Resolution 110-1969 RESOLUTION NO. 110 -1969 WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissfoners of Monroe County, Florida desires to renounce and disclaim any right of the County and the public in and to the hereinafter described street, alley;..way, road or high- .. way as delineated on the hereinafter described map or plat, and WHEREAS, under Chapter 336, Florida statutes, it is necessary to . ' . hold a public hearing after publishing due notice of said hearing in accor- dance with said Chapter, now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, that at 2 :00 P. M. Tuesday, December 9th , 1969, said Board will hold a public hearing to determine whether or not said Board will renounce and disclaim any right of the County and the public in and to the following describ~d street, alley-way, - road or highway: Thatportioll of'Laurel Avenue lying and being between Block 59,aild Block 60, as shown on map of Crain's Sub- division of Grassy Key, in Sec. t s 24-25-26, Tp. 65 S., Rg.. 33 E.. Fla.. as recorded in Plat Book 1. page 51, Public Records of Monroe County, Florida. -'- BE IT. FURTHER RESOLVED BY SAID BOARD that the Clerk of said Board be, and he is hereby ordered to publish notice of said meeting in \ \ \ '\.. accordance withthe provisions of Chapter 336, Florida Statutes. Dated N"dvember 12th , 1969. / I -, , 11 jja j (J.Jraga KEY PHARMACY THE ETHICAL PHARMACY PHONE 743-5379 2211 OVERSEAS HIGHWAY MARATHON, FLA. 33050 Oct (, be r 2.5 1969 Mr. Gerald Saunders, M.Y$r M.nr.~ Ceunty K~y W~st, F1erida Dear Mr. Saunders: I 1Il0l. the Qwnder €If L()t 26, Sqr 6:), Crcin's Subdivision, FBI-51, .f Grassy Key. Mr. F{cbert Buehrer is the ~wnder c f Lsts 1 Bnd 2, Sauar0 59, Cr~in's Subdivision of Gr~.J ssy Yey. Between these nieces f Droperty is an ':! 0 fc:;,t cs untY-C:Siwncd rii;ht -(, f-vnr)T fr_ (:1 r,le rt'-;L ;; tr("cG t +:c t{;'Cl )'u.If. Mr. B~eArer and I reauest that we eaah be perMit_ed te p.rchase the 40 feet ef the right-er-way adjacent te our preperty fre. the ceuRty. Thanking yeu rer any assistance yeu .ay give ~s in bringing this tiatter betere the ceunty ceMmiss16n. tru.ly ~~ 1eAett. Bragassa ROBERT BUEHRER BOX 291 GRASSY KEY R.R. I MARATHON, Fl-ORIDA 330S0 25 Octeber 1969 Mr. Gerald SauRders, Mayer Meftree Cel1nty Key West, Flerida Dear Mr. Sa~nders: I a. tile ewnder ef Lets 1 .-J. d 2, Sauare 59, Cr. in IS Sub- divisien ef Grassy Key, Menree C.unty, Flerida. Mrs. Rienette Br.~ass. is tae ewnder ef Let 26, Sar 60, Crain's Subdivisie., PBl-51, ef Grassy Key. Between taese two pieces ef prsperty is 80 feet ef ceuRty- IWRa<< rigat-ef way fre. Merten Street te tae gulf. Mrs. Bragassa and I reauest that we each ee peraitted te purcnase frem tae ceunty the 40 feet ef the ri~At-.f-way adjacent te eur preperty. T..Rk yeu fer bringing tais Matter bef.re tne C~unty C..- .issi8n.