Resolution 066-1979RESOLUTION NO. 66 - 1979 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING CHAIRMAN TO EXECUTE AGREEMENT WITH ORIA FOR FIRE PROTECTION AND AMBULANCE SERVICE FOR DISTRICT 7. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA that the Chairman of the Board be and he is hereby authorized to execute in behalf of the Board of District 7, the attached Agreement. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Legal Staff prepare and adver- tise for public hearing an Ordinance authorizing the Clerk to make payment in accordance with the attached Agreement. RESOLVED in Regular Meeting at Key West, Monroe County, Florida this 10th day of April, A.D. 1979. Attest: j Clerk BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA r-2, B Y : �- Ch i man in Behalf of "^a District 7 a n. •t ti ,1 -, a .r,e� ag,pi oval. APPROVED Oil__ BOOK 6 —PACE. AGREEMENT FOR AMBULANCE SERVICE AND FIRE PROTECTION THIS AGREEMENT made and entered into by and between the BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, acting as the governing body of Municipal Service District #7, hereinafter referred to as the "District", and the OCEAN REEF IMPROVEMENT ASSOCIATION, INCORPORATED, a Florida Corporation not for profit, hereinafter referred to as "ORIA", this day of April, A.D. 1979. W I T N E S S E T H WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, acting as the governing body of Municipal Service District #7 has imposed and collected ad valorem taxes within District #7 for purposes of funding emergency ambulance service and fire protection to the residents and visitors to District #7, and WHEREAS, the OCEAN REEF IMPROVEMENT ASSOCIATION, INC., whose principal address is 30 Ocean Reef Drive, Key Largo, Florida, has both the trained personnel and equipment necessary to provide fire and ambulance service to all residents and visitors of District #7, and the Center is willing to provide the service, now therefore IT IS MUTUALLY AGREED UPON BY THE'UNDERSIGNED, AS FOLLOWS: 1. That the ORIA shall from date hereof until September 30, 1979, be primarily responsible for providing the residents and visitors of District #7 with emergency ambulance service service & fire protection, District #7 having the following agreed -upon geographical boundaries: "From the Northern boundary of the City of North Key Largo Beach north via Card Sound Road to the Dade County line." 2. The District agrees to compensate ORIA by payment to said corporation the sum of $32,200.00. Said payment shall be made to the corporation in two (2) installments of $16,100.00 as follows: a. The first said installment shall be due and payable 15 days from receipt by the Clerk for the County, Ralph-W. White _. from CRIA, sufficient proof and ccL Li i the President and Secretary of said corporation, that said corporation has expended funds for ' providing ambulance service, aril/car fire protection .jithin - District #7 during the period cc]l1lnlenc•iny nc'Lcil;r:r 1, 197£3 and end — Jr -March 31, 1979 of not less than $1.u,100.00. b . The second said ins to 1. lnlcn L OF $ 1(: , 100. 00 shall be c .:e and payable 15 days from receipt by Li,u Clerk ic,r the County, Ralph W. White, from ORIA, sufficienL proof and cerL.11iccition by the President and Secretary of said c•onc()rat iron t_liaL l corporation has expended funds for providing ambulance service and/or fire pro- tection within District #7 during the porind rnmmenc_in April 1, 1979 and ending September 30, 1979 ,.)L nett_ lass than $16, 100.00. 3. In further consideration cif �a l.j t-inanc_ial i:einuneration, ORIA agrees to provide a clear .j!o!1 L t_ra..il L .- a1lo. for full accountability of funds 1:i�C:�`1'_'ed�i.l I: cir:l. C.rti_`le: financial and service load repot:ts will I,(r ml-iclu to the Board of .County Commissioners Ot Mcinr is C ,un1 y, Flcarida, t valise the delivery of servi.c :s unocr 4. Tile :]nders i,)nod be LO LCI1�'�ti.] 1. L�,r !i .• jlli ilt I l !Ii 1lS i by narzio Ih •;ITtiESS WHEREOU, th ,_ un;l_ , .:,•l,, l ;:-: _ , I_:.._. ] and ea i_s t:ie day and 111011Lll I 1 I H t ,{: ; .•. l' l , t , !i . Attes erk C01%IP•11SS11:.)t� �)I•' i`li)til:c)j'. C'(;I;i�•.I'. , 1'I.(if<11��:, _.�. i l�l ll•� S -3- ft Attest: M1 6X�11 CHElf L BRUTK EWIC , Secretary OCEAN REEF IMPROVEMENT ASSOCIATION, INCORPORATED, a Florida Corporation not for profit. , BY: HARP�7SIBLEY, esident (CORPORATE SEA-L) STATE OF FLORIDA ) ` SS COUNTY OF MONROE ) BEFORE ME this day personally appeared HARPER SIBLEY, JR. and CHERYL BRUTKIEWICZ, to me well known, who after being first duly sworn, acknowledged that they executed the foregoing Agreement in behalf of OCEAN REEF IMPROVEMENT ASSOCIATION, INCORPORATED, and that they had full power and authority as officers of said corpor- ation to do so. SWORN to and SUBSCRIBED before me this day of April, A.D. 1979. My Commission Expires: N0NARY PI IN IC STATE OF FLORIDA AT LARQ N" C.UMMISSIUN EXPIRES CKT . 