Resolution 094-1979 RESOLUTION 4f 94-1979 WHEREAS, the BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS of MONROE County, Florida, approved an application for Frank Stavola on December 20, 1977, for placing an 8" x 12" high concrete footing on rock substrate at the edge of an existing channel, and ~mEREAS, the Department of Environmental Regulation pursuant to Section 253.124, Florida Statutes, requires that before a State Permit can be issued that a biological assessment made by DER be read into the Minutes of the County Commission. Now, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the following biological assessment be read into the Minutes of the County Commission and approved by that same body. Placing an 8" x 12" high concrete footing on rock substrate at the edge of an existing channel. An 8" concrete block will be placed on the footing to form a wall approximately 3' high and 148.26' long. The project will be below the present MHW line. This project is located in Sugar10af Shores, a residential subdivision with many canals and a perimeter access channel. Substrate throughout much of the area is 1imerock fill from canal dredging, deposited on bedrock. Vegetation is primarily Austrai1ian pine (Casurina equisetifo1ia), scrub buttonwood (Conocarpus erecta), and grasses and forbs characteristic of disturbed land. Development is less than 10%. The subject property is situated at a corner lot on Lower Sugar10af Sound and a man-made canal. Uplands in the project site have been cleared, filled, a home constructed, and are devoid of vegetation. A concrete Rock seawall and boat ramp have been constructed on the man-made canal side of the property. The shoreline along Lower Sugar10af Sound appears eroded and scoured, creating a barren rock rubble shoreline. Intertidal vegetation was absent. Subtidal vegetation was limited to scattered green algae, Batophora ~., out to the edge of the channel cut. Due to the present unstable nature of the shoreline and the lack of biota in the project site, there will be no adverse impact from the proj ect. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, by the Board of County Commissioners of MONROE County, Florida, that said Board hereby given its approval for the construction of the above mentioned project. RESOLVED this 8 day of May ,1979, at a Regularly scheduled Meeting. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS MONROE C NTY, LORIDA I mW~FY that this docum~r:t has been reviewed for legal suffi- ciency and that the same meets with my app~. BY?// b $!A ", Attorney's Office By I' ATTEST: !(~~~~~J? ~ C1erk~. ~'~O.;ED O[{.___5~i;}-i___.____ BOOK. S~.-.. fA2E_ ~lo