Resolution 316-2004 RESOLUTION NO. 316 - 2004 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, RENOUNCING AND DISCLAIMING ANY RIGHT OF THE COUNTY AND THE PUBUC IN AND TO A PORTION OF FIRST STREET AND A PORTION OF AN ALLEYWAY, KEY LARGO CITY, PLAT NO. S, MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, desires to renounce and disclaim any right of the County and the public in and to the hereinafter described streets, alley-ways, roads or highways, and WHEREAS, due notice has been published and a public hearing has been held in accordance with Chapter 336, Florida Statutes, and WHEREAS, at said public hearing the Board conSidered the argument of all parties present wishing to speak on the matter, and all premises considered concerning the renouncing and disclaiming of any right of the County and the public In and to the hereinafter described streets, alley-ways, roads or highways as delineated on the hereinafter described map or plat, and WHEREAS, the Board has determined that vacation of the said road Is for the general public welfare, and conforms to the requirement of Fla. Stat. Sees. 336.09 and 336.10; now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, hereby renounces and disclaims any right of the County and the public In and to the following described streets, alley-ways, roads or highways as delineated on the hereinafter described map or plat, to-wit: A PORTION OF FIRST STREET, KEY LARGO CITY, PLAT NO.5, FRONTING LOTS 10 THROUGH 17, AND A PORTION OF ALLEYWAY THAT SEPARATES LOTS 10 THROUGH 17 AND LOTS 46 THROUGH 53, BLOCK 5, KEY LARGO, MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA Mayor Nelson Mayor Pro Tem Rice ,,/;- >~~!ssioner McCoy ./.,' ",GQ~~oner Neugent , ;(!&tpm~~ner Spehar I' \ . 1\ \ J ,.. (SEALy \',;; \\' Attest: DANNYL.j(OLHAGE, Clerk \';:,<,~ ....a04,,;C. /) ~~ }{. .~J. ~ '.,,- :,:~ .... uty Clerk PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held on the 18th day of August, 2004. ~ :r c::::> o c' ~ % 1" %II> .- 2:~: . c:: fT1 nl' Ci) 0 C": (..)-" ce. C 0 ~ ;::0 c: ::.u _ " r "'V :::0 :<;-t :r 3 ,., ~ :x> ~ --.. BOARD OF COUNTY CO~I~O'18RS ::g ::~.~~ Mayor/Chairperson yes yes yes yes yes ANNE A. HUTTON ,:_~~_~~~~k_~L~~RNEY. ~..