Resolution 088-1979 RESOLUTION NO. 88_1979 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COW1ISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, TO EXECUTE A JOINT APPLICATION WITH THE DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY/FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRON1lliNTAL REGULATION FOR ACTIVITIES IN WATERS OF THE STATE OF FLORIDA, AND TO AUTHORIZE PAY~lliNT OF APPLICATION FEE IN THE AMOUNT OF $200.00. WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners of Honroe County, Florida, is desirous of obtaining a permit for work to be per- formed under the Boot Key Harbor Project in the Marathon area, Monroe County, Florida, and WHEREAS, it is necessary for said Board to apply for said permit with the Department of the Army/Florida Department of Environmental Regulation in order to accomplish the work to be performed under the Boot Key Harbor Project, and vlliHREAS, said Joint Application for said permit requires a fee of $200.00 to accompany said Joint Application, now, there- fore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, as follows: 1. The Chairman of the Board is hereby authorized to execute the Joint Application with the Department of the Army/Florida De- partment of Environmental Regulation for Activities in Waters of the State of Florida, a copy of same being attached hereto. 2. The Clerk is hereby instructed to prepare and issue a check in the amount of $200.00 to cover the application fee for said Joint Application. Said check to be made payable to the Florida Department of Environmental Regulation. Passed and adopted by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, in regular session on this 24th day of April, 1979. BOARD OF COUNTY COt1MISSIONERS OF MONRO",E, CO, UNTY'~FLODA ~';/) - By / ~ C?__ r C a1.rman Attest: (Seal) 'i EF<EEJY CEF;;Ti th ;:rt t:l i~, c'ocunlen I ;';.;:'1 r(;\:'!c::'V'.,'C'.:; fOr' ~ , ,! . - ~,;,:l.G ;~l c: ),- D n (1 t tl sc] tr; e r;~'<>_:: 'L,; VI j .~, h APPROVED ON. e !Je"r ~t7?. Be, "K ~,_~rc-__'-o_-. - I\l:;.:'" ___~,:::.L._ .." v ---""""~ _,~lY appro, 'Co? '7./ /.., "' '''p' , " , ,{" / ,/. /" ...J ' ,,/- ._" .'/' ",,' if .A -~ ,- .Y2!~~f_~~~p"i __ Acturney's Office ~.. , r---- , 9. R.d., ..... ,--.~. ~........... "~,_"'.. H _..,_..~ - - .lOiN - APPLlC,l. iON '~RP.1ENT OF THE ARMY/FLORIDA DEPARTMb\iT OF ENVIRONMENTAL REGlltATION . FOR ACTIVITIES IN WATERS OF THE ~ ~A TE OF FLORIDA .L Instruction Pamph,et for explanation of numbered items and attachments required. -" ~ppl ic:ation number IT () be assigned) 2. Date 3. For official use only Day Mo. Yr, ,~ . Name, addreu lind zip code of applicant ,"',mroe County ...oard of County COlllffii S5 i oners Key West. Flori da 33040 -. elephone Number 305-294-4641 f~ame, address, zip code and title of applicant's authorized agent for permit application coordination - - fA elephone Number -. - , ';escribe the proposed activity, its purpose and intended use. including a description of the type of structures, if Gny, .0 be erected on fills, or pipe or float-supported platforms, and the t,;,pe, com~osition ar:d quantity of materials to be ~;scharged or dumped anJ means aT conveyance. per arid wi de:'" channel will be dredged from a point in Hawk Channel, south ght Key, to a proposed turning basin approximately 7,500 ft eastel'ly and of the Boot Key Bri dge. The channel wi 11 be 100' wide and 121 deep and the 19 bas 1 n will be 200' square anrl 121 deep. The material dredged wi 11 Attached Continuation Sheet) Dredged/Excavated Filled/Deposited Volume ot Material: 170,OUO CY CY cy See above CY Waterwan:l of Landwan:l of Waterward of Landw8rd of O.H_W.O' M.H,W. O.H.W. or M.H:W, O,H.W. or M,H.W. O.H.W. or M.H.W. ., Proposed use Pri.. a.e [ ) Pl.bllC [ ] Commercial [ ) Other D<} (Explain in remarks) iJame and address including zip code of adjoining property OWll'?rs whose property also adioins the watel'W1Y. JA -.... _.. ,cation where propoS.?d activity exists or will occur treet address Marathon, FL ongitude , fn Of} 5'W Latitude 240421N (I f known) ec. __ Twp. Rge. F1 or; r1rt ~-"-- Mnnrnp ...Ma.ra.tb 0 n . Fl. State! County III CIty ~r Town Near City Of'Town _. ame of waterway .t lvcation of In;;> activity Boot Key Harbor -" c~ ~,:g'~~':'" ~~:;.,r'~'~ l-'.''':.~,.. . 4. : ' T r.~-~-'~\ l...',,:,' "",'V,,: 5. -, N T f' :'ct, ~~::-' . 6. -_.. A dee )f . west tur~ ( SEt; ... 7. B. S l S 10. N SAJ FORM 983 21 Ju I .77 ...... 11. ,:.'~8 activity is pr 0 commence CY 1980 I).;~e sc<ivity i$ expe1:.