Resolution 135-1979RESOLUTION NO. 135 -1979 A -RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CHAI-RMAN TO EXECUTE -AN IMPROVEMENT TRUST AGREE- MENT"BETWEEN ,SEXTON COVE ESTATES, INC., A STATE BANKING CORPORATION., -DIVISION OF FLORIDA LAND SALES AND.CONDOMINIUMS. AND THE COUNTY OF MONROE FOR THE PURPOSE - OF RE-ESTABLISHING AN'.ESCROW ACCOUNT AGREEMENT. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD.OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE_COUNTY, FLORIDA:. That the Chairman of the Board 'of County Commissioners. of Monroe County, Florida is authorized to execute an Improve- ment Trust Agreement between Sexton Cove,Est,ates, Inc., a State,Banking Corporation,•Di.vision of Florida Land Sales and Condominiums and the County of Monroe for the purpose.of re-establishing an escrow account agreement. Passed -and adopted„by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County', Florida, this Sth day of June; 1979.. BOARD OF C:TY ISSIONERS OF MONRO N LORIDA y r Chairman (Seal) 4st APPROVED AS .TO FORM - AND LEGAL SUUUFFICIENCY. APPROVED -ON j�a -S 1" By 1Office' —TAttorney's BOOK • PAGE"