Resolution 123-1979 RESOLUTION {,I: l23-l979 vlliEREAS, the BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, approved an application for Barbara Brewster on June 5, 1979, for the construction of a Seawall and Backfilling on Lot 13, Block 11, of Sombrero Properties, and WHEREAS, Section 253.124, Florida Statutes, requires that a Biological Assessment be read into the records, now therefore BE IT RESOLVED that the following Biological Assessment be read and made a part of the Minutes of the County Commissioners Meeting. To construct a vertical concrete bulkhead 100' long that will connect to an existing bulkhead on the east property line. This tie-in will place the bulkhead several feet out from MHW and about 60 cubic yards of backfill will be placed behind the seawall waterward of MHW. The wall will have a 4' wide concrete cap and will be tied back by concrete deadmen. The face of the wall will be concrete sheet pile. The applicant also proposed to dredge an area immediately out from the proposed bulkhead, 100' long x 20' wide to -4' MLW. Spoil would be deposited on the uplands. A line of riprap, approximately 16" high x 3' wide would be placed at the toe of the bulkhead. The project site is located on Boot Key Harbor on the Atlantic side of Vaca Key. This harbor is much traveled by recreational and commercial vessels and connects via several waterways to the Atlantic. It has a marked navigable channel and has some undisturbed mangrove shorelines and shallow flats. The adjacent uplands arehigh, probably old fill areas, and contain in the interior a golf course and high density dwellings along nearby shoreline areas. The small condominium to the east has a bulkhead with dredged area in front and to the west is a presently vacant lot and then another condominium with bulkhead and dredged area. The project site is composed of high upland with grasses and Austrailian pines (Casuarina), a narrow transitional zone, a sloping, eroded rubble shoreline and a gradually sloping intertidal and subtidal area just offshore. A depth of about -4' MLW is reached about 20 - 25' out from J1HW. There are a few red (Rhizophora mangle) and black (Avicennia germinans) mangroves along with buttonwoods (Conocarpus erecta) on the narrow transitional area. Subtidal vegetation is mainly lithophytic algae (Halimeda) and some turtle grass (Thalassia testudinum). Out past 20 - 25' from shore the bottom drops to about -4' to -6' MLW and deeper into part of the navigational channel of the harbor. Continuation of the bulkhead line from the east will have minimal impact on intertidal and shoreline communities. The dredging, as proposed, would result in the elimination and disruption of about 1,500 - 2,000 square feet of subtidal benthic habitat. If dredged only to -4' MLW, this community could recover to some level especially if enough riprap is used at the toe of the bulkhead for wave energy dispersion. BOOK ..,-- \0 . S .~ ~ PAGE t)'~S APPRO\;'ED ON 2Z- BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the County Commission of the County of MONROE, Florida, hereby approves the Biological Assessement, read at their Regular Meeting held this 5th day of June ,1979. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS BY MONRO(ffia:A ~ .0__--..._ ATTEST: ( ~("~~b--- '. lerk 2-3