Resolution 386-1993
Director of Airports
RESOLUTION NO. 386 -1993
The Board hereby authorizes Comair to perform groundhandling
duties for Gulfstream International Airlines at the Key West
International Airport under the terms of the Comair /Gulfstream
agreement dated September 3, 1993, a copy of which is attached
and incorporated by reference.
PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of
Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held
on the 29th day of
Mayor London
Mayor Pro Tern Cheal
Commissioner Harvey
Commissioner Freeman
Commissioner Reich
Attest: DANNY KOLHAGE, Clerk
. ,-;;sry~.i.~r.~(li'~"'f
EJ'{~ -.-
:.. c;_iZ3.~99 3'"
eputy CXer
. I 'I.
I'l). 130\ 7S0Z1
Cilldnll,'ti, Ohio 45275
a,il()} 5l5-2550
September 14, 1993
Thomas L. cooper
President & C.E.O.
P.O. Box 777
Miami Springs. FL 33266
Dear Mr. Cooper:
Enclosed for your files is one fully executed copy of the mutual agreement between
COMAIR, Inc. and Gulfstream International Airlines, Inc.
I spoke to Art Skelly. Director of Airport, Key West International Airport, he said it was not
necessary for him to sign the agreement.
If you have any questions, please call.
11mothy E. els
Director Cu mer Services
planning and Development
1'.0 Box "'-)021
Cincinnati. ohlo .1~17?
((iO(I) 5l5-~S50
september 3, 1993
Thomas L. Cooper
Gulfstream International Airlines, Inc.
P.O. BoX 777
Miaml springs, Florida 33266
This letter will evidence our mutual agreement wherein COMAIR,
Inc., (COMAIR) will provide Gulfstream International Airlines, Inc.
(Carrier), services as described in Appendix "All usin'l COMAIR'.
existing facilities at the Key West International Airport (Airport)
at the rate. established in Appendix "Bu, all attached hereto and
made a part thereof, subject to the fOllowing terms and condition.:
1. This Aqreement i. effective October 1, 1993 and .hall continue
in effect until canceled by either party 'living thirty (30)
days advanced written notice to the other party.
2. It is understood that should COMAIR and Carrier have a
confliot, COMAIR's requir..ents will be given priority.
3. COMAIR and carrier shall .utually aqX'e. on the tenant work, if
any, required to accomaodate carrier and .aid work ahall be
complet.d by CarrieX' at Carrier'. expense.
4. Carrier shall be responsible for the repair of any and all
duaqe caused by Carrier and it. directors, otf ieen, a..nt.,
customers, invites or quests to the equipa.nt and preal...
de.cribed herein other than the d..age re.ulting fro. ordinary
wear and tear caused by the use and occupancy of the equlpaent
and pr..ises by Carrier.
s. As compensation for the services provided, COMAIR .hall
invoice Carrier each month throu9h the Airline. Clearing Hou.e
(ACH) as described in Appendix "C", for the servic.. listed on
Appendix "A".
Any training which may be required to be given to COMAIR'Q
employees by carrier .0 that they may perform the ..rvicQ& set
forth herein shall be given at the Airport during COKAIR'S
normal working hours prior to the eftective date of this
Agreement. . Such training shall be coordinated between
COMAIR's local ManAger and the instructor. provided by the
carrier. Carrier will reimburse COMAIR for all traininq costs
COMAIR incurs, as a result of training required by Carrier or
COMAIR in accordance with this Agreement. Carrier will
provide complet~-sets of any manuals necessary to conduct such
training, and Carrier will maintain such manuals or other
written instructions in a current state in accordance with its
normal procedure. during the term of this Agreement. Carrier
shall provide necessary forms, documents, and training for
their use. COMAIR shall be entitled to rely upon t.he manuals,
documents, and other materials furnished by Carrier as being
correct, ourrent, and applicable to the services provided
under this Agreement. In case of conflict between COMAIR's
and Carrier's normal operating procedures, COMAIR procedures
will b. utilized.
carrier shall not make any alterations to or improvements in
the premises, including but not limited to signs and
advertising materials, without the written approval of COMAIR
and the Airport governing body.
All notices and communications under or with re.pect to this
Agreelllant shall be sufficiently qiven it .ent by unit.d stat..
Registered or certified Mail addr....d as specified below or
to .uch other address as .ither party may spacify to 'the oth.r
in writing durinq the term of this Aqree.ent..
vice President custo..r Servio..
Greater Cincinnati Int'l Airport
P.o. Box 75021
cinoinnati, Ohio 45275
carrier: Thomas L. Cooper, presid.nt
Gulf.tream International Airline., Inc.
