Resolution 070-1979 RESOLUTION NO, 70-1979 RESOLUTION REQUESTING THAT THE COMMERCIAL FISHING INDUSTRY OF MONROE COUNTY BE INCLUDED IN THE FEDERAL DISASTER ASSISTANCE PROGRAMS. WHEREAS, Monroe County's commercial fishing industry has pro- vided growth in real output over the past several decades as well as stability of sales and employment for citizens of Monroe County and other citizens of the State of Florida, and WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, have heretofore designated Commercial Fishing Industry in Monroe County as the number one industry in Monroe County in importance and long-term benefit to Monroe County so that the Board in all of its endeavors recognizes and fosters all contri- butions and activities which enhance and protect said industry, and WHEREAS, the commercial fishing industry should enjoy the privileges and options of relief from natural disaster provided traditional aericulture, and made recently including the aqua- culture or fish farming industry, and WHEREAS, the threats of natural disaster curtailing vital food production and destroying individual livelihoods is equally shared in any type of food producing industry, now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COW1ISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, as follows: 1. The Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, hereby requests that the commercial fishing industry share in the protection from and mitigation of the effects of this industry from natural disaster and that such commercial fishing industry be included in all Federal disaster assistance programs. Page ~ of 2 Pages u ,... 1 O~:r:t---- ---- 1lP9ROVED ON~. . ~I\o._____ c f'i\GE~ .\,L' ~.,.-.:.~_".......-r-'l pCC)r,o.._.~. .. 2. The Clerk of said Board is hereby directed to forward copies of this resolution to the Marine Advisory Council, the Farmers Home Administration, and such other appropriate agencies as necessary. DATED April 10, 1979. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA 0. 4/1 By t .~~~ (Seal) Attest:''' /)~/ /? --/ > .~/ h'/ ,-- . / _n / d' /' "''''''> lY<'y<~~~ ,,~ v- , C erk , HEREBY CERTIFY that this document h2s beE:n re\.' :>.; 'j'(1r ,!,c::'::."":~Jl r' ,~'t -" ." ;'. ---, '.' 'j j- C'C;"C/ :"" , 'J- :; c; 1'')- " C. ; 't ,e.::: ~. ") liV; t h my 2jJpl J;'V1, By /~:L;:~L~_,__~ Attorney's Office P~ge 2 of 2 Pages