Resolution 117-1979 RESOLUTION NO. 117- 1979 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING EXPENDITURE FOR PUBLIC PURPOSE PROJECT WHEREAS, on July 4, 1979, our great nation will celebrate its birthday once again, and WHEREAS, such activities and support thereof lS of great public interest and purpose, now therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA: 1. That the celebration of National holidays are hereby declared to be of great public purpose and benefit. 2. That the Clerk of the Board lS hereby author- ized to expend such funds as are provided for by the Board of County Commissioners for the support and/or purchase of materials or services to be used during the celebration of such National holidays as determined by the Board of County Commissioners. Passed and adopted this 22nd day of May, 1979. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ~: MONR~a:~~DA Ch lrman (Seal) . ;} Attest. ___: ). ),~? C~/ &/cZ,L.e. , / Clerk p P()()K I HEREBY CERTIFY that this document h~5 been reviewed for legal su ffi- 5. ~ ~.!j_______._.____".;~n~~p~~da;.hat the same meets with -I _PftGE__-1:LL',t.. By ~~~J ,..- ". .' Attorney's Office .APPh'UV:~U vi..J ~