Resolution 116-1979 RESOLUTION NO.l16 - 1979 RESOLUTION EXPRESSING APPRECIATION TO THE UTILITY BOARD OF THE CITY OF KEY WEST FOR VOTING AGAINST A SURCHARGE. WHEREAS, on Wednesday, May 9, 1979, the Utility Board of the City of Key West, Florida unanimously voted against the imposi- tion of a surcharge for use of electricity based upon the distance the consumer is situated from the source of the power, and WHEREAS, said vote is in the best interest of the public and most particularly those persons residing outside of incorpor- ated areas, and treats all persons in an identical manner, now therefore BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA that the utility Board of the City of Key West, Florida be and each member thereof is hereby thanked for voting against the rate surcharge. IT IS FURffiHER RESOLVED that the Clerk shall forward a true copy of this resolution to the Honorable Gayle Swofford, Chairman of the Board. RESOLVED in regular meeting at Key West, Florida this 22nd day of May, A.D. 1979. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA BY: Attest: Z/ " ! V/~". ( <~f:!' ,V /t/k' d:- '. ) .3'JJK "\' 5' ,a d."~ PAGE n\ Y I fIERE:JY CCRTrrv t~~t t~l~S !!~~'/:~~m~~i'~ ~~~S be~;1 r(y'J;c~"Jed fer !~211l ::';:[f:+'::G;! . eonl~ni a:~id tha" '~'~.2 !;~!:'i~:J ;z~~.~:ts ~~'~.,:: ~2~j" approval. f.) I~ ~ f~ ' [W"--R ~IC"'A'"n to,'"'''' r~ ~~., ". "/i-... I !~, ',",u:..,~.!..~u_ Asst. County AUr;riwj P,i:'?I:;OVCO ON h