Resolution 050-1979 -..- ------11 RESOLUTION NO. 50 -1979 RESOLUTION DESIGNATING MONROE COUNTY COMMISSIONERS TO SIT ON THE SPECIAL MUNICIPAL SERVICE TAXING DISTRICT #2. WHEREAS, Ordinance No. 12-1978, provides for the method of designating the members of Special Tax Districts when such District consists of both the County and incorporated areas, and WHEREAS, such designation must be by resolution of the respective boards of each public entity, now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, that the following members are named as the three Commissioners to serve the Special Municipal Service Taxing or Benefit Unit District #2: 1. Commissioner Don Schloesser 2. Commissioner George E. Dolezal 3. Commissioner Richard Kerr BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED BY SAID BOARD that this resolution shall be retroactive to the date the above Commissioners first took office by previous Commission action. DATED February 27, 1979. BO~, OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONy:VE COUNJ:? FLO~DA.~ ;' ,(./ .// ., B . ---" (.. \, ..- J.. y '-.. -/. . -'~-'.: ... ::-.,.' -- II Q\:a-i ririi:llr-"ci.,;:.;..~:.~~- , . (Seal) Att~~~__ C er : HEREBY CEfHiFY that this dccur~::;, ,lEiS been reviewed fer i ::-", ciency and thElt tha S2i'ne r-.1e(_~ts v:,' ~.:. my apprc;y-a}. By 4:L~:~'_- ,/ Attorney's Office .:< ~ 1 -- '1 (, PAGE .X l1 APPROVED ON BOOK .~) ...