Resolution 015-1979RESOLUTION No. 15.=19 7 9 6-ZiE['.EAS, . the SHeriff of Monroe County, Florida, has previously recommended. that he be authorized to allow for County Prisoners, in addition to time credits, extra good time allowance for meritorious -conduct -of exceptional industry, in accordance with.the provisions of subsection (3).of Section 951.21, Florida Statutes as- of January 1, 1967 -, and VMEREAS, it is necessary for,the Board of County'Commissioners to adopt a Resolution'authorizing.such procedure, now therefore,. BE IT . RESOLVED BY THE, BOARD OF COUNTY CCE,2-IISSIONERS -OF, MONROE COUNTY, FLORID, that the Sheriff of Monroe, -County,, :.Florida, be -,and' he is hereby authorized to allow for the following county prisoner. Original Date New Release Date DIIKE LINARES 2-05-79. 1-21-79 CARL GREEN 2-14-79 1-15-79 . MARIO CAPUTO .2-07-79 1-23-79 JONATHAN JOHNS 1-23-79 1-13-79 . AUGUSTIN RIVERO 1=30-79 1-15779 In addition to time credits, extra good time allowance for meritorious. con-. duct of exceptional industry,,in accordance with -the provisions of subsection.(3) of.Section 951.21, made,by'said Sheriff from this date be, and the same are .hereby approved. Date: January. 16 , ..1.9 79 Monroe County Board of County Commission By .. ATTEST RALPH IHI , : CLERK OF THE BOARD Approved on Book Page SEAT, I HEREBY .CERTIFY that this document has been reviewed for legal' suffi= ciency and that the same meets aiu�l my aPProval..- By - . `Attorneys . Dffic� =