Resolution 029-1979 RESOLUTION NO.29 -1979 RESOLUTION TRANSFERRING FUNDS WHEREAS, it is necessary for the Board of County Commis- sioners of Monroe County, Florida, to make budgeted transfers previously set up in the Monroe County Budget for the year 1978- 79, and to create new items under said Budget, now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COt1MISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, that the budgeted transfers previously set up in the Monroe County Budget for the year 1978-79, in the amounts hereinafter set forth be transferred to and from the following accounts: GENERAL REVENUE FUND Transfer from Item #2300.537.12.01, Salaries, the sum of $,11 to Item #2300.537.12,01, Salaries Anti-Recession, Transfer from Item #2400.542.12.01, Salaries Anti- Recession, the sum of $.02 to Item #2400.542.12,00, Salaries. Transfer from Item #1807.564,12.01, Salaries Anti- Recession, the sum of $.04 to Item #1807.564.12.00, Salaries, Transfer from Item #910.562,52,01, Gasoline, the sum of $265.20 to Item #910.562.52.01, Anti- Recession Gasoline, Transfer from Item #920.572,43.00, Utilities, bhe sum of $2,601,57 to Item #920.572.43.00, Anti- Recession Utilities, Transfer from Item #0000.584.00.00, Contingency, the sum of $9,223.59 to Item #0000.584,00,00, Anti-Recession Contingency, Transfer from Item #910,562,52.09, Clothing and Wearing Apparel, the sum of $336.53 to Item #910.562.42.11, Food and Dietary, Transfer from Item -iF1423. 526.64,00, Capital Outlay Equipment, the sum of $10,061.00 to Item #0000.584,00,00, Contingency. Transfer from Item #0000.584,00.00, Contingency, the sum of $10,066.00 to Item #1423.526,64.00, Capital Outlay Equipment, Transfer from Item #100,511.12.00, Salaries, the sum of $.11 to Item #100.511.12.01, Salaries Anti-Recession. Page 1 of 8 Pages APPROVED Gr't___ _L~~ ~L__---- BOOK _..___~__._-~--, F'l,GE -d. {) ~ - Transfer from Item #201.513.12,01, Salaries Anti-Recession, the sum of $,01 to Item #201,513,12,00, Salaries Anti-Recession. Transfer from Item #300,514.12,00, Salaries, the sum of $,16 to Item #300.514,12.01, Salaries Anti-Recession. Transfer from Item #202.516.12,01, Salaries Anti- Recession, the sum of $.03 to Item #202,516,12.00, Salaries. Transfer from Item #203,519,12,00, Salaries, the sum of $,11 to Item #203.519.12,01, Salaries Anti-Recession, Transfer from Item #204.516,12.00, Salaries, the sum of $.05 to Item #204,516.12.01, Salaries Anti-Recession, Transfer from Item #601.516.12.01, Salaries Anti- Recession, the sum of $.02 to Item #702,519.12.00, Salaries, Transfer from Item #901,519.12,01, Salaries Anti- Recession, the sum of $.03 to Item #901,519.12.00, Salaries, Transfer from Item #902,519,12.00, Salaries, the sum of $,05 to Item #902.519.12,01, Salaries Anti- Recession. Transfer from Item #903,519.12,01, Salaries Anti- Recession, the sum of $.04 to Item #903.519.12.00, Salaries. Transfer from Item #1001,515.12,00, Salaries, the sum of $,05 to Item #1001,515,12.01, Salaries Anti-Recession. Transfer from Item #1200.553.12,00, Salaries, the sum of $,05 to Item #1200.553.12,01, Salaries Anti-Recession, Transfer from Item #1002.524.12,00, Salaries, the sum of $,01 to Item #1002.524,12.01, Salaries Anti-Recession, Transfer from Item #1401.525.12,01, Salaries Anti- Recession, the sum of $.05 to Item #1401.525.12,00, Salaries, Transfer from Item #1801,564,12.00, Salaries, the sum of $.11 to Item #1801.564.12,01, Salaries Anti-Recession. Transfer from Item #1803.564,12.01, Salaries Anti- Recession, the sum of $,06 to Item #1803.564.12.00, Salaries, Transfer from Item #920.572.12,00, Salaries, the sum of $,.04 to Item #920,572,12.01, Salaries