Resolution 140-1979 --- -'- RESOLUTION # 140-79 WHEREAS, the BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS of MONROE County, Florida, approved for Herbert W. Whitmeyer, on March 13, 1979, the construction of a "gabion" type Seawall, approximately 100 ft., and WHEREAS, the Department of Environmental Regulation pursuant to Section 253.124, Florida Statutes, requires that before a State Permit can be issued that a Biological Assessment made by DER be read into the Minutes of the County Commission. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the following Biological Assessment be read into the Minutes of the County Commission and approved by that same body. The project proposed is construction of a rip-rap or Gabion (rocks in a plastic-coated. galvanized wire basket) seawall along the MLW line and backfilling with 35 cubic yards of marl; construction of a 105 ft. long wood deck, stainless steel pile pier. The seawall will vary from 15-20 ft. waterward of MHW with a 16 ft. wide boat access slip 27 ft. from the east property line. The pier will extend 75 ft. from the MLW line, then extend another 30 ft. at a 450 angle. 2" Stainless steel pipes set in augered holes will support the pier. Much of the shoreline in the vicinity appears to be natural with the exception of: The property to the southeast which has been filled out approximately 15'-50' and has had a small boat basin created, and several other openings along the shoreline for boat slips and a canal system. The area is residential with 50% of the waterfront lots having residences built on them. The uplands of the project site have been cleared with grasses and forbs only remaining. Due to filling out of the adjacent property to the S.E., the applicant's property is situated in a slight depression. From the high water line to the low water line there is a dense accumulation of weeds and floating debris and an absence of living vegetation. These conditions extend onto the adjacent N.W. property also. At the low water line, there is filamentous green algae; further waterward is the shallow rock bottom of Big Pine Key Bight. The area of the pier is rock substrate with various green red and brown algaes. Due to the absence of flora and fauna in the fill area and the minimal disturbance from pier construction, the short-term biological impact will be negligible. A possible long-term biological impact may, depending upon winds and currents, come about from organic matter being transported along the straightened shoreline becoming entrapped by a fill area on the property southeast of the applicant's and move into a boat basin on that property. An accumulation of organics would degrade water quality and have an adverse biological impact in a localized situation. APEROVEQ ON ') -:- \ '-l'1 BOOK _,__~:"T. "~~ eAGE .2 Lj- 5 , ~ ~ ~5 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, by the BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS of MONROE County, Florida, that said Board hereby gives its approval for the construction of the above mentioned project. RESOLVED this 17th day of July 1979, at a Regularly scheduled Meeting. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS MONROE County, Florida ATTEST: By ~f~- ;&. / , ) J t4-y/LV/ _\ Cle ~~