Resolution 092-1979 P~SOLUTION NO. 92 -1979 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CHAIP~N OF THE BOAP~ OF COUNTY COMHISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, TO EXECUTE A PLANNING GRANT AGREEHENT BY AND BE- nmEN THE BOARD OF COUNTY CO}rr1ISSIO~ERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, AND THE UNITED STATES OF A11ERICA FEDERAL AVIATlOiil AmUNISTRATIOi'l FOR THE HARATHON FLIGHT STRIP. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COHlvIISS lONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, as follows: That the Chairman of the 30ard is hereby authorized to execute a Planning Grant Agreement by and between the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, and the United States of America Federal Aviation Administration, a copy of same being attached hereto, for the Harathon Flight Strip. Passed and adopted by the Board of County Con~issioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting held on the 24th day of April, 1979. BOARD OF COUNTY CO}lliISSIONERS OF HONROE CO 1, FLORIDA / ,. By Attest :-) / 2 ' ~f0 ::6'- (Seal) I HEREBY CEF<TiFY t h~s been rev lor this c!ccun:ent ciencj' 3:-;:] thut tile '::" my approval. By 4W$4_____ _______ Attorney's Offce r L:L~"1--J.~---.-.----- APPROVeD Ol't_ --- ,.. .. _ ~ ~ L./ ..,.,q PI\GE -'1. ..+- aOOK _ ,5---