Resolution 389-1993 co Ct.... c:;::? 0 N ~) a.. ~, ,.-,,' ........ \0 '.' - ~ '-' ;::> ............ ~ ,--, ....... u..; CV'I P' l.._ -~ .........i u- , .~ xX Planning Department "s RESOLUTION NO. 389 -1993 ~'-l , 1.......-.. ... -- --- -. ..)"--" ~A~ESOLUTION CONFIRMING THE ADMINISTRATIVE B~NDARY INTERPRETATION OF THE PLANNING DIRECTOR IN LAND USE DISTRICT MAP BOUNDARY INTERPRETATION NUMBER 88, TRACT 21, SAN SOUCI SUBDIVISION, GRASSY KEY, MONROE COUNTY, FLORI- DA, APPROXIMATELY MILE MARKER 58.6. WHEREAS, the property described as Tract 21, San Souci Subdivi- sion, Grassy Key, Monroe County, Florida, is currently zoned Subur- ban Residential (SR); and as indicated in Staff Recommendation by Tiffany Stankiewicz and WHEREAS, the staff recommends denial of the boundary changes Steve Ferris dated August 11, 1992; and WHEREAS, the current Land Use district boundaries were not placed in error with the adoption of the September 15, 1986, Land Development Regulations, and therefore the subsequent maps were not in error, as they did follow the previous demarcated Suburban Residential (SR) boundary; and NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA THAT: 1) The action of the Planning Director, which recommends denial of a boundary change in Land Use District Map Boundary Interpreta- tion Number 88t dated October / , 1993, is hereby found to be in conformance with the standards set forth in Section 9.5-3(m), Monroe County Code, and therefore approved; and that 2) The above described property zoning boundary for Tract 21, San Souci Subdivision, shall remain as Suburban Residential (SR); and that 3) The above conclusion of law, is predicated upon the finding of facts and conclusions outlined in the staff recommendation which this Board hereby adopts as its own. 4) The Clerk of the Board is hereby directed to forward a certified copy of this Resolution to the Monroe County Planning Department. 5) The Clerk of the Board is hereby directed to forward a certified copy of this resolution to the Florida Department of Community Affairs. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at regular meeting of said Board held on the 19th day of October , A.D., 1993. Mayor London Mayor Pro Tern Cheal Commissioner Harvey Commissioner Freeman Commissioner Reich yes yes no yes no ...-'.-- COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COUNTY, FLORIDA '- ~4~. (SEAL) Attest: Danny L. Kolhage, Clerk BY:.Ooo.A....l t. ~ Deputy Clerk By, 2 ~ E M 0 RAN DUM To Through: Lorenzo Aghe~anning Director Steve Ferri~~ting Development Review /' / " coor,9:i~ov' , / 1,// /, Planning Technician /,i>'i?j;// // ,/ ,,' / / / / " " ' From: Tiffany Stankiewicz, Date: August 11, 1992 RE: An application for a Boundary Determination has been completed. Listed below are the recommended findings & conclusions. II SUMMARY OF INFORMATION AND DOCUMENTARY EVIDENCE (ATTACHED) Application by Whispering Pines. A copy of the Land Use District Map PROPOSED. A copy of the REDI Strip Maps, 24th Edition, 1989, page 165. A copy of the REDI Aerial Photo Map Atlas from the 27 Edi- tion, dated 1992, at a scale of 1" = 300', page 16-30. A copy of Monroe County Zoning Maps Pre-September 15, 1986, page 234. A copy of the Land Use District Map signed by Charles Pattison, page 12. A copy of the Land Use District Map signed by Donald Craig, page 214. A copy of the Existing Conditions Map of the scale 1" = 2,000', page 4, dated July 2, 1985. A copy of variance approval dated Jan. 26, 1986, for tract 21, San Souci