Resolution 129-1979RESOLUTION NO. 129 -1979 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CHAIRMAN TO EXECUTE THE TITLE XX CONTRACT BETWEEN MONROE COUNTY AND THE STATE OF FLORIDA, DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND REHABILITATIVE SERVICES FOR A FINANCIiAL CONTRIBUTION TO BE USED FOR THE PROVISION OF CIVIL LEGAL SERVICES. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, as follows: That the Chairman of the Board is hereby authorized to execute the Title XX contract between Monroe County and the State of Florida, Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services for a financial contribution to be used for the provision of civil legal services. Passed and adopted by the Board of County Commis- sioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting held on the 5th day of June, 1979. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA By C airm n (Seal) Attest: 1 this document l HEREBY CERTIFY that al suffi- been reviewed for legal with has and that the sam mY, approval. By pttorae s office APPROVED 3' u I Public Donor (CPE Only) State of I'lorida Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services .AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT, entered into, this dray of , 19 79 by and between the State of Florida, Department of Health and. Rehabilitative Services, hereinafter referred to as the "Department", and MONROE COUNTY a political subdivision of the State of Florida, hereinafter.referred to as the "Donor", WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, the State of Florida,-Department`of Health and Rehabili- tative Services, by authority granted in Chapter 20 and 409, Florida Statutes, 1973, administers federal funds under Title XX of the Social Security Act which must be matched with state and/or local funds in accordance with Title .45, Code of Federal Regulations, -Chapter II,. Part 228; or if said provisions are revised, revoked and/or transferred to a new Part in the Code of Federal Regulatioos,-said funds must be matched in accordance with the provisions of .the new applicable Parts of the Code of Federal Regulations; and all amendments thereof, and, WHEREAS, Donor wishes to make a financial contribution to the .Department to be used for the provision of services; said contribution of the -Donor to be matched by federal funds, and WHEREAS, services will be provided to those eligible to receive said services under the standards of eligibility of the Department, NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual undertaking and agreements hereinafter set forth, the Department and the Donor agree as follows: 1. Donation A. Donor shall contribute to the Department the sum of $2,574 in certified public expenditures for the purpose of obtaining federal funds in the amount of $7,722 for total of $10,296 to be used for the provision of legal services to those eligible under the standards of eligibility of the Department. Donor's contribution shall be made in three certifications of $858.00 with the first of said-ertific•_itions being made on July 31, 1979 and sut)se1,1uent certifi- cations being made on • August 31,. 1979 and September 30, 1979 ,"a B Certified public eNj1011ditures may vary from contribution to contribution but the total awount-of the certified public. ex-- penditures at the end of this contract period will not be more than the agreed upon total contribution due under this contract. Certified public expenditures used must be eligible to be considered as certified public expenditures under the applicable federal reg.ulat-.ions, and rulings by the Office of Human Services Development of•the'United States Department of Ifealth, Education and 11elfare. Said' certif ica- tion shall be on.the forms and -in the manner designated -by the De- partment. 2. Use of Donation This donation is for the provision of. legal services to those who meet the eligibility requirements of the Department, by Legal .Services of Greater Miami,- Inc. , in Monroe County Florida., Donor guarantees these services are.not-.available without cost. (County) 3. Expenditure of -Donated Funds - In consideration of the Donor's agreement to make the fin- ancial contribution, Department represents -and agrees that it will use the contribution, after matching said cofitributi.on.with federal. funds, . for the purchase of th,e -aforementioned and deserib.ed services. 4. -Termination A. Termination at Will This contract may be terminated by either party at any time, with or without cause, upon -,no -less than - thirty (30) days notice .in writing to the. other party-. Said notice shall .be delivered by certified mail, -telegram, or in person. B. ' Term_i_n_a_tion_because of _Lack of Funds It is fu-rther agreed that in the event funds to finance this contract become un- available, the obligations'of each party hereunder maybe termiriated- upon no.less than twenty-four (24) hours notice in writing to tiie other party. Said notice shall be delivered by certified mail, telegram, or in person. The' Department shall be -the final authority as 'to the availability of federal or state funds and as to how any available funds will be allocated among its various providers. 5. Effective Date The effective date of this contract- shall be July 1, 1979 This contract shall cover a period of three months from the effective date of the contract and shall end' on September 30, 1979 i G. Source of Funds Donor guarantees that' none of the amounts'donated for matching under this contract are federal funds, or are*derived from or in lieu of federal funds except as to federal monies received from federal sources authorized by Statute as acceptable for matching with federal funds. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this three (3) page agreement to be executed by their officials thereunto duly authorized. STATE OF FLORIDA, DEPARTMENT OF IIEALTH.AND REHABILITATIVE SERVICES Date: By. Title: Date: June 5, 1979 Date:. June 5, 1979 Monroe COUNTY, a political subdivis_ iori -of -the State of Flori �%/j (POLITICAL By: i G�%r SEAL) Chairm n Bi;d of, Count i issioner Attest: ti_� .o , Clerk,. Bqjrd od CouiIty•Commissioners 1 O