Resolution 031-1979RESOLUTION NO.31 -1979 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, TO EXECUTE A MODIFICATION AGREEMENT BY AND BETWEEN THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, AND KENSON, PHILLIPS, TRICE, CARR SMITH AND ASSOCIATES, INC. GRANTING AN EXTENSION OF TIME TO COMPLETE WORK KNOWN AS "WEST MARTELLO TOWER DEVELOPMENT, PHASE I PRO- JECT". BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, as follows: That the Chairman be authorized to execute a Modification Agreement by and between the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, and Kenson, Phillips, Trice, Carr Smith and Associates, Inc., a copy of same being attached hereto, granting an extension of time to complete work known as "West Martello Tower Development, Phase I Project". Passed and adopted by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting held on the 13th day of February, A.D. 1979. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTV, FTM By = r airman (Seal).. Attest: f:. er HEREBY CERTIFY that this document has b r? ; t t;; , ,:at' for C;2nc" ,; ti - x f � ,ai �k �., sa„ �e s�:�U�s�s with my d Va[ BY'�7 Attorney's Office APPROVED ON _t r. EDGE BOOK .�. BOOK '� MODIFICATION AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this 13th day of February , 1979, by and between the BOARD OF COUNTY COMMIS- SIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, hereinafter referred to as "Owner" and KENSON, PHILLIPS, TRICE, CARR SMITH AND ASSOCIATES, INC., hereinafter referred to as "Architect", WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, the parties previously entered into an Agreement dated November 22, 1977 (copy attached) for work known as "West Martello Tower Development, Phase I Project", and WHEREAS, due to circumstances beyond the control of either party additional time is required to complete the report, and WHEREAS, granting of said additional time will not jeopar- dize the Project, now, therefore, IN CONSIDERATION of the mutual covenants, promises, and premises herein contained, the parties agree that: 1. Clause 15 of the Agreement dated November 22, 1977, between the parties hereto, which is made a part hereof by refer- ence, is amended to read: "The Architect agrees to complete the services provided for herein by May 1, 1979." 2. All other terms and conditions of said Agreement shall remain in full force and effect. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have hereunto set their hands and seals all as of the day and year first above written. Attest: er BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS"" J MONROE CQHe , !�AibA By a %i (Seal) KENSON, PHILLIPS, TRICE, CARR SMITH AN:kt-2-4- CINC. Byresent i fiEREBY CERTIFY that t-Iiis cio(Seal) c `meat ,;U b(�,-n re''.,.-'' i fri ;tlifi- Ci',tlCy ?`l'J t!;ilt til S]C;1;'. Rol my ae�,T val. i7 ' Attorn� y s Office AGI,EEMENT 2 2 n d This Al;i-ee.,nent entered intro this _ clay of November _ 1977, by and bet.weeri the BOARD OF COUNTY COM`lI.SSIONF,RS OF' MON ROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, hereinafter referred to - as_ "C,;rir' r " <ind KL:NSc�N, PI[ ILL.II';:) , TRICE, CAMI SMITH AND ASSO- CIATES, INC. lereinafter referred to .as "Architect", for the following project:: [Jest Mart:el.lo Tower Dcve_lapiTlent, Phase I Project, Hereinafter referred to as "Project", W I T H -E S S E T H: `1'Iiat in consideration of the imitual,.covenants herein con- t.ai.ned, the ONner and the Architect hereby agree as follows: 1. The Architect shall prepare and provide structural review of the building, including recoiiunendations as to which areas are in immediate need of repair. 2. Tlie Architect shall make recommendations as to appro- priat-e soliiti ons to those areas that are in need of repair includ- i.ng; practical .-alternative solutions. 