Resolution 143-1979 RESOLUTION NO. 143-1979 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CHAIRMAN TO EXECUTE A MODIFIED AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE COUNTY AND ROBERT WOOD FOR THE RE- MOVAL OF SCRAP METAL. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA: That the Chairman is authorized to execute the Modified Agreement, a copy of which is attached hereto, between the County of Monroe and Robert Wood for the removal of scrap metal. Passed and adopted by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, this l7th day of July, 1979. _. (Seal) Attest: ,) / _,:., ./' . .' ~:~;/./t,?7-'---,--"",- ," x~/~~er{" /, f~-,,,, ,--' / APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LE~AL SUFFICIENCY. "'. ,/ / '/ / BY ,/ ~< c- 4: ," ttorney's lee r)_\I-I~ APPROVED ON.._.~- l\ "_.__ PAGE._ aooK _ 050 10 ~.I 0 f) T r I E lJ 1\ G R E E MEN l' 'I'll j S AGREUvIENT, made th i s l7th day 0 f July, 197 Y, by andl~etween the COUNTY OF MONUOE, STATE l" ,IOR1DA, a political subdl~ision of the State of Florida, hereInafter called the COUNTY and ROBERT WOOD, Post Office Box 281, Tavernier, Florida, hereinafter called the CONTRACTOR. WHERE AS due to extreme difficulties encountered in getting scrap metal remov~d from the County's Land Fill and 'lransfer Statlon it is necessary that the County contract to pay for removal of scrap metal and, WHERE AS the parties have prevIously entered into an Agreement dated the l6th day of May ,197B WhlCh must be mutually changed. WITNESSETH that the parties hereto for the conslderatlon hereinafter named agree as follows: 1. That the agreement previously entered into by the parties dated the 16th day of May , 1978 is hereby declared null and void. L. That the CONTRACTUR shall pick up and dispose of all abandoned or junked automobIles on public property or any public road or road right-of-way as designated by the Monroe County Zoning Director or other appropriate County official within the area in Monroe County from the Eastern end of the Seven Mile Bridge to the Dade-Monroe County Boundary. 3. That the CONIRACTOj{ further agrees to pick up all junk metal from all County dump sltes as requested by the Municipal Service District Director or other approprIate personnel within the total County of Monroe. 4. The partIes agree that the COUNTY will pay for removal of junk metal from any County Dump or Transfer Station as follows: (a) The CONTRACTOR shall submitt invoices and certificates I~ f . as requested by the Clerk of the Board setting forth number of pounds delivered and price paid per pound to CONTRACTOR. Upon receipt of proper documentation t he )~oy.l}l}Y wi 11 pay th ; . ference between $2.00 per hundred pounds and the dCLual amount receIved by the CONTRACTOR. If the amount receive4 by the CONTRACTOR IS In excess of $2.00 per one hundred pounds, then the COUNTY shall not make any payment to the CONTRACTOR. ~. The CONTRACTOR agrees to accomplish removal and disposal of cars and junk metal as set forth above. 6. The CONTRACTOR agrees to hold the COUNTY harmless from any clalms or damages whatg)ever arlslng out of the activi- ties contemplated hereunder. 7. The COUNTY shall allow the CONTAACTOR to store cars or junk metal in areas to be designated by the Monroe County Public Works Department. M. This contract may be cancelled after SlX (6) months by either party hereto by giving ten (lU) days notice ln writlng of its intention to cancel. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this agreement the day and year first written above. COUNTY OF OF FL01UDA By County County, .-- .----- Attest: ) _ .... ,...--..--; /." '\ /'. / (~" ~ ,/ _ / . ..');7"--r:...---- / /- f . / ' .' "/ ,J / , . Yr' / . /, / /...-1---/'1'.. ,// Clerk /' '-' //1 J:lu (,~(: .2 L. I~. ) ( J/ t , / ,,.,./ .'/ .,. / /~ /~ .// ',/ /' /1 ./(/:: /,. / /1:::%;;/ /;/. .,1 /lj:%....~/< _,.",,..., I iF l / : tJ ../' I HEREBY CERTIFY thet this document has been reviewed for legal suffi- ciency and that the same meets w:th my ap$" . _ By, ~~ f~torney's Office 11