Resolution 145-1979RESOLUTION NO.' 145-1979 RESOLUTION SETTING -ROUTINE PHYSICAL- EXAMINATLON FEES TO BE CHARGED -BY MONROE COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT. WHEREAS, Florida Statute 154.06 provides for the Board of County Commissioners t,o establish reasonable fees for, services -rendered by the Monroe County Health Department, and WHEREAS,.a fee for routine -physical examinations' -should be.established,.now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, F.L0RIDA: 1. -That the reasonable fee for services rendered for a routine physical examination is hereby -established as -Thirty.-five Dollars-($35.00):. 2. That the Monroe County.Heal,th Department'is hereby authorized to -.collect the aforesaid, fee and that such fee shall be credited -to said Department for its appropriate us'e in accordance with Florida Statute 154.06. .3. That the Clerk of the'.. -Board is hereby directed. to file a certified copy of this Resolution with the Department" of.Health and Rehabilitative, Services pursuant to Chapter 154.06, Florida Statutes. This Resolution shall' go into effect immediately upon passage and :adoption by the Board of County Commis'- sioners. Dated: July 17, 1979 BOARD OF OUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONR OUN.,,,FLORIDA By* irmall (Seal) Attesr t -" Clerk �. APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGAL SUFFICIENCY. APPROVED ON i Attorneys Office PAGE 6OOK -