Resolution 314-2004 "" Board of County Commissioners RESOLUTION NO. 314 -2004 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA CONCERNING THE SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT IN THE MATTER OF CDI INVESTMENTS, INC. d/b/a SOMBRERO RESORT AND LIGHTHOUSE MARINA V. MONROE COUNTY WHEREAS, CDI Investments, Inc. d/b/a Sombrero Resort and Lighthouse Marina filed a petition challenging its solid waste assessment on or about December 12, 2003; and WHEREAS, on March 17, 2004, the Board referred that matter to the Division of Administrative Hearings to conduct a hearing on the merits of the petition; and WHEREAS, on June 16, 2004, the Board authorized counsel to execute a settlement agreement, which resolved the issues in dispute with the Petitioner; and WHEREAS, on July 27, 2004, the Division of Administrative Hearings Administrative Law Judge entered an order approving the settlement agreement and closing the case; and WHEREAS, section 8-106 of the Monroe County Code vests the Board as the final arbiter of petitions such as this one, now, therefore BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA that the Administrative Law Judge's Order dated July 27, 2004, which is attached hereto and incorporated by reference herein, be and It is hereby adopted and affirmed as the final administrative action of the County. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held on the 18th day of August, 2004. yes ~ .... yes 5 t:: ~ I yes ~c!'" ~ ~ yes ~;; ~ .." yes 2::-. c a C ::;:; ::x. :::0 BOARD OF COUNTY COMAlSio~s ~ OF MONROE COUNTY, F~rJA N ~ ~ r-~" ~ By ,/~~..~ (~4~ ? , M~or/Chairperson ROBERT B. SHilLING R, JR. ASSIS~NT COUN.TY ATTORNEY Date lr ~ I <L:J2\:L.___.__...__.._ STATE OF FLORIDA DIVISION OF ADMINISTRA nON HEARINGS CDI INVESTMENTS, INC., d/b/a SOMBRERO RESORT AND LIGHTHOUSE MARINA, Petitioner, vs. Case No. 04-1450 MONROE COUNTY, Respondent. / SETTLEMENT Petitioner, CDI INVESTMENTS, INC., d/b/a SOMBRERO RESORT and LIGHTHOUSE MARINA, and Respondent, MONROE COUNTY, after having reviewed the respective statutes and ordinances agree that the 68 units owned by Petitioner as described in the Petition filed herein should be classed as commercial properties based on the following: 1. The complex is currently located within a Sub Urban Commercial District (SC) which currently prohibits properties used for residential purposes and that ifthere are any legal non-conforming residential uses within this district. 2. That the parties have agreed that the current use is for a non-residential purpose as defined by the zoning code. 3. The Property Appraiser's office has further acknowledged that the classification of these particular 68 units should be changed and reflected as a commercial use as opposed to a residential use and that by changing the tax roll to reflect the commercial usage will in turn change the designation for the solid waste classification since it is based upon the classifications provided in the tax roll for Monroe County, Florida. 4. That each of the parties have agreed to the entry of an Order directing Monroe County to re-classify these 68 units as commercial for purposes of solid waste assessment and collection and further agree that that each of the parties will bear their own costs and expenses JOHN C. D T, JR. Florida B No.: 0099242 Dent & Associates, P .A. 330 S. Orange Avenue Sarasota, Florida 34236 (941) 952-1070 Attorney for Respondent EITH R. GAU Florida Bar No.: 0034436 Goldstein, Tanen & Trench, P .A. One Biscayne Tower, Suite 3700 Two South Biscayne Boulevard Miami, Florida 33131 (305) 374-3250 Attorney for Petitioner Dated: 7,L'U}:w Dated: ')(~ ~/ j I ~O() f Rod1~. Florida Bar No. () <;<;i;).6).- Assistant County Attorney Post Office Box 1026 Key West, Florida 33041-1026 (305) 292-3470 Attorney for P-....ti./HS tSo<:" '+I'd :J;/O V Dated: N :lm34- 5794 ISettlement.doc 2 STATE OF FLORIDA DIVISION OF ADMINISTRA nON HEARINGS ~ ~ "6' ;0, /7 e, '2 0" CDI INVESTMENTS, INC., d/b/a SOMBRERO RESORT AND LIGHTHOUSE MARINA, Petitioner, vs. Case No. 04-1450 MONROE COUNTY, Respondent. ; ORDER THIS CAUSE having come on to be heard and the Court having reviewed settlement between the parties herein and being duly advised in the premises, it is therefore ORDERED that Monroe County Solid Waste Roll shall be changed to reflect commercial classification for Petitioner's property for the fiscal year 2004 and that any outstanding assessments based upon a residential classification be cancelled, further that this Order is only directed to the units owned by Petitioner and no other units. FURTHER ORDERED that each of the parties shall be responsible for their own costs and fees of this proceeding. DONE AND ORDERED in Monroe County, Florida, this day of ,2004. DONALD R. ALEXANDER Administrative Law Judge Copies furnished to: John C. Dent, Jr., Esq. Robert B. Shillinger, Jr., Esq. Keith R. Gaudioso, Esq. N:\m34-5794\Order 070104.doc RECEIVED JUL 2 8 2004 t~~(,lNF.10E t.~,:(__;~_INT'f .t>.'r TORNE'f