Anti- Recession, Page 2 of 8 Pages Transfer from Item #0202.516.64,00, Capital Outlay Equipment, the sum of $0201.513.64,00, Capital Outlay Equipment. Transfer from Item #1807.564,46.02, Maintenance of Equipment, the sum of $35.00 to Item #1807,564.31.06, Medical and Surgical Expenses. Transfer from Item #902.519.43.00, Utilities, the sum of $1,417,50 to Item #903,519.64,00, Capital Outlay Equipment, Transfer from Item #902.519.43,00, Utilities, the sum of $1,511,10 to Item #902.519,64,00, Capital Outlay Equipment, Transfer from Item #930.572,34,00, FRS Contractual Services, the sum of $6,000.00 to Item #930,572,62.01, Capital Outlay Buildings. Transfer from Item #3404.551.46.02, Maintenance of Equipment, the sum of $5,78 to Item #3404.551.52,09, Clothing, Transfer from Item #3404,551,52.04, Tools and Small Implements, the sum of $27.99 to Item #3404,551.49,00, Miscellaneous Supplies. Transfer from Item #3402.551.12.02, Participant Wages, the sum of $506.58 to Item #3402.551,13.00, Salaries Non-Payroll. Transfer from Item #3402.551.22.02, Participant Retirement, the sum of $1,022.76 to Item #3402,551,22.01, Staff Retirement, Transfer from Item #100,511,61.00, Capital Outlay Land, the sum of $200.00 to Item #100.511,73.00, Paying Agent Fees, Transfer from Item #0000.548.00,00, Contingency, the sum of $19,299,00 to Item #0100.511.49.26, Payments by Order. Transfer from Item #0000,548.00.00, Contingency, the sum of $7,400,00 to Item #0931.572,62,00, Capital Outlay Buildings. Transfer from Item #1810,564.11.00, Salaries By Law, the sum of $13,585,60 to Item #1810,564.12.00, Salaries. Transfer from Item #1806.564,41.00, Communications, the sum of $300.00 to Item #1806,564,51.00, Office Supplies, Transfer from Item #0911,562,51,00, Office Sup- plies, the sum of $7,50 to Newly Created Item #0911,562.40.00, Travel. Transfer from Item #0910.562.45,00, Insurance and Bonds, the sum of $239.00 to Item #0911,562,45.00, Insurance and Bonds, Transfer from Item #0920.572.12.00, Salaries, the sum of $4,935.41 to Item #0920.572,13,00, Salaries Non-Payroll. Page 3 of 8 Pages Transfer from Item #0930,572.34.00, Contractual Services, the sum of $155.80 to Newly Created Item #0930,572.62,00, Capital Outlay Buildings. Transfer from Item #0931,572,62,00, Capital Outlay Buildings, the sum of $22,50 to Newly Created Item #0931,519,40,00, Travel. Transfer from Item #1001,515.51.00, Office Sup- plies, the sum of $3.58 to Newly Created Item #1001.515.49,00. Miscellaneous Supplies. Transfer from Item #1002,524,51,00, Office Sup- plies, the sum of $10,75 to Item #1002,524.54.02, Subscriptions, Transfer from Item #0100,511,49.24, Advertising, the sum of $1,975,94 to Item #1100.519.48,01, Promotional Advertising, Transfer from Item #1200,553,40,00, Travel, the sum of $100,00 to Item #1200.553.52.01, Gasoline and Oi 1. Transfer from Item #1401,525,44.00, Rentals, the sum of $100,00 to Item #1401.525,45.00, Insurance and Bonds, Transfer from Item #0000.584,00.00, Contingency, the sum of $4,726.50 to Item #1427.526,13.00, Salaries Non-Payroll, Transfer from Item #0000,584.00,00, Contingency, the sum of $50.00 to Item #1427,526,45.00, Insurance and Bonds, Transfer from Item #0000.584.00,00, Contingency, the sum of $184.95 to Item #1427.526,52,01, Gasoline and Oil. Transfer from Item #0000.584.00,00, Contingency, the sum of $228,70 to Item #1427,526,46,02, Maintenance of Equipment, Transfer from Item #2300,537.46.02, Maintenance of Equipment, the sum of $4,45 to Item #2300,537.52.09, Clothing, Transfer from Item #0201,513,64,00, Capital Outlay Equipment, the sum of $39,95 to Item #0201.513.64.01, Capital Outlay Under $100. Transfer