Resolution 096A-1979 RESOLUTION NO. 96A - 1979 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE TRANSFER OF ALL PERMITS PERTAINING TO THE ROTARY REEF TO THE MARATHON ROTARY CLUB. WHEREAS, heretofore the BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, acting pursuant to the request of the Marathon Rotary Club, assumed sole responsibility for the artifi- cial reef project originated by the Marathon Rotary Club, and WHEREAS, the Marathon Rotary Club now request that the responsibility for said artificial reef project be returned to them, and WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners feel that it is ~n the public interest of all concerned that the Marathon Rotary Club receive return of said responsibility, now therefore BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISmONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA as follows: 1. That the Corps of Army Engineers be and they are hereby authorized to transfer Permit #75J-0204 to the Marathon Rotary Club as permittee. 2. That the State of Florida, Department of Environmental Regulations be and they are hereby authorized to transfer Artifi- cial Reef Permit #44-32-2888 to the Marathon Rotary Club as permit- tee. 3. That the united States Coast Guard permit issued for the artificial fishing reef at Hawks Channel, South of Marathon, be and they are hereby authorized to transfer same to the Marathon Rotary Club. It is further RESOLVED that the Clerk shall forward three (3) certified copies of the within resolution to Mr. William N. DeVane, Jr., Esq.,representative of the Marathon Rotary Club, P.O. Box #174, Marathon, Florida 33050. 60QK _ ' r>'\j C'_~~'1 C, ~_- u,_~ ,5 ~_, Fi\GEJ~l~ !$:'1'''''-'''~~'~~ ...., APPROVED ~''''''T.'~ -2- RESOLVED at regular meeting at Marathon, Florida this 8th day of May, A.D. 1979. Attest: J /p/ ~~ f, __-<,,/" ,,' ........ ,/,' ,,' .,/ /., , ------ ,'........ ...--::;: /~' / ' -- ,A~~/ 4Y//~::.'.4r.-.r -, , / Clerk BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA BY: ~- - r HERE'lY. CERr~FY that t~is dm:llmoot ~ilS beenl'?1fICl','Ct lor kge'i ~~~frbk.n"'J "":d ~~::~."1lIi ~~~,;~ ;;.~;;., RICHARD G. PA'mE , . '.......,... Asst. CO~llty At'lhitOi