Resolution 166-1979 r RESOLUTION NO. 166 -1979 A RESOLUTION OPPOSING THE CLOSING OF ANY COMMERCIAL FISHING IN THE EVER- GLADES NATIONAL PARK WmTHOUT SOUND BIOLOGICAL REASON. WHEREAS, the commercial fishing industry in Monroe County, Florida, is an important element in Monroe County's economic stability and provides employment for many of its residents, and WHEREAS the Everglades National Park lies partially within Monroe County, and WHEREAS, the closing of any commercial fishing in the Everglades Nation Park would adversely affect Monroe County and its residents, now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA: 1. That the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, does hereby go on record opposing the closing of any commercial fishing in the Everglades National Park without sound biological reason, and does hereby request all of its state and federal government representatives to oppose any closing of commercial fishing in the Everglades National Park without sound biological reason. 2. That the Clerk of the Board is hereby directed to forward certified copies of this resolution to all of Monroe County's state and federal legislative representatives and other governmental agencies as deemed appropriate. Passed and adopted by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, this 17th day of July, 1979. By (Seal) . ,/ ~'-7 Attest../' . .' ..'.. /--' " ..) , /1 ~ I //~.' ..'-' '. ( '-.'--- f?~-{'~ 'fi A/k_- -#. '/' 1er -- O' ,-'", ,~ APP,~ ,'; uJ ,) 800K _._.._ (. t,,, r:'~. :'~ ~.:.:- ", _"_""'__ ____,_~~ l I', '....,..... ~..,.~_--'-~"_~_' ,~_.__......._~~___ .,II ~ JJD\O At to FO"M ..UdM I(JmCIENCY. /:2 /,,' ,/,' //' .:' /?:7 /., ,Y . .' k' ~. ,,,/ ~<--:</( /:-(~~.-~ 1 A . Offl' Nomey. ICe )55 ,(\ -'l. I """)" Ie .___. .....____:. ~___ .,'._L______...___. .,