Resolution 069-1979 RESOLUTION NO. 69 -1979 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR TO NEGOTIATE AND EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT ESTABLISHING AN OFFICE OF INTERGOVERNMENTAL COORDINATION AND LIAISON TO BE FUNDED BY THE SOUTH FLORIDA EMPLOYl1ENT & TRAIN- ING CONSORTIUM. WHEREAS, the County of Monroe, through Resolution No. 301- 1978 adopted on November 28J 1978, authorized the County Adminis- trator to enter into a Consortium Agreement with the governments of Dade County and the Cities of Hialeah, Miami BeachJ and Miami, and WHEREAS, the United States Department of Labor has mandated certain changes in the structure of the former Consortium Board necessitating greater and more direct involvement by the County of Monroe and the activities of the South Florida Employment and Training Consortium, now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, as follows: 1. That the County Administrator is hereby authorized to negotiate and execute an agreement establishing an office of Intergovernmental Coordination and Liaison to be funded by the South Florida Employment and Training Consortium. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 10th day of April, 1979. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUN , FLORIDA ( Seal) By Attest:) . /// \ .///H; /'....""~./ ".- /' ,/'^-.. I, .' .,- ;' 'r~(~~/?'4~~('>--' / I f-jEfi:EBY Cn~TiFY that this document ;;j~'_~, been rC'\j .~l\i\'~~,-,,, for ~.~- C;C:l'lCY ;.1 1 (.':t l'";e sarr~e rn8f't~: vv,::t'l By approval. /~//d:L . Attorney's Office my AFf'RO'J:':U O[\J 4-- 10 - '11 BOOK_ ,,9 __~AGE.. ~1.q1 '- / ! P.O. Box 1029 Key West, Florida 33040 r...'V..'....- BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ViU'iWlkA_.... RICHARD A. KERR, District 1 ~N.XPDm~NNZ, District 2 JERRY ~'[~fl{Wg~"iB:, District 3 ,,~~, District 4 DON SCHLOESSER, District 5 CURT BLAIR ~ GEORGE DOLEZAL '.2.9; _ ~(o. OFFiCE: OF: . 'County Administrator Public Service Building .. .~l OK~~!f ~R~~3~~qE (305) 294.4641 'ID: Charlotte Gallogly Executive Director South Florida Errployrrent and Training Consortium FRCM: William E. P. Roberts, Jr. funroe County Administrator DA'IE: SUBJEcr: OFFICE OF INTERGOVERNMENTAL COORDINATICN On February 23, 1979, the South Florida Errployment and Training Consortium approved funding for the Office of Intergoverrrrrental Coordination. Please find enclosed the County of Monroe IS doc'UIIEnts as follo.vs: 1. Purchase of Professional Services Agreement 2. Work Plan 3. Budget for the period of April 1, 1979 through September 30, 1979 in the amount of $28,500. We would appreciate your forwarding the docurrents to the Department of Labor as quickly as possible. It is our understanding that the Regional Office of the DepartIrent of Labor must approve the contract prior to final execution. cc: Ralph W. White, Clerk .; PURCHTSE OF PPOFESSIO:Ji',L SERVIC;:::S lI.G [\EB'lENT TillS i\C:REEI'-1ENT, made th'2 day of in the year 19 by and beby-een The South Florida Enploynent & rrruinins; Consortium, by its Executive Director, and The Co'..mty of 11onroe, by it;," COLL."1ty r'lan2q2r is hereby authorized for services as stated herein: 1) The COlmty of t-lonroe shall provide liaison services as described in the attached work plan; and 2) The South Florida Employm2nt and Training ConsortiuJD shall compensate the County of Monroe for said services. THE PAt"U'IES hereto further agree to the following conditions: 1) The Sout~ Florida En~loYITent & Training Consortium shall provide ac.:2quate office space for the use of the Liaison O'ffice. 2) The COU1ty Administrator shall select & appoint the Liaison O'fficer who shall be compensated by the County of Monroe and subject to the County of Monroe's applicable rrerit system & pay plan. THIS AGRER.