Resolution 024-1979RESOLUTION NOz4 -1979 WHEREAS, it is necessary to increase items under the General Revenue Fund of the Monroe County Budget for the year 1978-79 to account for unanticipated funds received from other governmental agencies, and WHEREAS, the Board previously passed Resolution No. 248- 1978, which resolution the Board does wish to repeal, now, there- fore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, as follows: 1. That Resolution No. 248-1978 is hereby repealed. 2. That the General Revenue Fund of the Monroe County Budget for the year 1978-79, be, and the same is hereby increased by the sum of $729,784.00 as follows: (1) There is hereby created under "Revenue" in the General Revenue Fund of the Monroe County Budget for the year 1978-79, an item to be known as Item #331.521 CETA II D PSE, which said item shall contain the sum of $729,784.00 (2) The following increase is hereby authorized under "Expenditures" in the General Revenue Fund of the Monroe County Budget for the year 1978-79. Item #3402.551.12.01 Item #3402.551.21.01 Item #3402.551.22.01 Item #3402.551.23.01 Item #3402.551.24.01 Item #3402.551.12.02 Item #3402.551.13.02 Item #3402.551.21.02 Staff Salaries Staff FICA Staff Retirement Staff Group Insurance Staff Workmen's Compensation Participant Wages Participant Wages Non -Payroll Participant FICA Page 1 of 3 Pages $ 16,323.00 $ 1,001.00 $ 1,485.00 $ 398.00 $ 611.00 $ 418,184.00 $ 15,744.00 $ 25,487.00 r APPROVED Oti__-_�.-� BOOK s-, t j Item #3402.551.22.02 Participant Retirement $ 37,836:00 Item .#3402.551..23.02 Participant Group Insurance $ 18,179.00 Item #3402.551.24.02 Participant Workmen's Compen- $ 28,064.00 sation Item #3402.551.31.06 Medical and Surgical Supplies $ '1,186.00 and Expenses Item #3402.551.34 Contractual.Services $. 35,000.00 (Training) Item #3402.551.40.01. :Travel (Local) $, 4,401.00 Item #3402..551.40.02 Travel. (Out -of -Town) $.- 1,600.00 Item #3402.551.41 Communications $ 684.00 Item #3402.551.44 Rentals $ 3,468.00 Item #3402.551.45 Insurance and Bonds $ 600.00 Item #3402.551.46.02 Maintenance and Equipment $ 482.00 Item #3402.551..49.24 Advertising. $ 1;098.00 Item #3402.551.51 Office Supplies $ 5310.00 Item #3402.551.51.01 Postage ". $ 500.00 Item #3402.551.51.02 Printing $ 1,519.00 Item #3402.55l..51.03 Printing and Reproduction $ 11000-00 Supplies Item 1[3402.551.52:01 Gasoline, Oil, etc: $: 1,647.00 " Item'#3402.551.54.02 Subscriptions $ 350.00 Item #3402.551.64 Equipment (Furniture)" $ 200.:00 Item ��3402.551.64.02 Equipment (Special Furni- $ 1;466.00 ture) Item #2902.551..12 Salaries $ 88,66.3.00 Item #2902.551:21 FICA $ 5,435:.00 Item #2902.551.22 Retirement $ 8,069.00 Item #2902.551.23 Group Insurance $ 3,525.00 Item #29,02.551.24 Workmen's Compensation $ 5,049.00 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED BY SAID BOARD that the Clerk of said Board be, and, :that upon receipt -:of. the above unanticipated funds,., Page 2 of..3 Pages he is hereby authorized and directed to place said funds in said items, as set forth above. Attest: DATED January 30, 1979. er BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNT FLOP JDA By (Seal) I HEREBY CERTIFY tl�-it this document has been reviic-,,ve" t,-;; ciency and that t!,e same meets with my ap,)rova1.-,, By Attorney's Office .-Page 3 of 3 Pages