Subd., Grassy Key. III RECOMMENDED FINDINGS OF FACT The current zoning of the land is Suburban Residential (SR). The previous zoning (before September 15, 1986) of the prop- erty was General Use (GU). The July 2, 1985, Existing Conditions Map denotes tract 21, San Souci Subd. as single family low density. Tracts 22 & 23, San Souci Subd. are denoted on the Map as mobile homes high density. A review of the records found that the Board of County Commission did not specifically consider tract 21 during the preparation of the Land Use District Maps. However, the Board of County Commissioners did specifically consider Tracts 22 & 23, San Souci Subd. for a zoning designation of BWHISP.01/TXTDR,August 11, 1992 Urban Residential Mobile Home District (URM). On December 11, 19"85, the Board of County Commissioners approved Tracts 22 & 23 to be designated as URM. The records show that in 1968 that Harry Drake was the owner of tract 21. In 1968, Mr. Drake applied for and received special use approval to place one mobile home on tract 21. In July 1988, Barabara Gomez, Monroe County Planner, completed a Mobile Home Park Study which was undertaken as a result of the 1987, community Assistance Visit by FEMA. The Planner visited the 234 mobile home parks in Monroe County. At each site the mobile homes were counted and color coded on a map. The study indicated that in July of 1988, there were no mobile homes located on tract 21, San Souci Subd. The records show that the mobile homes presently on tract 21, where not legally permitted. The building permit appli- cations submitted for the placement of mobile homes con- tained incorrect information. Had the applicant correctly filled out the building permit application the permit would not have been issued. The permits were revoked by the Build- ing Official on May 5, 1992. That decision is currently under appeal. The fact that mobile homes were or were not legally placed on tract 21 is an irrelevant issue for a boundary determina- tion. The Pattison Maps and the current Land Use District Maps designate tracts 22 & 23, San Souci Subd. as Urban Residen- tial Mobile Home (URM) and tract 21, San Souci Subd. as Sub- urban Residential (SR). IV RECOMMENDED DETERMINATION The officially adopted Land Use District Maps signed by Charles Pattison is precise and therefore tract 21, San Souci Subd. should remain zoned SR. The Boundary Determination is recommended for denial. If the applicants desire a zoning change then they may wish to submit an application for a Map Amendment. BWHISP.01/TXTDR,August 11, 1992 , , "" ,U Fl · ,/, ' .0~"', \ . , , , , , , ' , " , , , ' ., " , , , , ,,-" ;(' " ,,' , " , " ... ... " ... " " " ... " ... , ,," , " ... " " " , " " ", " ., '~" " '" " , " ;","", " ' ." "", '" ", " " .. " .. " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " , " ,-," ." SR .. .. .. .. .. " 'y""" '.. '\ ),/ ...../"'-, " "..,\./ /' ' '. r ,/ .// ,/ .......", , , , , , , , , , , , , " -' ~ / .. .. \. " '\. y \. \. \. )/ // \. \, " V ./ " " ')./ "..,/ " \....... ..... <: " ST"RArr ',' " "," /' " "....... ,- " \.,./"...... ... \''''''' ,- , " " " \....... / .. "" \. \. /v // .. Y " " " ,./ " " " ... " " " , , '. , , , ... \. :... '.' " IS ~ I C#U .. ~ Pwauant to S.ctlon 9.5-24(aH2Hh) of the Monro. County Cod.. the boundar'ea of the Land U.e Dlatrlct Map are Interpreted to be located as ind'cated above and briefly described aa: Remove the URM/SR boundary between Lots 21 & 22, San Souci Subd. and move the URM/SR boundary between Lots 21 & 20, San Souci S N 1 Director of Planning Sh.et# 214 K.y Grassv Oat. BOCC R.ao'utlon 1R _ 4Gu. PROPOSED _-------l ----------- , " , , , , " , >,~ R~" ,'~ .,,'~'~ /-~:-.. '\', ',', "', -' ',' ~" , , " , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ' \, , \, \, , " '\. y""'" '\ ' '\ '\ >/ //", ' ",...... ,/... , '\ '\. >-/...../ " ' '\. '\. ,..