3. The Architect shall make recoiTmiendations as to methods -of solving; atcH cect:ural problems, such as alernatc methods of restoring; badly damaged exterior and interior brick without de- r,t_royi ng the character of the fort as a civil war. relic. ' v 4. The Architect shall recommend itieXhods of solving; further water infiltration and resulting efflorescence. 5. The Architect shall make subsoil and foundation in- vestigations to determine cause and possible solutions to the hiiilding's settling;. 6. The Architect shall recommend alternative methods of renovating drainage and sewerage system. 7. The Architect shall provide a site plan showing methods of regrading in and around the building so as to prevent further drainage hack -up. Page-1 of 3 11 ag*,es H. 'I hl / I-ch.i t. ec r sl.l.l l 1 1: ecunnur•ud :iwo url t of de£oIIi Atioil t,ncl root cle'II"(.;IiIIg so as to 1.(,av'e t-he situ as Eeloasant looking as po:;;;i h1 e , I) tit snore i nlportallLly to assure the l arge root s Lairs s <1I-e Ic>t. clt.ruyc-d will Ch tvolll d i nlpa i_ r t'he SL1hS01.1 bearing c a1,r; ci ty . 9. Tllr !1rc•h i t r�c L sh;11. 1 recollullelid life t ho&; of p rovi di rig 1)r01)L'r vCrlti l rlt ion fo1.- the wall , so ls to 1)1 c vent moi; t u r e build- 1.ng up. 10. Thc, Architect shall. provide speci 1 i cations and method of appIicaLi()n Lor a.water- repellant coating and waLerproofing materials for the exterior wails and roofing. 11. -The Architect: sh,�ll make proposals and suggestions which Inay be related functioIlally to the display technl_clues to enlia Ice Lhc yual.i.ty of the museum and art -gallery. 12. The Architect shall assemble. the previously listed points in appropriate format to serve as a master plan for the re;;Lo�-:ati.on of Lhe tower over a period of. years. 13. The parti cs agree that the t.. otal fee .for the alcove set vi cc:s r7i 11 he invo:i ced monthly at: a rate of 2.5 times actual hourly 1i1-lyr(.0 I rjlt:eS, together with all- other direct: costs (travel,. locl�,i.nf;, mr:ll;;, long distance Lelephoi arid. 1)rinLii as a( Curau- laced duriTi , the current billing mouLh. The total fee for Lhe above scrvi-ce £ces shall not exceed Five 'Thousand Dollars ($5,000.00). 14. The Architect agrees to comply with the "Policies and Procedures for llis toric Preservation Grants--In-Aid", a copy of which i.s att,Tched hereto and made a wart hereof. - 15. The Architect agrees to complete the services provided for hel:cin ;qi,,11in twelve (12) montlis froin the effective date of this Agreement. 16. 'Hie parties agree that the Architect shall submit copies of the report :et fort-h herein for review and comment by the Division of Archives, history and Records Management, Depart- inent of State of the State of Florida, prior to preparaLion of the f ormal. repnr t:. i'<Ige 2 of 3 rages M 17. Tile l,<irti_cs cli;ree that c rlch :;1jal.l c•ooperilt=c and r.o- ordinate Life S(,Lvices provided for llerei.n with the Division of nrcllives, lli-sLc�ry and Records I�lanagcmcnt as necessare to assure llcling and agreement on LIIe ohjectivcs , rccluire- tnl.itual undel sL�l iii�.:IltS lilCl 1.ltlC�t1,; of the pl:ojeC.L 7-11 ra Cj.tl.f)I1 tC) 7(:Ill L11c ;LF1tL' rind federal 111-SLol.:l c 1)]"CSeLVaL1OR The above• contract constitutes t.hc ent.i.r.e undertaking for fessic,nrl7. sel vl ces and is all inclusive.. Tile Architect/Engineer is to be sole interpretor for the contract within the outline of dicated. As each item of this report is - services previously in to be implemented, KENSON, PHILLIPS, `TRICE, CARR SI�EITH AND wings ASSOCIATES, INC:. , 1,ri ll provide, if auLhoriz.e_d, detailed dra and specificat:iorls under separate contract and on individual fee quotation. IN WITNESS WIIEREOF, the parties have caused this agreement he day and year first above written. to be ";ecuted as of t e rk BOARD OF COUN-Ty CO,IIIISSIONI;P.S OF TiONROE COUNTY, FT,ORIDA 'o� ;ia �Or and Chairman (Seal) KENSON, PHILLIPS, TRICE, CARR SMITH AND ASSOCIATES, INC- By president (SCat) I F1E[?EBY CERTIFY that this doc:"rl)frlt ii.,s been reviewed for lei;al suffi- ,: e, and that the same rn"ts witll my approval_ Eby — ` - Attorneys Office P.aj;e 3 of 3 Paf,c's