from Item #0202.516,64.00, Capital Outlay Equipment, the sum of $46,00 to Item #0202.516,64,01, Capital Outlay Under $100. Transfer from Item #0920,572.64,00, Capital Outlay Equipment, the sum of $31.50 to Item #0920.572.64.01, Capital Outlay Under $100, Transfer firom Item #0000,584.00.00. Contingency, the sum of $5,510,96 to Item #0100,511,49.26, Payments by Order, Transfer from Item #0500.513.45,00, Insurance, the sum of $142,00 to Item #0100,511,45,00, Insurance, Page 4 of 8 Pages Transfer from Item #0100,511.51.00, Office Sup- plies, the sum of $41.00 to Item #0100,511.54,02, Subscriptions. Transfer from Item #0202.516.51.00, Office Sup- plies, the sum of $500,00 to Item #0201,513.51.00, Office Supplies. Transfer from Item #0203.519,51,00, Office Sup- plies, the sum of $10,00 to Item #0203,519.41,00, Communications, Transfer from Item #0203.519,51,00, Office Sup- plies, the sum of $5.14 to Item #0203.519,52.01, Gasoline. Transfer from Item #0603.516,34.00, Contractual Services, the sum of $500.00 to Item #0603,516,43.00, Utilities, Transfer from Item #0701.519,51,00, Office Sup- plies, the sum of $41,00 to Newly Created Item #0701.519,54.02, Subscriptions, Transfer from Item #0702,519,12.00, Salaries, the sum of $17.40 to Item #0702,519,13,00, Salaries Non-Payroll, Transfer from Item #0702,519,51,00, Office Sup- plies, the sum of $285.00 to Item #0702.519,44,00, Rentals. Transfer from Item #0802,521.51.00, Office Sup- plies, the sum of $3,38 to Item #0802,521,44,00, Rentals, Transfer from Item #0920.572.51.00, Office Sup- plies, the sum of $2.20 to Item #0920,572,41,00, Communications. Transfer from Item #0902,519.46.02, Maintenance of Equipment, the sum of $108.00 to Item #0901,519,64,00, Capital Outlay Equipment. Transfer from Item #0910.562,45,00, Insurance and Bonds, the sum of $500.00 to Item #0910,562,46,01, Maintenance of Buildings. Transfer from Item #0902.519.64.00, Capital Outlay Equipment, the sum of $1,511.10 to Item #0902,519.44.00, Rentals. Transfer from Item #0903.519,64,00, Capital Outlay Equipment, the sum of $1,417.50 to Item #0903,519.44,00, Rentals, Transfer from Item #902,519.62,00, Capital Outlay the sum of $1,993,00 to Item #902,519,62.00, FRS Capital Outlay, Transfer from Item #920,572,43,00, Utilities, the sum of $10,305,00 to Item #920.572,43,00, FRS Utilities, Page 5 of 8 Pages Transfer from Item #1802.564,31,03, County Nursing Home, the sum of $4,365.00 to Item #1802.564,31.03, FRS County Nursing Home, Transfer from Item #1803.564,12,00, Salaries, the sum of $44,219.00 to Item #1803,564,12,00, FRS Salaries, Transfer from Itemff1803.564.49,21, Medicine and Drugs, the sum of $3,759.00 to Item #1803.564.49.21, FRS Medicine and Drugs, Transfer from Item #2200,573,34.00, Contractual Services, the sum of $10,000,00 to Item #2200.573,34.00, FRS Contractual Services. Transfer from Item #2400.542,34,00, Contractual Services, the sum of $25,941.00 to Item #2400.542.34,00, FRS Contractual Services, Transfer from Item #2500.579,64,00, Capital Outlay Equipment, the sum of $217,281,51 to Item #2500,579,64,00, FRS Capital Outlay Equipment, SUPPLEMENT TO GENERAL REVENUE FUND Transfer from Item #2600,571.64,00, Capital Outlay Equipment, the sum of $237.94 to Item #2600,571.64,01, Capital Outlay Under $100, AIRPORT DEVELOp~mNT AND REPLACEMENT FUND Transfer from Item #2402.542,62,00, Capital Outlay Buildings, the sum of $54,40 to Item #2402,542,59.24, Advertising. AIRPORT OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE FUND Transfer from Item #2401,542,51,00, Office Supplies, the sum of $25.00 to Newly Created Item #2401,542.54,01, Dues and Membership, Transfer from Item #2401,542,12,01, Salaries Anti- Recession, the sum of $.05 to Item #2401.542.12,00, Salaries, CARD SOUND BRIDGE FUND Transfer from Item #3200.541,12,01, Salaries Anti- Recession, the sum of $.10 to Item #3200.541,12,00 Salaries, Transfer from Item #3200,541.64,00, Capital Outlay Equipment, the sum of $32.95 to Item #3200,541,64,01, Capital Outlay Equipment Under $100, MUNICIPAL SERVICE TAX DISTRICT FUND Transfer from Item #970,534,12,00, Salaries Anti- Recession, the sum of $,04 to Item #970,534.12,00, Salaries, Page 6 of 8 Pages Transfer from Item #973,534,12,01, Salaries Anti- Recession, the sum of $,03 to Item #973,534,12,00, Salaries, Transfer from Item #971,534,12.00, Salaries the sum of $273.26 to Item #971,534.12,01, Sa1a~ies, Anti-Recession, Transfer from Item #976.534.64.00, Capital Outlay Incinerator, the sum of $90,063.25 to Item #976.534.62,00, FRS Capital Outlay Buildings. Transfer from Item #0000,584.00.00, Contingency, the sum of $272.90 to Newly Created Item #0970,534,24,00, Unemployment Compensation. Transfer from Item #0000,584.00.00, Contingency, the sum of $125,00 to Item #0970,534.45,00, Insurance, Transfer from Item #0970,534,49.24, Advertising, the sum of $18.69 to Item #0971,534,59,24, Advertising, Transfer from Item #0000,584.00,00, Contingency, the sum of $34.56 to Item #0973,534,25.00, Un- employment Compensation, Transfer from Item #0975.534,40.00, Travel, the sum of $5,000.00 to Item #0975,534,46,01, Maintenance of Equipment. MUNICIPAL SERVICE TAX DISTRICT #1 FUND Transfer from Item #1439,522,64.00, Capital Outlay Equipment, the sum of $100,00 to Newly Created Item #1439,522,45.00, Insurance. Transfer from Item #1439.522,64.00, Capital Outlay Equipment, the sum of $2,500.00 to Item #1439,522.62,00, Capital Outlay Buildings. Transfer from Item #1439,522,45,00, Insurance, the sum of $27,00 to Item #1439,522.64,00, Capital Outlay Equipment. MUNICIPAL SERVICE TAX DISTRICT #2 FUND Transfer from Item #1423,526,34,00, Contractual Ser- vices, the .sum of $1,084.91 to Item #1423.526,64.00, Capital Outlay Equipment. MUNICIPAL SERVICE TAX DISTRICT #3 FUND Transfer from Item #1434,522.64.00, Capital Outlay Equipment, the sum of $30,20 to Item #1434,522.52,04, Tools, Transfer from Item #1434.522.52,04, Tools and Small Implements, the sum of $30,20 to Item #1434.522.64.00, Capital Outlay Equipment. Page 7 of 8 Pages ROAD AND BRIDGE FUND Transfer from Item #0942,541,40,00. Auto Allowance and Travel. the sum of $300.00 to Item #0942,541.41,00, Communications, Transfer from Item #0940,541,64.00, Capital Outlay Equipment, the sum of $70.00 to Item #0942,541,64,01, Capital Outlay Under $100, Transfer from Item #0940,541,34.02, Contractual Ser- vices, the sum of $35,000,00 to Item #0940,541.64.02, Capital Outlay Equipment Lease Purchases. Transfer from Item #0940,541,12.01, Salaries Anti- Recession, the sum of $.02 to Item #0940.541.12.00, Salaries, Transfer from Item #0940,541,43,00, Materials, the sum of $10,968.00 to Item #0940.541,43.00, FRS Materials, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED BY SAID BOARD that the Clerk of said Board be, and he is hereby authorized to take the necessary action to effect the transfer of funds hereinabove set forth, DATED January 30, 1979. BO~.. OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF M01~OE C..OU.~,'~LO DA ,\ I / B . -... 101,-:-<-, l' ~ . Y L/ "'... . :-r' :/ a~ Attest :.----) ~ ~iAb (Seal) I HEREBY CERTIFY that this documerrt h{}s been reviewed for legal suffi- c'ency 2n~J that the same meets with my apP~.ovGtI. By .7 " ,./"',_,'::'#/' ~<.,/-'7 ~ . /,/ ,/ /" /hJ< ../' /i:;t'c?... L-.;' ,.,.. Attorney's Office Page 8 of 8 Pages