Resolution 047-1979 . RESOLLlTION # 47-1979 WHEREAS, the BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS of Monroe County, Florida, has received an application from Mr. Aldan Munro to construct: 148.35,ft. of concrete block seawall, a maximum of 4' waterward of MHW, along the open water side of his property, 133 ft. along the canal side and backfilling with 100 cubic yards, 20 cubic yards filled waterward of MHW, to bring the seawall level with the grade. A four foot wide cap will be placed over the seawall from the waterward face, landward. The proposed project is in a residential development area. It is a peninsula surrounded by a man-made access channel with interior dead-end canals. Substrate is limerock fill from canal/channel dredging, over caprock. Approximately 20% development has occurred. The project site is a corner lot with 133 ft. on a canal and 148 ft. facing an open natural waterbody. An access channel lies 15-20 ft. offshore on the open water side. Uplands are limerock fill substrate with some Austrailian pine (Casuina equisetifolia), scrub buttonwood (Conocarpus erecta) and ornamental palms. The intertidal zone is eroded, unvegetated rock rubble. The subtidal zone is also eroded rock rubble but has colonies of Batophora sp., Dasycladus sp.Acetabularia sp. and red algaes. The access channel is located approximately 14-20 ft. below the present MHW line. WHEREAS the project has been reviewed and it has been found that due to the unstable, eroding nature of the site, the proposed project will have no significant biological effect, therefore BE IT RESOLVED, by the BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS of Monroe County, Florida, that said BOARD hereby gives its approval for the construction of the above mentioned project. day of February ,1979, at a regularly RESOLVED this 27th scheduled meeting. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ~ONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA . .:2 / ./ L1:.J',,/(- d.<? M\yor ~n(1' cfrd f, IlIlU' By --- Am~ v&- Clerk d& I HEREBY eER...." -c'u,' ~. .,. . h' , I, I tllrit tn'~ ~ as be . ,~ .I','UO('-,....,.'... en revfewpd i"r I~, '~'",' , -'. . -,' I V ;>.'~,,.. j ~-', Clency and th- t " ,-v' Jl<,. a the samp, meVr ,.,,: myapPh, I. ., ,'"-.'. By_,/ /-'1..-~~ Attorney~s Office APPROVED ON_J. a"1- '1 c, BOOK -5 PAGE c:.U. \