Resolution 114-1979 RESOLUTION NO. 114 -1979 RESOLUTION REQUESTING INSTALLATION AND/OR AUTHORITY TO INSTALL A CAUTION BLINKER LIGHT AT THE NORTHEAST END OF CUDJOE KEY ON U.S. 1 AT THE INTER- SECTION OF THE ROAD GOING FROM U.S. 1 TO VENTURE OUT. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA: 1. That the Florida Department of Transportation take any and all action necessary to allow for the installation of a caution blinker light at the northeast end of Cudjoe Key, Monroe County, Florida, at the intersection of the road going to Venture Out from U. S. 1, including install- ation of pavement stripes to provide for solid yellow lines to eliminate vehicle passing in said area. 2. That the Monroe County Public Works Department is hereby authorized to take any and all action necessary for the installation of said caution blinker light and passing striping at the earliest possible date. That the Public Works Department is hereby directed to coordinate all activities to allow for installation of said light and stripes on an immediate basis. 3. That the Clerk of the Board is hereby directed to forward certified copies of this resolution to the Florida Department of Transportation and to the Monroe County Public Works Department for immediate implementation. Passed and adopted by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, this 22nd day of May, 1979. .......,.., ) ..-/ I /' I i Attest: ,/ ) ,(/~--,t".2 t, '/~~~ {///~ ,i!~~;:;/ \.._--,..... . r e r y (Seal) BOOK ,~ s '~1.-L_ tly __ PJ\U= _~~_~___ 1 HtliEBY CERTIFY that this document ,.':~ been reviewed for legal suffj- ::i:>.1CY and that the same meets witl\ ;,IY app~91'al. /~'1 // d~ <f ~ ~t:.__o /-G,_~ Attorney's Office APPROVED ON '... 3