Resolution 010-1979 RESOLUTION NO. 10-1979 WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, has received an application from Mr. Robert Kihnke to construct: 245 feet of vertical concrete seawall on his corner lot. The seawall will be located 5-10 feet below the present MHW line. Along the open water side of the property the seawall would be back from the edge of an existing access channel and on the Canal side of the property, the seawall would be at the edge of the vertical canal cut. Flat rocks (old sidewalk slabs) will be placed and the seawall constructed on these. This will be backfilled with 630 cubic yards of r.pck placed waterward of MHW. The project is located in Porpoise Point Subdivision. This is primarily a residential development with numerous, straight, dead-end canals opening to a natural bay. Substrate is crushed coral rock fill from canal dredging; this is vegetated primarily by saltbush (Baccharis ~.). Construction in the area is slight, less than 10% of the lots built on. The project site is a corner lot with one side on an open natural body of water and the other side on a man-made canal. The lot has been filled to approximately +4 feet MSL-with rock and marl. The banks have some rock rubble on them but fine material is washing out from behind the rubb1e~ The intertidal zone is unvegetated rock rubble. Subtida11y the rocky substrate was vegetated with dense colonies of Batophora sp. which extended to the edge of the channel where there was a narrow strip of turtle grass (Tha1assia testudinum) along the top edge of the channel. The seawall is to be located at the approximate MLW line, therefore, there will be negligible effect on the marine community. BE IT RESOLVED, by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, that said Board hereby given its approval for the construction of the above mentioned project. 3rd day of January 1979, at a regularly RESOLVED thi s scheduled meeting. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA BY- l:tZ0~ Ma;or-a~a. Chhrlnin~'" ~ ....~ .I~"""'"" - ---'-- ATTEST / Cl I HEREBY CERTifY that this document has been reviewed for legal suffi- ciency and that the same meets with my approYft).. //' . . By . ~L~4f . /' . Attorne:(s Office APPROVED ON BOOK -0 I-~.')l} PAGE~,