P.O. Box 777
Miami sprinqs, Florida 33266
9. This Agreement in ~ll respects is subject to all the
covenants, terms, provisions and condition8 of the lease in
effect, if any, between COMAIR and the Airport Operator to the
extent and in the manner applicable to the premises demised or
.ervice. provided hereunder, it beinq understood that Carrier
is directly responsible for the payment of any fees and
chilrgcs 3Gcocccd by the Airport for landing or use of the
Airport or Airport facilities.
10. A.
carrier shall procure and maintain in full force and
effect dur"inq the term of this Agreement policies ot
insurance; of the types of coverage, in the minimum
amounts, with companies and under terms and conditions
satisfactory to COMAIR as follows:
1. All risk hull insurance on an agreed value basis,
not to exceed replacement value.
2. Comprehensive qeneral liability (premises, and
contractual) covering aircraft and property damaqa
in the amount not l.s. than $20,000,000.00 per
occurrence. Passenger, bodily injury, baggage and
cargo liability shall be contained in the first
$10,000,000.00 of this coverage.
3. Worker's compensation for statutory limit. per
4. Employer'. 1 iab!l i ty in an amount not 1... than
$20,000,000.00 per aocident.
B.' Carrier shall cause the polioies of insurance described in
this Agreement to be duly and properly endor.e~ by carrier's
insurance underwriters as follows:
1. As to pOlicies of insurance described in Articles
10 A.l, A.2, A.3, A.4, A.5, A.6, (a) to provide
that any ~aiver of rights of subrogation against
other parties by carrier will not affect the
coverage_ provided hereunder with respect to
COMAIR;- and (b) to provide that Carrier'S
underwriters shall waive all Subrogation rights
against COMAIR, its directors, officers, employees
and agents without regard to any breach of warranty
on the part of carrier.
2. As to policies of insurance described in Articles
10 A.2, A.5, A.6,: (a) to provide that COMAIR, its
directors, officers, employees and agants shall be
endorsed as additional named insured parties
thereunder; and (b) to provide that said insurance
shall be primary insurance.
3. As to policies of insurance dascribad in Article 10
A.2: (a) to provide a cross-liability claus. .a
though aeparate policies ~ere issued tor COMAIR and
carrier and their respective directors, officar.,
a.ployaas and agents; and (b) to provida
oontractual liability insurance coveraga for
liability assumed by Carrier under thi. Agr....nt.
4 . As to any insurance obtained fro. toreiqn
underwriters, to provide that COMAIR ..y ..tntain
against said underwriters a direct aotion 1n the
United states upon said insurance policies and to
this end provide a standard sarvioe of auit clause
da.iqnatinq a United stat.s attorney in Waahlnqtoft,
D.C., or New York, )taw York.
carrier ahall cau.. each of the insurance polici.. to be duly
and properly endors.d to provide that said poliQY or policies
or any part or parts thereof shall not be canceled, terminated
or materially altered, changed or amended by Carrier's
insurance underwriters, until after thirty (30) days written
notice to COMAIR which thirty (30) days notice shall commence
to run from the date such notice is actually received by
D. Not later- than the effective date of this Agreement,
Carrier shall furnish COMAIR evidence satisfactory to
COMA:tR of the aforesaid insurance coverage and
endorsements, including certificates certifying that the
afor.said insurance policy or policies with the aforesaid
limits are duly and properly endorsed as aforesaid and
are in full force and effect. Initially, this evidence
shall be certificates of the policies required hereunder.
E. In the event Carrier fails to maintain in full force and
effect any of the insurance and endorsements, COMAIR
shall have the right (but not the obligation) to prooure
and maintain such insurance or any part thereof. The
cost of such insurance shall be payable by Carrier to
COMAIR upon demand by COMAIR. The procure..nt of such
insurance or any part thereof by COMAIR do.. not
discharge or excuse Carrier'. obli9a~ion to co.ply with
the provisiona ..t out herein. Carrier agrees no~ to
cancel, terminate or materially alter, change or a..nd
any of the policies until after providing thirty (30)
days advance written notice to COMAIR ot Carrier's intent
to ao cancel, terminate or .a~eriallY alter, chanqe or
amend .aid policies of ins~rance, which ~hirty (30) days
notioe period ahall commenoe to run fro. the date notice
is actually received by COMAIR.
. 11
Except as provided in Paragraph "B", Carrier shall be
liable for and hereby agrees fully to defend, release,
discha.rge, ind.emnify, and hold hannles8 COMAIR, itG
directors, officers, employees and agents from and
against any and all claims, demands, damages,
liabilities, actions, causes of actions, losses, costs
and expenseS of any nature whatsoever (inClUding
investigation and witness costs and expenses and
attorneys' fees and expenses) to the extent such arise
out of or a~e attributable to the performance, improper
performance or non-performance of any and all services to
be undertaken by COMAIR or Carrier pursuant to this
Agreement, or the operation, non-operation or improper
operation of Carrier's aircraft, equipment or faeilities
at any location, excluding only claims, demands, damages,
liabilities, actions, causes of action, losses, costs and
expenses resulting from the gross negligence or willful
misconduct of COMAIR, its directors, officers, agents or
employees. Carrier will do all things necessary to cause
and assure, and will cause and assure that carrier will
at all times be and remain in custody and control of any
aircraft, equipment and faciliti.s of carrier, and
COMAIR, its directors, officers, and agents
shall not, for any reason, he deem.d to be in the custody
or control, or a bailee, of carrier's aircraft, equipment
or facilities.
