporation by hiaself as And that the said acknowledged the said writing to be the free act and deed of the said corporation. Witness ay hand and seal this _ day of 19_0 I APPROVED TI TLE LREA I AUTH. ICLASS . IAMOUNT. '.,Y I. ~ (' . ; , ' E;AJ,fj C>F /.EA5€/Y1,avT~1 ,\ rz;q r ~i ;:!.5 I I I I "I I I , I s - ~ I ~ k-4. I I I I I 0' f ~ () ';.. h. I ~ ~ ~ ~ \:) , ~ ~ , ). .j) ~ ~ b 0 - CJ J W. ~ I 2 3 ~ (::, ~ - I! IJ) I if) .. 2 - . .... 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