Resolution 097-1979 RESOLUTION NO. 97 - 1979 RESOLUTION VOICING OPPOSITION TO HOUSE BILL 1062. WHEREAS, House Bill 1062 purports to amend Chapter 69-1321, Laws of Florida to except out elected officials from the provisions of the Monroe County Career Service Act but the body of said Bill in fact does not do so, and WHEREAS, it is the desire of the Board of County Commissioners that employees of the Clerk of the Circuit Court, the Property Appraiser, Tax Collector and of the Circuit and County Court Judges be exempted out of the provisions of the Career Service Act, if indeed they were ever intended to be given career service status, now therefore BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA that the Monroe County Legislative Delegation to the Florida Legislature be and they are hereby urged to oppose House Bill 1062, as originally introduceo,and amend said bill to clarify the status of some employees by exempting from Career Service status under Chapter 69-1321,as amended, the employees of the Clerk of the Circuit Court, the Property Appraiser, Tax Collector and of the Circuit and County Court Judges of Monroe County, Florida. RESOLVED in regular meeting at Marathon, Monroe County, Florida this 8th day of May, A.D. 1979. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA BY: a~ (^:',..f.~~ ; -:~"'"/~ 1 fu~"r; '" ,~.- ~ ~ Attest: '-'1-' -) / 2 4 '~. ,/ ,,/', ,-' / ,/" ,,/y//p:,., -'" ci.efi to the Boar BOOK c; .~.<), PAGE~tt~ -,---- I HEREBY cmnn that this rlocument h~ been rfl'vicIoved for legal 5umciem:y al1~ contc.r.t ~md that the same meets with my approval. ~ J., f~ RICHARD G. PAi'~U Asst. County iUtornel APPROVED oN ,S ..