B. COMAIR shall be liable tor and hereby agr... fully to
def.nd, release, discharge, ind.mnify, and hold harml...
Carri.r, ita directors, ofticer., a9.nt. or ..ploy..s
fro. and against any and all clai.s, d..and., 4a..9..,
liabilities, actions, caus.. of act10ns, 10...., coata
and .xpenses ot any nature whatsoever (includin9
investigation and witn... costa and .xpenses and
attorneys' fe.. and expense.) to the extent (i) such
aris. out ot or are attributable to the gros.
or willful_i.conduct of COMAIR, its director., officer.,
ag.nt. or employ..s, (il) .uch clai. i8 .ad. b~ or on
behalf of any director, officer, aq.nt or caploy.. of
COMAIR and is of any type normally covered by wor~an's
compensation insurance.
c. COMAIR and Carri.r agree to cOJIlply with all rule.,
regulations, directives and similar instructions ot
appropriate governmental, judicial and ac:bQinistrative
entities, including but not limited to airport
authorities, and the Federal Aviation Administration (and
ita successor agencies).
o. COHAIR agrees to provide eervice hereunder in a careful
and workmanlike manner, to the same standard. of
diligence as COMAIR provides such services for its own
operations. COMAIR shall comply with such reasonable
written specifications and procedure. as may be furnished
to COMAIR by Carrier or, in the absence thereof, in
accordance with COMAIR's standard procedures. other than
any warranties specifically contained in this Agreement,
COMAIR d:='sclaims and carrier hereby waives any
warranties, _ expressed or implied, oral or written,
including - but not limited to any warranty of
~erchantability or fitness for intended use relating to
any equipment, data, information or services furnished
hereunder. Carrier agrees that COMAIR is not liable to
Carrier or any other persons for consequential, punitive
or special damages under any circumstances.
The employees, agents and independent contractors of
Carrier are the employees, agents and independent
contractors of Carrier for all purposes and under no
circumstances shall be deemed to be, or shall be, the
employees, agents or independent contractors of COMAIR.
B. The employees, agents and independent contractors ot
COMAIR are the employees, agents and independent
contractors of COMAIR for all purposes and under no
ciroumstances shall be deemed to be, or shall be, the
employees, aqents or independent contractors ot Carrier.
12. A.
c. Eaoh party assume. full re.ponsibility for any and all
liability ~o its own employees on account ot injury, or
dea~h resultinq therefrom, sustained in the course of
their ..ployment. Each party, with respect to its own
employee., acc.p~. full and exclusive liability for the
payaent ot Worker'S Compensation or Eaployer'. Liability
tor insuranc. premiuas with re.pect to .uch ..ploy...,
and for the payment of all ~axe., contributiona or other
payments for un.mploym.n~ compensation or o~d age
benefits, pensions, annuities or other .i.ilar beneti~.
now or hereafter impo.ed upon employer. by any (jovermaent
or aC).nay thereof havinq juriacUotion in reapec~ ot auch
employee measured by the wages, salari.s, c01lpensatlon or
other remuneration paid to such employees, .ach party
alao agrees to make such payments and to make and file
all reports and returns ancl to do everythinq n.c..sllry to
comply with the laws imposinq such tax.s, contributions
or payments.
13. This Agreement hereby cancels and supersede& all prior
agreements, if any, between the partie. hereto, insofar as
said agre.ments have reference to the services identified in
Appendix "A" attached hereto and made a part hereof.
It the toregoing correctly sets forth our understanding, please so
indicate by siqning this Letter Agreement in the space provided
below and return two executed copies to the Vice President CUstomer
Services, COMAIR, Inc~, P.o. Box 75021, cincinnati, Ohio 45275.
~' . 0)\ "-~/ /
<::. ;;t' c:M/ /t.., 'LflL/,.:&too../
. 1nda D. Landers
vice President
CUstomer Services
Gultstream Interrational Airlines,
By ~ m.4--
President & C.E.O.
September 8~,1993
xey W..t
International Airport
~ A.1 ~/f>
~~ ~fY" ~ hi t?J
Service&, for the pUl:pose ot this Agreement, shall mean the
following activities:
A. Passenger Service
Carrier will handle all public contact aspects of the
Carrier's passengers service.
