Resolution 021-1979 RESOLUTION NO. 21-1979 RESOLUTION IN RESPONSE TO CITY OF KEY ~mST'S DEMAND TO PROVIDE SCHOOL GUARDS WITHIN THE CITY LIMITS OF KEY WEST, FLORIDA. WHEREAS, the City of Key West, Florida, has, by its Resolution No. 78-131, demanded that the County provide school guards at all school areas within the City limits of Key West, Florida, and ~mEREAS, the County of Honroe has reviewed said reques t in light of Florida Statute 125 and the tax equalization study done on behalf of the County showing that the City is receiving in excess of $1.00 in return for each $1.00 paid in ad valorem taxes within the City of Key West, Florida, and WHEREAS, a review of the matter clearly shows that the policing of the streets of the City of Key West, Florida, pursuant to Florida Statute 316, is clearly a law enforcement/police func- tion in order to assure that proper legal control and enforcement of the laws of both the City and the State are carried out, and WHEREAS, the City of Key West is presently reviewing tax equalization for itself, now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, that the request of the City of Key West, Florida, demanding the County of Monroe to provide school guards in all school areas in the limits of the City of Key West, Florida, is hereby denied at this time. DATED January 16, 1979. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUN7 FLORIDA '-" .'~'.\'~" i(/ // > By .. ()<,~;z,~ L d 'Mayo ~r(~"':LlI"" --:::-- (Seal) Attest: ~.--- ."'" C i IY;:~"'~(;;;~ i//''';f .' I HEREBY CErnlFY that this document ;,) i'2\/ieVved Lir leg.]1 suffi- ciency and thJt the same meets with my appr~1. . ./ . d'.h /.~-;:/ /~/ - B ' /f>. .-",/._/,r /' /,~.,;;.. ~ Y _./ /~-~ /'-/ /:'/~~) Attorney's Office APPROVED ON ) .: 3..Q I) '1, _ ___ PAGE __:1 () , -- BOOK ~ c:::;; ....,.