Resolution 098-1979 RESOLUTION NO. 98 - 1979 RESOLUTION VOICING OPPOSITION TO HOUSE BILL 1108. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA that the Monroe County Legislative Delegation to the Florida, Legislature be and they are hereby urged to oppose pas- sage of House Bill 1108 for the following reasons: 1. That the reason for the creation of said local government study commission was the existence of a signed petition seeking the abolishment of the City of Key West,Florida due to, among other stated reasons - high taxes. However, the Bill as drafted and introduced does not address itself specifically to the study of the City of Key West but quthorizes a general study of all governments in the County. 2. That notwithstanding, the reasons for creating said study commission being because of the objections of persons to high City of Key West taxes_ House Bill 1108 requires Monroe County to be the sole source of funding for the study commission's activities. 3. The authority of the study commission is too broad and Monroe County Board of County Commissioners have no representation on the commission. RESOLVED in regular meeting at Marathon, Monroe County, Florida this 8th day of May, A.D. 1979. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA Attest: .../') /-J ./ / // .t'1 /./ ,~ BY' (/'::'~'>'1 /;,' ,<,-:? ,'.- -~ c~i;;clY(-~:":-_" 'A:;j,,"w~l-,j.!o~....,.. \. .,' :- . -. -..--....-..-............".. ........-........~&...I..lo_..... -... J,.;, .., a. ) /' j7 L-;//~/~~~- Cl~ to the Board APPROVED ON s~ .1" .s I 1;H:tn c:-;':'.r\fa til:1t.; bEC~~ re-v~cvJe'~ ior i,;;:~~:~: ;"~ '>"W, CGntc'i;t and lhat t~:~ S~H!~ ~tl~ct~ 'h-;~.:j :~~ approval. ~ h {J~ ' mrnARDG. PA vm: Asst. Coonty AUon:vi BOOK .mGE ~~':\-