B. Ra~p/Operations Services
Receipt and dispatch of aircraft.
Load/unload baggage and company material and deliver to and
trom appropriate airport facilities.
Distribute loads in carqo holds accordinq to Carrier'.
Send and receive operational messages as mutually aqreed.
Power starts will be provided upon request, provided the unit
is not being utilized on COMAIR airoraft.
Marshall carriers aircraft to and trom parkin9 position.
C. "acilities
COMAIR will use its facilities to handle Carrier. Co~uter
t8X'11inals, teletypes, phone. and other equipaent required by
Carrier will be installed and maintained at Carrier's expenae.
Installation ot such equip.ent, i. .ubject to the written
approval ot COMAIIt. The expen_ ot JI04ifyiDCJ any of CiC*Ala'.
tacilitie. in order to install such equip.ent vill .. borne
entirely by Carrier. The installation of all such equipllen't or
facility modifications require the writt;en approval ot COIIAIR.
In the event this Agre..ent 1. terminated, Carrier ahall, at
its .ole expen.e, remove all such equipJMnt and retum the
facility to its original condition.
Installation ot Carrier'. siqns or other identification,
including display racks and promotional material, i. subject
to the written approval ot COMAIR, the Airport Authority and
will be paiel tor. by Carrier. Upon termination of this
Agreement, COMAIR reserves the right to have Carrier'. sign.
and other identifioation removed ana the facility re.tored to
its original condition at Carrier's expense.
The following rates and charges will apply per this Agr.e~ent.
A. Twenty Five u.s. Dollars ($25.00) per each turn of Beech 99
aircraft and Fifteen Dollars ($15.00) per each turn of Cessna
402 aircraft. A monthly minimum will be charqed based on a 85\
completion factor of all the flights scheduled for Carrier
durinq the perio~ of this contract, beginning October 1, 1993
at the rate of the Beech 99 aircraft.
B. A security deposit equal to one (1) month charqes will be
issued to COMAIR Inc. and held without interest in an account
until the termination of this contract. At that time, this
amount may be used as partial or full payment for the final
thirty (30) day period dependinq on the amount owed.
C. carrier agrees to notify COMAIR forty five (45) days prior to
any flight schedule change so that COMAIR !nay make the
necessary arrangements to properly handle Carrier. Carrier
also aqrees to modify said schedule if a conflict is present
with COMAIR's operation, or carrier aqrees to pay for
additional charges, if incurred by COMAIR due to adjustments
made, if any, to properly handle such operation.
D. All additional services not covered by this Agree.ent and
requested bY Carrier will be provided aubject to COMAIR'.
capability at current or reasonable ratea.
E. Carrier aqree. to provide all necessary or specialized
equipment to support carrier's operation at Airport.
APP:fNDIX "ell
Whereas section II{b) of the Agreement Relating to the Settlement
of Interline Accounts Through Airlines Claarin9 House, Inc., as
amended, provides for the settlement, through the Clearing House to
another, arising out of Transactions other than sales of
transportation, in every case where both debtor and creditor have
agreed in writinq to settle that type of account through the
Clearing House and the date on which such settlement shall begin,
and have filed a copy of said Agreement with the Clearing House;
and WHEREAS COMAIR, -INC. and Gulfstream International Airlines,
Inc., the parties hereto, are both members of Airlines Clearing
House, Inc. and both desire to settle through the Clearing House
certain accounts arising out of transactions other than sales cf
transportation, and to make it convenient to add additional
transactions of a non-transport natura to the list of those which
they presentlY desire to settle through the Clearing House; Now
therefore this memorandum of Agreement witnesseth that in
consideration of the mutual covenants and agreements herein
contained COMAIR, INC. and Gulfstream International Airlines, Inc.,
agree as follows:
1. with respect to transactions arising on and after October 1,
1993, they will settle through the Clearinq House accounts out of the following transactions: Ground Services and
other Transportation Services.
2. The settlement of accounts arising from the transactions
specified in section 1 hereof, or from such other transaotions
as the parties thereto may subs.quently agree to settle
through the Clearing House, shall in accordance with the
provisions of Section VII of the Manual ot Procedure ot
Airlines, Clearing House, Inc.
3. The parties hereto may, by an exchange ot correspondence, a
copy of which shall be furnished to the Clearing House, agr..
to settle, through the Clearing Hous., accounts arisinq out at
non-transport transactions other than t.hos8 specified in
section 1 hereof, and the date on which such .ettl~ht shall
4 . Ei t.her party t.o this Agreement shall have the riqht, upon
qiving sixty (60) days advance notice in writing to the other
party and to the Clearing Hous., ot terminatinCJ thill Agreement
and thereby discontinuing settlement through the Cl.arinq
House with respect to the types of accounts specified
or agrees upon under section 3.