Resolution 096-1979 RESOLUTION iF 96-1979 WHEREAS, the BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS of MONROE COUNTY, Florida, approved an application for Mark C. Glosser, on September 19, 1978, for the reclaiming of shoreline and the construction of rip-rap, and WHEREAS, the Department of Environmental Regulation pursuant to Section 253.124, of the Florida Statutes, requires that before a State Permit can be issued that a biological assessment made by DER be read into the Minutes of the County Commission. NOW BE IT RESOLVED, that the following biological assessment be read into the Minutes of the County Commission and approved by that same body. To reclaim 105 ft. of shoreline that has eroded back 40 feet between two seawalls, the applicant proposes placing 350 cubic yards of fill below the MHW line and 58 cubic yards above MHW to grade the property. Boulders will be placed as rip-rap then this will be backfilled. Fill will extend approximately 40 feet below MHW. To the east of the project site is Bogie Channel, a wide natural waterway. The uplands of the area are well developed with single family residences and manmade canal systems. Substrate of the area is Miami oolite limerock. Much of the area has been filled with this rock dredged from the canals. Vegetation was primarily Australian pine (Casurina equisetifolia). The fill site lies between two existing seawalls. One is the back of a seawall of the adjacent canal and the other is a simple concrete jetty perpendicular to the shoreline. The uplands adjacent to the fill site have been filled with pea rock. The shoreline just above the MHW line, has a sparse vegetation cover of saltgrass (Distichlis sp.) and (Heliotropium sp.). At, and below the MHW line for a distance of approximately 30 feet, there was no significant vegetation. The intertidal area was bare rock rubble and below the low tide line there was a growth of red algae. Beyond the fill site was a bed of turtle grass (Thalassia testudinum) that projected slightly into the fill site. Except for the small finger of turtle grass projecting into the project site, the area is biologically insignificant. Filling the area will have a slight benefit of eliminating some shoreline discontinuity. THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the County Commission hereby approves the biological assessment, read at their Regular By Meeting, held this I HEREBY CERTIFY that this document : :;5 been reviewed for legal suffi- c;ency and that the same meets with my approval. A ~/ c' " i! /U.~ B -' A1~~~~, 's. Dffice.. 'h- MA i/~~{// ~ \ Clerk 8 day of May ,1979. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS MONROE OUN ,FLORIDA BOOK