Resolution 130-1979RESOLUTION NO. 130 -1979 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CHAIRMAN TO EXECUTE AN EQUIPMENT LOAN AGREEMENT BETWEEN MONROE COUNTY AND STATE OF FLORIDA, DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND REHABILITATIVE SERVICES. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, as follows: That the Chairman of the Board is hereby authorized to execute the Equipment Loan Agreement between Monroe County and State of Florida, Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services. Passed and adopted by the Board of County Commis- sioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting held on the Sth day of June, 1979. Attest: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA f By A� � hairman (Seal) I HEREBY CERTIFY that this document nas been reviewed for le al sv`fi ,—,cn ;y 3i d that the same meets with ;,Iy approval. � y Attorney's office APPROVED ON_ BOOK PAGE a.. CARDIOKRI :ONARY TU;;SUSC.T.TIVPION rQUIPr'vd_'WP LOAN AGMI-E '`dWil The Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services (herein referred to as the Depa txi �nt) and (herein referred to as the User) agree as follows: (1) The equlpn�nt which is the subject of this agreement shall be designated by name and serial number for each piece of equipment with a list of said equiln,,ent to be attached to and nkzde a part of this agreement. (2) The equipirtant will be loaned without charge to the user to be used in User's reasonable discretion for the training of cardiopulmonary resuscitation tcc!Inic.1UeS (herein referred to as CI?R) . (3) :'ile c-,. -ent will be loaned to the User for a period of sixty (60) c:cys. This f.,-,riod may ];e extended for additional periods of one hundred twenty (120) days. This extension will be automatic unless either party rives notification of termination prior to the expiration of the initial sixty (60) day period or expiration of any one hundred twenty (120) day extension period. (4) The OgUiLTillent shall be available for inspection by a representative of the Department at any reasonable titre and place. Such inspection shall be .for pllr'POSeS including, but not limited to, ascertaining the condition and frequency of use of the equipment. (5) The User will properly utilize and maintain the equipment while the equipment is,in its custody and will return it to the Department in the same condition in which the equipment was received from the Department. The User, huKever, will not be held responsible for normal wear and tear_. (6) The names and addresses of all persons trained by the User in CPR (even if certification is not requested._) shall be reported to the American Heart Association or the American Red Cross on forms prepared by the American Heart Association or the American Red Cross respectively. A copy of all forms filed shall be supplied to the Department's Emergency Medical Services Office in Tallahassee. (7) The User will assure at all tips that the equipment is kept in a sanitary and clean condition. (8) Prior to the consurlation of this agreement, the User shall submit a written plan to the Department outlining the expected utilization of this equipment. This plan shall be attached to, and made a part of, this agreement. (9) The Department may request that the User supply the Department written reports regarding the utilization of the equipment, the frequency of the utilization of the equipment, and the condition of the equipment. (](1) Tl-lc User shall be liable, and adrecF to ho. liable for., and ;}��_,.;.]. .i.nc7r.iniCy, cl .fc:nrl, rnicl hrfld Lhr judrin;enL:; or cl�mk�res including court cost,., and al-L )rney's i.ei-,s arisincj out of or in the course of the operation of this aqreement or the use of the equipment which is the subject of this agreement. (11) The User shall utilize the equipment to the equipment's maximum potential. (12) Notwithstanding paragraph number 16 the Department may terminate the agreement upon one (1) day's notice if the Department determines any of the y�I ` following: the equipment is, not bcinR used, (2) the equi_Fament is being �in,�dkpuately used, (3) the equip�ik�_nt is being improperly used, (4) the equipment is not being used in accordance with the plan made part of this agreement in accordance with paragraph B, (5) or the User is not complying to the Department's satisfaction with the reportvig requirements of paragraph 9. If the agreement is terminated pursuant to this section the User shall return the equipment to the Department within two_..(2) days. (13) The User shall be responsible for the transportation of the equipment (deliver and return) to and from the Department's designated place of custody for the equipment. The User shall also be responsible for any cost incurred in the transportation of the equipment. (14) The User shall make the ec�uipment available to the general public. (15) The User's business address is . The User's telephone number is (16) 7nis agreement may be terminated by either party upon five (5) working days written notice. The equipment will be returned to the Department within three (3) working days following the effective date of termination. (17) This agreement shall become effective on N WITLNESS )-REOF, the parties hereto have set their hands and seals.. DINE CIGR, EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES PROGRAM WI TWr,SS WITNESS USER C IRMAN BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ATTEST: ;; I PTITNES5 v CLERK TO THE BOARD ij WITINESS �-3