Resolution 280-2004 OMB Schedule Item Number 14 Resolution No, 280 - 2004 A RESOLUTION AMENDING RESOLUTION NUMBER 248-2004 WHEREAS~ Resolution Number 248-2004 heretofore enacted for the purpose of receiving Unanticipated Funds, contains erroneous information~ and now ~ therefore, WHEREAS, it is the desire of the conunission to rectify by amendment such erron, now therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY. FLOlUDA, that tbe following item in Resolution Number 248-2004 Fund #403- Marathon Airport Cost Center ## 63547/ Project #GAMA44- ALP ~ Udlity Plan. Air Service Study Old! Div ##1018 Revenue: 403-63~47-3344100T-GAMA44 Federal Grants- Trans- Arpt Dev 403-63547-381404GT-GAMA44 Transferfrom Fund 404 $111,442.00 58,750.00 5120~192.00 Total Revenue Appropriations: 403_542~3547-530490-GAMA44-530310 Professional Services $120,192.00 $120~192.00 Total Appropriations: IS HEREBY AMENDED AS FOLLOWS: Fund #403- Marathon Airport Cost Center ## 63547/ Project #GAMA44- ALP, Utility Plan, Air Service Study Old! Div ##1018 Revenue: 403-63547-3314100T-GAMA44 Federal Grants- Tnn.. Arpt Dev 403-63547-381404GT -GAMA44 Tnnsfer from Fund 404 5111,442.00 S8~ 750.00 $120,192.00 Total Revenue Appropriations: 403-5420-63547-53049O-GAMA44-530310 Professional Services 5120.192.00 Total Appropriations: 5120~192.00 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED BY SAID BOARD, that the Oerk of said Board, upon receipt of the above, is hereby authorized and directed to make the necessary changes, as set forth above. ~ " PASSED AND ADOPTED by tbe Board of Connty Commissionen of Monroe County, Florida, ~ a ~~g of said Board held 011 the 1ff' day of August AD 2004. =.:"i ' ~ ,::8 G") '~'1 W (".J o 7,) TOF 08/27/2004 Page 16 ~, c '"0 ;~.J ---l c, (- :J: ,'''''' -<. ..-1 ::r: . ":~~ N .." ~-) ,j r rn d ., c:..n'::J . - BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA By ~(~ Mayor/CbairpersOn ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ "W .'c; Mayor Nelson /~:~)'0f.~ Tern Rice ,('.' . '~oIDJlllssionerMcCoy A.,~.'... '..............Co.. '.. npnisslO..... . net'Neugent ~!..":;.'..+'f'.~~ W)).r- Attest: DANNY L.KOLHAGE, Clerk B~{!' iO~cvnf;;J Deputy Clerk ''')>1 ~/;"'7;o '/;;::