Item E BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Meeting Date: July 20. 2004 Division: County Administrator Bulk Item Yes _ No--X- Department: County Administrator AGENDA ITEM WORDING: Discussion of contributing $10,000 to a fund of the Sheriff's Department to be used to assist the homeless to obtain bus tickets back to their out-of-town families. ITEM BACKGROUND: PREVIOUS RELEVANT BOCC ACTION: CONTRACT/AGREEMENT CHANGES: STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS: TOTAL COST: BUDGETED: Yes No COST TO COUNTY: SOURCE OF FUNDS: REVENUE PRODUCING: Yes No AMOUNTPERMONTH_ Year APPROVED BY: County Atty _ OMB/Purchasing _ Risk Management _ ~~ ~.-----. r_ ~- James L. Roberts DIVISION DIRECTOR APPROVAL: DOCUMENTATION: Included X To Follow Not Required_ DISPOSITION: AGENDA ITEM # E Revised 1/03 Communi~.t~ 2796 O..r~el.. Hwy MVI'hnn, Fl. 33050 (305) 292.7075 FAX (3OS) 289.2.'3 5.uJM..rl6V: Freeman Sub_\t.aclol1 20950 O..h... Hwy. CodJoe Key. FI 33042 l.l05) 74S.J IS4 I'...X (JUS) 74.5.)761 Marat,",oft S'-IbShttIO" J 10] 0.."... Hwy Mlmhon. Fl. J30S0 ODS) 289.1130 FAX ODS) 289.2497 I.llmor.dl SUb"auon 87000 0'."0.1 Hwy hJlmolldl. FI. H036 POS) 853.7021 f'AX (3OS) 85).9)72 Sporr,wOOC! SUbSlAlIOn 88710 Oversea. Hwy. f....'n;.'. Fl. 33070 005) an.nll FAX (30S) an.nOS fborC'ftaJon Cenr~D:: Key WUI Del Cenr., 5$01 Coll'B. Road K.y WeSI. FI. J3040 ODS) 293.7300 FAX (305) 29P353 M.,Olhnn Del. Fac'!ilY 3981 Oc..,. Terra"" Marathon. Fl 33050 005) 289.2420 FAX ()OS) 289.242" Pla~l.llon Der Facilily 53 Hi,,, PO,n, ROld I'llnraliOn K.y. Fl 33070 005) 853.3266 'AX (305) 853.3270 ~DetjaJ OlNrati.!lli '0 80.500973 4.,llhon. FI. ))050 )051189.2410 'AX 1305) 289.2498 ,-..,- Monroe County Slieriff's Office 1(idiard V.1(ot/i~ S/ieriff 5525 Co[ugt !/(ptul 1(ty WestS:{orUfa 33040 (305) 292.7000 7'f4X: (305) 292-7070 1.800.273.COPS WWW.keys~ '~'@ ~lh Mr. James L. Robens, Co. Admin. The Historic Gato Cigar Factory 1100 Simonton Street, Suite 205 Key West, Florida 33040 July 16, 2004 Dear Jim: Recently I was approached by the City of Key West asking the Sheriff's Office to contribute to a fund to be used to assist the homeless to obtain bus tickets back to their out-of-town families. Because we had a system in place in the past using Our jail Program's people. we agreed to contribute $10,000.00 and offer the jail personnel, who had been assigned this job in the past, to furnish these tickets. Stephanie Robinson has been keeping track of individuals who obtained tickets for the past 2 weeks. During the first week we spent $1,864 on t 5 tickets. An additional 18 tickets have been issued during the second week that we have not been invoiced for at this time. I would like to request the County also contribute $10,000.00 for the purchase of bus tickets. r&t& RDR/vam Richard D. Roth Sheriff of Monroe County fa -S~~ , E