Resolution 045-1979 RESOLUTION NO,45 -1979 A RESOLUTION REQUESTING GOVERNOR GRAHA}1 TO TAKE SUCH ACTION AS IS NECESSARY IN ORDER TO OBTAIN A FREEZE OR TEMPORARY SUSPENSION OF ANY FURTHER REASSESSMENTS OF REAL PROPERTY IN MONROE COUNTY IN ORDER TO ALLOW FOR THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF FLORIDA TO PRO- VIDE FOR A MORE COMPREHENSIVE AND EQUITABLE DETER- MINATION OF JUST VALUATION. WHEREAS, Florida Statutes provide for certain factors in arriving at just valuation as required under Section 4 of Article VII of the State Constitution, and WHEREAS, the Florida courts have established certain criteria relating to the determination of just valuation by construing the Florida Statutes relating to assessments, and WHEREAS, such criteria does not take into consideration certain elements such as historical, inflation, renovation aspects, geographical location, etc., in determining just va1ua- tion, and WHEREAS, a more equitable and comprehensive review should be made in assessing the property in Monroe County due to its unique geographical as well as historical and other related factors, and WHEREAS, it would be in the best interest of all of the citizens of the State of Florida that a review be made of the method of determining just valuation, now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, as follows: 1. The Board does hereby request that the Honorable Governor Graham immediately take such action as is necessary to obtain a freeze and/or temporary suspension of any further reassessments within Monroe County for a period of two (2) years in order to allow time for the Governor and the Legislature of the State of Florida to review and determine a more reasonable and just method to determine the valuation to be placed upon real property for the purposes of real property taxation. Page 1 of 2 Pages APPROVED ON__ --)_2t1~Jl --.-- BOOK (-> 1 ') I.)~(,. "71' -- .hue. F) I ~ I~ ' --_.~.. 2. Further, the Board does request that the Governor take such steps as is reasonably necessary in order to have a committee appointed within Monroe County and such other areas in the State of Florida as is deemed reasonable in order to investigate and evaluate the factors to be considered in deriving just valuation of real property in Monroe County due to the unique factors which exist within Monroe County. 3. That the Clerk of said Board is hereby directed to for- ward certified copies of this resolution to the Honorable Governor Graham and the Monroe County Legislative Delegation. DATED February 27, 1979. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS MONROE cq ~IDA // 'l ." .' OF B . ...A"- Y' ;i ~, ".'S; (Seal) Attest: (4~~~, C er : HEREBY CERTIFY that this document ,:is been rev:cv.'c:J for j suffi- :::er:cj E:'d t:1dt iie ~,,-rne rneeL with my apprC'/3L By_ /jdL/;{~.L ALtOtney's Office Page 2 of 2 Pages