15 1982 BUNULD I HRU C,LNLRAL INS- UNDERWRI TEAS Notary Public - State of -Florida At Large (Notary Seal) J HER -tan S C. :-4 a d] I/ L!1! f. �•'� 5j�t- t!n=• $ bQ ny CL Iti^29�!.: �1%r'�ryi-r1 r AGREEMEN`.[' FOR AMBULANCE SERVICE AND WIRE PROTECTION THIS AGREEMENT made and entered into by and between the BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, acting as the governing body of Municipal Service District #7, hereinafter referred to as the "District", and the OCEAN REEF' IMPROVEMENT ASSOCIATION, INCORPORATED, a Florida Corporation not for profit, hereinafter U� referred to as "ORIA", this a6 day of April, A.D. 1979. W I T N E S S E T I -I : WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, acting as the governing body of Municipal Service District #7 has imposed and collected ad valorem taxes within District #7 for purposes of funding emergency ambulance service and fire protection to the residents and visitors to District #7, and WIiEREAS, the OCEAN REEF IMPROVEMENT ASSOCIATION, INC., whose principal address is 30 Ocean Reef_ Drive, Key Largo, Florida, has both the trained personnel and equipment necessary to provide fire and ambulance -service to all residents and visitors of District #7, and the Center is willing to provide the service, now.therefore IT IS MUTUALLY AGREED UPON BY TIIE UNDERSIGNED, AS FOLLOWS: 1. That the ORIA.shal.l from date hereof until September 30, 1979, be primarily responsible for providing the residents and visitors of District.#7 with emergency ambulance service service & fire protection, District.47 having the following agreed -upon geographical boundaries: "From the Ncrthern boundary of the City of North Key Largo Beach north via Card Sound Road to the Dade County line." 2. The District agrees to compensate ORIA by payment to said corporation the sum of $32,200.00. Said payment shall be made to the corporation in two (2) installments of $16,100.00 as follows: a. . The first said installment- shall be due and payable 15 days from receipt by.the Clerk for the County, Ralph W. White from ORIA, sufficient proof and certification by the President Secretary of -said corporation, that said corporation has expended. funds for providing ambulance service and/or fire protection within District #7 during ..the period commencing October 1, '1978 an'd "ending March 31., 1979 of not less than $16,100.00. b.. The second said installment of $16,100.00 shall be due and payable 15 days from receipt by the Clerk for the County, Ralph W. White, from ORIA, sufficient proof and certification by the President and -Secretary of said corporation that said corporation has expended funds -for providing.ambulance service and/or fire pro— tection within District ##7 during the period commencing April 1, 1979-and ending September 30, 1979 of not less than $16,100.00. 3. In further consideration of said financial remuneration, ORIA agrees to provide a clear financial audit trail to allow for full accountability of funds received from said Board. Certified. financial and service load reports will be made available to the Board of County Conunissioners of Monroe County, Florida, to validate;::,,:- the delivery of services under this contract. 4. The undersigned mutually agree that this contract shall not be subject to renewal for subsequent fiscal years unless agreed upon by both parties. IN WITNESS WIEREOF, those undersigned have affixed their hands and seals the day and month first above. written. I3OARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, as District #7. Chairman Attest: (�'� . Clerk Attest: It CHER L BRUTKIEWICZ., e r cietary STATE OF FLORIDA.) SS COUNTY OF MONROE OCEAN REEF IMPROVEMENT ASSOCIATION, INCORPORATED,..,:,,. a Florida Corporation not for profit., . r R-W RPER SIBtEY, JR.) Pr sident (CORPORATE SEAL).. -:-- BEFORE ME'this day personally appeared HARPER SIBLEY, JR. and CHERYL BRUTKIEWICZ, to me well known, who after being first duly sworn, acknowledged that they executed tb6 foregoing Agreement in ,.' behalf .of OCEAN REEF IMPROVEMENT ASSOCIATION., INCORPORATED, and that they had full power and authority. as officers of said corpor- ation to do so. SWORN to and SUBSCRIBED before me day of April, A.D. 1979. My Commission Expires: W)TAPY PH211C STATE Of FLO?IDA AT LAKA hFy C(.)MMI',Sj0N EXPIRES (XI 11, 1982 oUtQW IHiW WiLRAL 1116. UNPERWA114 Notary Public - State of Florida At Large (Notary seal)