Resolution 059-1979 RESOLUTION NO.59 -1979 RESOLUTION OPPOSING TRANSFER OF THE VOCATIONAL REHABILI- TATION PROGRAM FROM UNDER STATE SPONSORSHIP. WHEREAS, the Vocational Rehabilitation Program is presently under State sponsorship, and WHEREAS, said program is presently under the Department of Health & Rehabilitative Services within the State of Florida, and WHEREAS, the Vocational Rehabilitation Program should remain under State sponsorship either under the Department of Education, where it was successfully administered previously for approximately forty (40) years, or other autonomous State agency, now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, as follows: 1. That the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, does wholeheartedly endorse the retaining of the Vocational Rehabilitation Program under the State of Florida, and further, that said program should be either under the Department of Education, where it was successfully adminstered previously for approximately forty (40) years, or other autonomous State agency in order to assure that appropriate Federal funding and other assistance is not lost to the citizens of the State of Florida and/or Monroe County. 2. That the Board of County Commissioners does hereby request its Legislative Delegation, the Florida Senate, the Florida House of Representatives, and the Governor of the State of Florida to continue the Vocational Rehabilitation Program under State sponsorship and does hereby respectfully request their support of same. 3. That the Clerk of said Board is hereby directed to forward certified copies of this Resolution to the Monroe County Legislative Delegation, the F1o~ida Senate, the Florida House of Page 1 of 2 Pages ''''''I APPROV2D ON :3 ~ '\ ;,9 8001\ ~__~__::~____~ P/',C::: c)5 L, Representatives, and the Governor of the State of Florida, for their use and appropriate action. DATED March 27, 1979. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE ~COUN/' ~FL?~ By ;t _fCJ~ __.. Carman (Seal) Attest: ~,...,... ../7 oc----~" /'/ . /.',/.' ') L*~~~- ..' er I I: I:UY CEfiTiFY th2! th:s documerft i)C?'1 :', .-~; 1 ;" L.: . E,';'":C! t t t;-12 S22;l;e rric::'t~,~ V'/~th rny ~, // /:::.., ~/ ,'" /c- ?,. ,/ ~, e; ~ -~"' Attorney's Office !) LJY Page 2 of 2 Pages