Resolution 115-1979 RESOLUTION NO. 115 -1979 RESOLUTION REQUESTING INFORMATION AND DATE TO PROVIDE DETAILS SUFFICIENT TO ANALYZE NEEDS OF SHERIFF OF MONROE COUNTY WHEREAS the Sheriff of Monroe County has requested additional funding for his activities, and WHEREAS the County of Monroe requires certain information and data in order to evaluate such request, now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA: That the Sheriff IS hereby requested to provide the following data and/or information in support of his request for Increase: 1. Copy of his monthly budget analysis of accounts; 2. Copy of Payroll ledgers for each month since August 1978 through May IS, 1979; 3. Copy of current organizational chart by position, showing individual in said position and current salary, In- eluding all C.E.T.A. positions, and when worked; 4. List of all Federal Grants, including amount of same, matching funds provided by County/Sheriff with synopsis of type of program and objectives; 5. List of all new positions or Departments created since assuming office in 1977 including date of same, 6. List of additional/new equipment presently in use which was not In use as of August 1978. The above is requested at the earliest date so that the Board of County Commissioners can analyze Sheriff's request and act upon said request at an early date. APPf(OV:~D or'!. ~~'d .')~ ..... 1"3"')" T ~)' -.~ ~',,/\,r\ .cO,.-'''''=-=-_--._______ t' ;~\:c.. DQI >>-J Lf Passed and adopted by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, this 22nd day of May, 1979. By (Seal) ~Atte5t::.> j . ( ,i '. .. '--- ~/ ~'61 r &> If ~.Y;;-_. \ erk , HEREBY CERTIFY that this document I' .::; been reviewed for legaJ suffi. ciency and that the same meets with ~:a~~~ Attorney's Office o