Resolution 083-1979 i I I! 786 PACE 1662 176~t'~.J6 RESOLUTION NO, 83 -1979 :::0 :r::l> or :z: '"D :::0:::: g~ ::Do n~ ;g gC1: z- N -". U1 MORET1'I, JR., i~ r- -0 ,-) D N wife ~.~l'havEKJ CX> ~ ",' RESOLUTION APPROVING PLAT FOR RECORD M o ~ C) :c WHEREAS, JOSEPH G. MORETTI, SR., and JOSEPH G. together with JOHN P. CAPE and JEANNET R. CAPE, his '-" '-. :1] requested the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, to approve for record a plat known as "MADEIRA VILLAGE, a Subdivision of a Portion of the South 1/2 of the South 1/2 of the Southwest 1/4 of Section 35, Township 59 South, Range 40 East, Monroe County, Florida", and WHEREAS, said plat conforms with all of the plat filing rules and regulations of Monroe County, Florida, now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, that the plat known as "MADEIRA VILLAGE, a Subdivision of a Portion of the South 1/2 of the South 1/2 of the Southwest 1/4 of Section 35, Township 59 South, Range 40 East, Monroe County, Florida", be and the same is hereby approved for record, and the Chairman and Clerk of said Board are hereby authorized to sign the certificate of approval of said plat. DATED April 24, 1979. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COU ~Y, FRIDA By ( Seal) Attest: ) ,.-//,,/.~,/,> /', ~ / / ,.r / . ; . /' --.... "- ~Xf('"!,/:,'l: ,-->> ,; erk ,,' "t) BOOK fFIC\Al RECO... RECORDED IN 0 OUNi't', flORIDA MONROE p~ W WHln: RAlOr CIRCUli COUR1 ClER~ECORO VERIFIED , HEREBY ("'" ...... --th'! ;~""{ tfl'~~ A! . has b"'.pr., ....,: ',I (.(~ ~.ri;S '-'...., i I r ~..:,\/ with' aDaK _ j I ~ H r")"'\ _...__..~-- CI'\......_"':1~..--"'>\ ......--........-..-...-. ..._\, S ' . . .. ~ J.._--,-_.._...-. '. ' . .,'....._. ___-<4- -- ~---..-.-......_~ ciency i~;~i" '1. : -,'.... ~ i. i. : '; my app~o '-:oj .. ,.. /7 t.. '7~". /"./ ./ ." B ,.J /~' / ,-7. :y /,,</t.- .../ ~c/:ii<~ .#.., AttorneY'~Oftice APPF;e.\jl,:.S 81 l'76',i57 itt.786 PAcE1663 SEE MADEIRA VILLAGE A Subdivision of a Portion of the South ~ of the South West ~ of Section 35, Township 59 South, Range 40 East Monroe County, Florida Recorded in Plat Book 7 Page 12. RECORDED IN OFFICIAL RECORD BOOK MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA RALPH W, WHITE CLERK Of CIRCUIT COURT RECORD VERIFIED ::0 :%> or Z~ ::0 :x: ~~ ("')~ O:x: C:-d ~~r1 :<" -"1,- r- C r- /- ~, uC> ~ ,., r FT1 o ""Tl C> :;:0 ::0 1"'"", c) o ::0 CJ =- ~ ~ -0 N N <X>