Resolution 067-1979 lut ll:70~q ne . 787 PACf 234 RESOLUTION NO. 67 -1979 RESOLUTION DIRECTING THE CLERK TO PLACE A NOTICE TO OWNERS ON RECORD. ::0 . 3:)> ~ --'1 or- z-o r- ::o::r.: ~;E rr: ~ f_-.J g::_~ ;;c c::::: }5 0 z_._j ::::0 .~.r '. ;:0 , ""'l;I 1""", F'- e} N ,::) N -<) ~J 0\ WHEREAS, certain properties are located within an AICU Zone near Boca Chica Airbase, and WHEREAS, the Board wants to assure that each property owner living in any possible high noise or high hazard area has full notice of same, now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, that the Clerk of the Sixteenth Judicial Circuit in and for Monroe County, Florida is hereby directed to place of record the attached Notice to Owners. DATED April LO, 1979. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA By ~ t airman <' ( Seal) I HERE8Y ;- has ,.' '~:~:,-; f~'lcnt Cicrj'~.:\.' mYO~' By WA~~ "/vfth -D C'J Ii -I t) ,')" __ --- .__co APPROV:::.I"r-""1---- -.--- SOOK _-..2=--,-----.- ;,:. :~>~ ...~ ... ~\oS - - - .,. -.; Lee .. / ~ ~~t .787 PAGE 235 NOTICE TO OWNERS OF EXISTING AICUZ ZONES AND AIRPORT OPERATIONS TO ALL OWNERS IN THE SUBDIVISIONS LISTED BELOW: Boca Chica Ocean Shores Geiger Mobile Homes Caribbean Park Rockland Village Johnsonvil1e Subdivision Similar Sound Sections A & B Gulfrest Park Nos. 1 & 2 Big Coppitt Estates Coppitt Extension Boca Chica Subdivision, Blocks A & B Tamarac Park Nos. 1 & 2 Rockland Hammock Sections 1 & 2 Coppitt Subdivision Gulfview Subdivision Porpoise Point Sections 1 - 7 Bayview Park You are hereby advised that you are in a possible High Noise or High Hazard area due to Boca Chica Air Base location. Further, you are advised that Monroe County has adopted ordinances in relation thereto which must be complied with at all times. Each owner should contact the Monroe County Planning & Zoning Depart- ment to determine specifically what the existing regulations are ~~ in regards to land development, housing, etc. Please govern ~ yourself accordingly. BOARD OF COUNTY CO~~ISSIONERS OF MONROE UNTY, FLORIDA - By STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF MONROE Before me personally appeared pQn ,Schloesser as Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, to me well known and known to me to be the person described in and who executed the foregoing instrument and acknolwedged to and before me that he executed said instrument in the capacity and for the purpose therein expressed. " ,'r, day of WITNESS my hand and official seal, thia A"A,L , A.D. 19*.'''.... -..,- / . .( Seal) My Commission Expires: ,. . .............. t RECORD BOOK 1lI:CO~OED IN Of'fl~~'( rLOR\DA - MONROE COW W'H\1E RALPH CIRCU\'T COURT ClER~E~6RD VERlrlED Notary Public, State of FI:lri\:il /11 ltlr(l'J My Commisilon Expires feb. i6. 1931 "n~.d 6y Amer;:iln fj,o 1;& C,I,wJaL. C."lIj~.uIY "', ('" ~-:;:.: ,;; ~ \"..~.,-