>/ /.......', ... ,." '\ /.................../', " ;,,/ \. " ~.........-' ,,</<: ", ", ",,'" \,\, \', ;.,," ,,," " ", \ " ;",.; '\. " '-y;/ /A/ " ",', "",,"'" ", " 'y)/ ......// ", '-', '" .....)(: '\ \,' \, \,,, " ,,' ,.; , , \, ,/" ,," ',', '....;<t, ,-" '\. \. \. y....... ,// ',"'; '\ " >/ ......./ ' ;'1.', '\ ,....... ....... 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"'r' .,~".~ ~ '-- .... -- -- \ '-,' --- '. --~ , .~ .---- --.-- ~ .---- \ ---- - -- --- -- --- -- --- N Land Use District Maps Monroe County, Florida Approved by B.C.C.C., February Pane. or Sheet# 12 File # 88 Applicant: Whispering Pines Key: Grassy @ 28,1986 I 1"= 600' I Nile Marker: 58.6 Fi; "U (q (\... <... 'f ,~ -\ !:!:.I '\ -\ (/) (/) '< ()...:. 0<" ~, -- :Z-) ~r', ~>".'\ ".:..'\,'.. Jw IO~~ 1010 uJuJ ~~~ q-~ C\I- uU wuJ lJ)lJ) ,...... 8 () II):? I/) ...,. . >- (\1 " ~i) .- t~ I) . ~~.. " ---"' ,- , ,::' <t$. -. :(>/'.. I {' '\...". ..!i; ."J:.':.'j "....,: ~ . . . ~ .~ .~ .0 ., I b z N Strip Maps, Monroe County, Florida Real Estate Data, Inc. 24 Edltion,19 89 Panel or Sheet#' 165 Applicant: Whispering Pines Key: Grassy 1"=_ I File#' 88 Mle Marker: 58.6 ' 11;.,4. ' , .'...:' u 'YX w ,',,,;;'''''t.:•••.:,...1.::""4".1.;-7' l''' . si R? 5' �iti' y 4 t_ s f .}'C r R i.� r x i , :. r a (;0 i T�nrt.. ,P �i_�,y - ♦ N m tom✓ .W�1 �-U.M 4 v'-� 4z r • r. 4 is Y^� Nili} +iii _ / Y S , 3 f 0t • i \ l �` s !* f ,,.. ',:11.,.4:1./:,,-"1,.::' :• f' •tc1:1.:t.":): 1.:. !' „i -. I 1 ���. Nit S..:0.., *4 "k � .. ��{ �J V • � ... g,-Q��. ,,, -. ' . ': S r {. 7► y a .'.'+i d �..- f`'` _��.:- _ - •R"Qr>+ter- ! ,:w" ,,a•;.ce Aeri �� a:�s cnroe F ounty, Florida N Real Estate Data, Inc. 27 Edition,l9 92 !. - Pane! or Sheet# 16-19 File# 88 Applicant: Whispering Pines ' Key: Grassy Mile Marker: 58.6 ,. , , ~() sv ~. \~o ~ I?,/ ~rr <<fQ v <... , '- ~ :.. N 4 t Monroe County Zoning Maps Pre-September 15,1986 . 1"=200' Panel or Sheet# 234 Applicant: Whispering Pines Key: Grassy Flle# 88 Mile Marker: 58.6 r 30 N J t '1 "=2000' I Existing Land Conditions Maps Monroe County, Florida July 2,1985 Pane. or Sheet# 4 Applicant: Whispering Pines Key: Grassy Flle# 88 Mile Marker: TOM' 58.6 RESOLUTION IIHEREAS, TE[ laCE. I' I\RD OF mrJPOE COUNTY. FtORlnA Held a Public Hearinq on ( . duly called and tielp in accordance ..:ith the Zoninl' Reoulations of r1onroe County, from classification to s defined in the r.lonroe County Zonin~ Peljulations and UlIEREAS, after talUn" testimony for and against said reouest said Board detennined that said request should be !.1ft~ i:Ot;, THEREFORE, GE IT RESOLVED BY mE zmm:G BOARD courny, FLORIDf\ that tne request of from to{J~ RegUlat~. and ~ ~y Date_~t5 ,2~ STATE 0 FLORIDA COUllTY OF r.1QtlnOE defined in the rionroe County Zonir.~ l~/~ l~ ;;R APPLICATION FOR LAND USE DISTRICT MAP DETERMINATION APPLICANT Whispering Pines PHONE # (305) 852-3388 ADDRESS c/o Mattson & Tobin KEY P.O. Box 586 Key Largo, FL 33037 Bayside MM 58.6 OCEANSIDE OR BAYS IDE? SUBDIVISION San Souci Subdivision PLAT BOOK 2 PAGE 140 BLOCK N/A LOT(S) Tract 21 MISC. LOCATION INFORMATION (ATTACH EXTRA SHEET IF NECESSARY) Mile Marker 58.6, Grassy Key, FL REQUEST CHA}IGE FROM REASON FOR REQUEST: SR TO URM See attached PRESENT LAND USE: Trailer Park DESCRIPTION OF EVIDENCE SUPPORTING REQUEST: Charles Pattison Map, Donald L. Craig Map, Mattson & Tobin letter to Herbert Rabin SIGNATURE 6/9/92 DATE ~-f /1,/1/2- , Fee paid R, C, C:"F~. ~ ' ..... . ) .....d. ~J ~j ~-~ . .,', ,.' ORIGINAL :~L/..;-,:: ,~,.;.