Resolution 052-1979 RESOLUTION NO. 52_1979 A RESOLUTION REQUESTING THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AFFAIRS TO ESTABLISH APPROPRIATE CRITERIA FOR FACTORY- BUILT HOMES WHICH WILL BE INSTALLED ON COLUMNS. WHEREAS, the Department of Community Affairs has, in accor- dance with Florida Statute 553, established certain criteria for the construction of factory-built homes, and WHEREAS, Monroe County has been unable to determine that in establishing said criteria that consideration was given for in- stalling of said homes in the Florida Keys under the unique con- ditions which exist such as consideration of having to install factory-built homes on pilings above the ground in excess of six feet, and WHEREAS, the health, safety, and welfare of the citizens of Monroe County requires that full consideration be given to the design and construction of homes to be installed on stilts/columns, now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, as follows: 1. That the Board, based upon its present knowledge and information, has been unable to determine that the Department of Community Affairs in establishing the criteria for construction of modular homes did fully consider design criteria for installation of said homes in the Florida Keys due to the unique conditions which exist in the Keys such as installing factory-built homes on stilts/columns in excess of six feet or more, including the additional necessity for tie-down and continuity of bracing in order to provide for proper wind loading during the established 100-year hurricane force of 135 miles per hour established for the Florida Keys. Thus, the Board of County Commissioners is totally opposed to any further granting of insignias for factory-built homes to be installed in the Florida Keys until the Department of Community Affairs provides an adequate investigation and deter- mination that the existing homes can and will withstand the actual conditions to be incurred in the Florida Keys. ;PP!dt~5 6N_~:_2 Pages 3:\ ~ f) j ~~~_~_ '-n..)c.__~?~ BOOK _---- -A 2. That until said investigation and determination had been made by the Department of Community Affairs that the Board of County Commissioners does hereby respectfully request that said Department immediately cease and desist issuing any permits, insignias or other approval for construction of factory-built homes to be installed within the Monroe County area, and to immediately initiate such action as is necessary to stop any pre- sently on-going construction of factory-built homes for use in the Florida Keys. 3. Further, that the Board of County Commissioners does hereby request that the Department of Community Affairs immediately contact the Board of County Commissioners through its Administrator and set up a time, date and place that the Department of Community Affairs can meet with the Board of County Commissioners in Monroe County in order to personally review the matter and conditions existing, including investigation of presently installed homes to assist in establishing criteria and/or rules and regulations which will assure the health, safety and welfare of the residents. 4. That the Clerk of the Board is hereby directed to furnish certified copies of this resolution to the Monroe County Legislative Delegation. DATED March 13, 1979. BO D OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MO OE CO , F DA By .~ (Seal) / "'~~- Attest: :~ i-iEREaV CERTIFY that this document i ;"s been reviewed for legal suffi- G~ency and that the=: same meets with my aP:a. 'di By . L-~L/t Attorney's Office ~age 2 of 2 Pages