~ to be completed ,7 months a Her commencement of acti vi ty. . ll. Is any portion of the activity for which authorization is sought now complete? Yes () No Lx) If answer is "Ves" give reasons in the remarks section. Manto and yp.ar the activity was completed . Indicate the existing work on the drawi.ngs. 13. list all approvals or certifications required by other Federal interstate, state or loc.I' agencies tor any structures. con. struction. discharges, deposits or other activities described in tnis application. including whether the project is a De. velopment of Regional impact. Is:ouing Agency Type of Approval Identification No. Date of Application Date of ,~pproval ."",'~",. ~."..'ijj.J.;;' ....,' --,',.. f.'.'!'lt',Q' ...... N/A .......0..... < ','; .1~I~i~'lI-:: "!,,:.i~, ;;';"Jt.t"'_.,. :~i;~~~'.t. 14. Has any agency denied approval for the activity described herein or for any activity directly related to the activity de. scribed herein? ! I , Ves ( ) No DO (If "Ves" explain in remarks) 15. Remarks (see Instruction ?amphlet for additional information required for certain activities) ITEM 7. Federal project channel and turning basin for public and commercial use. _. ~ 16. Application is hereby made for a permit or permits to authorize the activities described herein. I agree to provide any additional information/data that may be necessary to provide reasonable assurance or evidence to show that the pro. posed project will comply with the applicable State Water Quality Standards or other environmental protect:on stan. dards both during construction and after the project is completed. t also agree to provide entry to the project site for inspectors from the environmental p'rotection agencies for'the purpose of making preliminary analyses of the site and monitoring permined works, if permit is granted. I certify that I am familiar with the information contained in this application, and that to the best of my knowledge and belief such information is true, complete, and accurate. I fur- ther certify that I possess the authority to undertake the proposed activities. ..' :~*t~~"" ....-..." . Signature of Applicant Date 18 U.S.C. Section 1001 provides that: Whoever, in any manner within the jurisdiction or any department or agency of the United State:; knowingly and willfully falsifies, conceals, or covers up by any trick, scheme, or device a material fact cr makes any false. fictitious or fraudulent statements or representations or makes or uses any false writing or document knowing same to contain any false, fictitious or fraudulent statement or entry, shall be fined not more than $10,000 or i",prisoned not more than five years, or both. The application must be signed by the person who desires to undertake the proposed activity; however, the dpplica- tion may be signed by a duly authorized agent if accompanied by J statement by that person designating the agent and agreeing to turnlsn upon request, supplemental information in support of the application. I 1 . t , ~ 'i~'...' FEE: Attach Checks/Money Orders on front Payable to Departml:nt of Environmental R~gulation $200 Stannard form projects S20 Short forms and Chap~er 403 IJrojects only Item 6: (Continued) consist of soft~ sticky clay with some sand and shell. The material will be moved, by barge. to borrow pits located approximately 8 to 11 mile~ west of the activity iocation. Transfer facilities will be constructed at disposal area sites for unloading the excavated material. The material will then be pumped through a temporary pipeline from the barge to the disposal area. Silt barriers and weirs will be constructed across the entrance of the borrow pits to keep turbidity levels outside the pits within state standards. One-half acre of mangroves will be temporarily removed from the proposed channel slope and placed elsewhere (see drawing) until completion of project at which time they will be returned to their original location. Maintenance dredging will be done in the amount of 5~000 cubic yards every ten years. t i~~:>;." r', ~j:;j~~~~.. .. '.':. ". ...~ .~,:f::~ .:~' ,...- Ii . .. . t 1f/7~dgd~~~~ I :-,-IZ'><.IOO' CI-lANNE:L I i , ~ TE:.\J'fA'O'/E. AIL,A H'!Z ; UA!./lA20v'& lZE?LA-'!:.U8-If:> 1."-- C_ I o tal 400' L-....-, I I ,(BORRe'^, PIT ,: DlSPC':,AL AREA LOCATlm.S r II II . I I SCALE IN MILES o I r I LITTLE J/ISSOlli/J Ollel lET lET OHIO 'ET 2 DISPOSAL AREA LOCATIONS I -z' FOOT ALLoWABLE. OV8ZDE.P'J1-I, p '.~~''':'-TYP1LAL' SE:CfION , 'NOT TO bGALE:.' " , . . .. '0_ - IDa' --- ~:~~""'.t:., '~~;:i.:X. Q c:. < ~ '1>' -' r "'" "%. -\ o ~ C"o k,~ ~\.:\:';"l"~' . .1<1'>: ',.. -.. - (") o '0 C') .... NARATHOfl )a. ~ ;;~~~~~I ,... - . .....~ ~~~" ~ I.E.L.,-'- J 2- ~IIZE:D ~H J PROPOSED DREDGING I;, IN: BOOT KEY CHANNEL II AT: MARATHON i: . COUNTY OF MONROE. 'STATE OF FLORIDA I' Ii APPLICATION BY ~1mlROE COUNTY BOARD, OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS 1\ ~...'