~ '- . L.'- LC:.,~<:> :__'-... ._~. :., ~1:-~ ,":.'-' REASON FOR REQUEST According to the official Pattison maps, the property is located in a URM district. The Pattison maps are scaled at 1" to 600 feet, and show a 300' URM district. The craig maps are scaled at 1" to 200 feet, and show a 200' URM district, which omitted tract 21 from the URM district. A mapping error occurred in that tract 21 should have been included in the URM district. 1 " ;/ ;/ ;/ ;/ \ ;/ \;/ ;/ \ ;/ \;/ ;/ \ , ;/ \ \ ;/ \ y ;/ \;/ ;/ .>.. '\ ;/ ,," \ \,;/ ;/ /\ \ ;/ "). ;/;/ ,," "\ '<' ;/ ,," \ \;/ ;/ ,.. \ \ ;/ ,.. "'\ V ;/ ,.. \;/ ,..'" \ if ;/ ,.. \ \ ;/ ,..'" \ \;/ ,.. \;/ ,.. " ,.. ,.. ,.. ,.. ,.. ,.. ,.. " " , ,," ,..\ , ~CI) ~;lj / / / / / / / / / / ~ -<: - , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , /, / , / , , , , (..) ~ )> -; () I -; o (\J -..J. W - ~ , ' ,,-' " y . . I..., '- ~ -<.. . '\ ~' \~ \ \ , , \-- -- \'d ~ ?-- ,. .. 'O~ f'1i I, ,,-< I ,/ ' t' ~ \ :' \1 \ ...... I \ \ ~ II ,~ r) \ -.. ~ ~ 0 \ I' ~~ \ , - --- \\ CIJ \~ -----~~-- ~_~.---o::::)' ..~ ~.' c --/-/ ~,~- ----""""'--- ,.' ."...'.'\ ! J \ \ (- ) \=" \ \ )~. \ ~.'4 ~., "- , " " -- ~,' -- -- ........... . ' --- ~ " ~ '" \ ~~, . ~ \ ~ \~~ ' ,) ~ !. \ ~ ", LAND USE So ENVIRONMENTAL LAW INVERSE CONDEMNATION 5. CIVIL RIGHTS OIL 5. HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCE SPILLS ADMINISTRATIVE LAW MATT SON 0. TO 8 I N ATTORNEYS AT LAW A PARTNERSHIP OF PROFESSIONAL CORPORATIONS ","OST OFFICE BOX 5se FIRST STATE BANK BUILOING. MM 97 6 KEY LARGO, FLORIDA 33037 ..JAMES S. MATTSON. PH.D. ANDREW M. TOBIN TELEPHONE 305-852-3388 Mel MAIL 10 ::JZ6-1871 TELEX 650-::JZ6"671 Mel UW LINDA R. HOWE. CLA June 9, 1992 Mr. Herbert Rabin Building Official/Director 88820 Overseas Highway Tavernier, FL 33070 Re: Whispering Pines Dear Mr. Rabin: On behalf of our client, Whispering pines Trailer Park, I am responding to your letter of May 5, 1992, that directs the removal of trailers based on your conclusion that tract 21 is within an SR district. After reviewing the official Pattison maps, I am convinced that a mapping error occurred, and that Tract 21 should have been included in a URM district on the craig maps. By way of background, Whispering pines owns tracts 21, 22, and 23, in San Souci subdivision, each tract being 100 feet for a total of 300 feet on US 1. The Pattison maps, which are scaled at 1" to 600 feet, show a 300 foot URM district. The "unofficial" craig maps are drawn to a scale of 1" to 200 feet, and show the URM district as 200 feet. After discussing this matter with you yesterday, I am asking that you temporarily suspend your order to remove the trailers while this matter is considered by the Planning Director. If the craig maps were incorrectly drawn, this matter can be resolved without the need to pursue administrative or criminal proceedings which you have indicated may be forthcoming. I am providing you with copies of the Pattison and craig maps for your review. Thank you again for your cooperation in this matter. Sincerely yours, MATTSON & TOBIN ..,---r- / _ . .;; r ~ -:-c----. '/ ..-L--- r'=--' Andrew M. Tobin, Esq. For the Firm cc: Lorenzo Aghemo