~lT shall be in effect during the period(s) April 1, 1979 through Septewber 30, 1979. and shall provide for rraximum compensation, from the South Florida Employrrent and Training Consortium to 'rhe County of l'10nroe of $28,500. , Twenty.-eight 'l'housand and Five HLL."1dred Dollars payable from Budget Code No. pursuant to the tenm of this agreem2nt. t BEING DlJLY signed, the execution of this agreement is in confonnance wi t.'1 Resolution adopted by the South Florida Ernployrrlent & Training Consortium on the day of , a copy of which is attached to and Irade a part of this agreelrent. Date Executive Director, South Florida Employnent and Training Consortium . 'This is to certirJ that services have been, or shall be perforrneq and t.'lat payrrent has not been made. -~ ,q.. cm:;r~unlstrat01; , Iv"Dnroe ~~fJ ,)YJ~ '// //~~,v ~4~.k M~c.J1ael Ca -es, COllIn:,y Attorney 01: Monroe ( ----= ---, }\TI'EST: j ~/ ~F " / /' ~ , " ~;~ / (~ 4:.,-c--- ~r '. \ W1ty'C erk , . , APPROVED AS TO' FOR.\1 fiND CO'RRECTNESS: , ' l\TORK PL.1\N COUNTY OF t-'CKROE LIAISON SERVICE The County of r-r'Dnroe, in accord wi trl the Professional Services Agreement for which this Work Plan is made a part, shall provide the following Liaison Services: 1) Represnt the COlli~ty of Monroe and its interests in S.F.E.T.C. meetings related to: Meetings convened by the Executive Director or....erations rreetings, wnen requested Liaison rreetings and other appropriate S.F.E.T.C. meetings 2) At the request of the County of Monroe I s Consortium Representative, sit in said representatives stead, when appropriate, at Consortium meetings. Since tl-}e Con- sortiu.m Representative, authorized and appointed by the County of I'1:::mroe Commission, is the County Administrator of: t1onroe County, it is understood that the CoUnty AdnLi..nistrator shall generally attend and represent the County of Monroe at mc:etL~gs of the South Florida EITployment and Training Consortium. 3) Provide S1.mmary reports, m::mthly - or as requested- of ConsortiUl\ actions for the COw~ty of Monroe's Adminis- tration and Elected Officials. 4) Provide summary reports of Department of Labor Instruc- tions, Rules and Requlations, and such other information as may be appropriate. 5) Represent the County of tv:onroe ll1 the developrnent of a Consortium Policy ]\1anual. 6) Provide such other services at the direction of t.he County Administrator of the COl..1.'l.ty of rlonroe. . ."'~., I tWEX ceDE: AC7 I V I TY : BC,}illD OF MO:'-JROE COlJNTY COMMISSICNE:!."'",-S INTERGOVERNr-1IThi'TAL LIAISQ'\J SERvrCE ITEMIZED BUDGET JUSTIFICATION BT..JI:;G8I' FOR SIX MONTHS-FROM APRIL 1, 1979 THROUQ-I SEP"I'E}1BER 30, 1979. I ~,--...~-..... - ~_ '-' ;-: ;: ~ I. _; ~~ .....: ..... SUB-OBJECT COD: DESCRIPTION AMourH 0101 Staff Salaries: Liaison Officer $1,980.00 per month Administrative Aide $975.30 per month 0140 Social Security M2rch Approx. 6.13% 0141 Retirement Approx. 9.~ 0142 Group Insurance @ $26.30 per ITDnth for bvo staff; rrembers 0147 Workmen's Compensation Insurance @ Approx. $500.00 for each of the two staff rrerrbers I ) " 0224 JVfillntenance and Operation of EquipIT.E'nt (Gas, Oil and repairs for rented car) 0334 EqLlipment Rental (Car Rental) 0401 Telephone Service - Liaison dut.ies requ.i.n~ contact with others via telephone cOTIwunications 0509 Travel out of to.vn (Includes hotel, food) 0509 Travel out of tc^~ (Air Fare 26 trips at $54.00 per trip 083& Office Supplies 0839 Printing and Reproduction Supplies 1024 Special Equipment - T'jpevlriter Total $ 11,880.00 5,841. 00 1,086.30 1,612.61 315.60 500.00 439.49 1,500.00 250.00 2,871.00 1,404.00 250.00 125.00 425.00 $ 28,500.00 Form D-2 Page 9