Resolution 036-1979 RESOLUTION NO. 36 - 1979 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING HOUSING AUTHORITY TO AMEND 1977 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT PROGRAM. WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida requires a budget amendment to the 1977 Community Development Block Grant Program under the authority of 24 CFR, Section 570.312, and such change shall be reported to HUD as a part of the annual performance report as described in Section 570.906, and WHEREAS, a budget change was necessitated as the total costs of acquired properties was less than the budgeted amount, now therefore BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA that the Monroe County Housing Authority be and it is hereby authorized to amend the 1977-1978 Community Development Block Grant Program Budget as follows: 1. Transfer of $37,301.18 from Line No.1 - Acquisition of Real Property to: Line No. 2 - Public Works, Facilities, Site Improvements: $51,301.18. RESOLVED in regular meeting at Marathon, Florida this 13th day of February, A.D. 1979. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA 4 Attest: BY: _ ~ ,/) /J ('" // ",.I ~/ ~/ /,-' .t,,/ /,1'" - " '/... -." ,. " f-/',,-',,"';',,' " chri'r~a~ ~:':,.~.._------ I HERE:JY crenn t~l:t this c!O'::tStMt h~s been r~\'icwc1. for t~gel SL'1;;n'~1~;i::::Y ~;;d c~nter.t ~nd that the Slrne mt'ctz wit}, mj approval. ~ Jr ~ ' ItOfARD ~. ~A YNE Assl Coonty Attorney APPROVED ON BOOK ~ ~-\ 3 fl~ _ ~AGE ~ D C1 -...t