Resolution 168-1979 ; , \ RESOLU'1'IO' NOJ-68 - 1979 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING CHAIRMAN TO EXECUTE CONSENT ORDER WITH DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRON- MENTAL REGULATION. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA That the Chairman of the Board be and he is hereby authorized to execute in behalf of the Board the original of the Consent Order, a copy of which is attached hereto. RESOLVED at regular meeting this 31st day of July, A.D. 1979. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA BY: ~~' Attest: / ~-- ~. , lerk / (7 )~ ~ .' "- /' . L/ ,.' .,.'. I HERE3Y CERTra t~3t Vii:!; ~cr,!~mc~!i hns ben" r "'i' 0,1' ,,"',., f"'r '.:-,c:",1 '."."~.;;"~'",,,,,: ,:.,.,.\ -_"'U: ~ _Ir......,.i,lj~~ \I ~;.-'"l:}.... ....l.;~..;_,';','<".,.:" 1,c..l:,J I'l~~';'n-,~.:~ ~..... ~ '~'~1a'~ "'.!' ''''r~;:f'_' I':"'."_-'~ {'.' ~..~J.:, ,...~ ;~;;;~~l.~:'~'i2~~12~'i':J Assi:. Cmmty Mb:>r.ttj APr(::-;.()"J~~J /) .). I 'jC { \...' ....L _._--~------,-----...-- . . - . . --.-- ---.- aoaK ._ " " F,\G,;:._._~CS:_Q-.,-- .~ -~~'_._,.. ,~I" \~Q BEFORE THE STATE OF FIDRIDA DEPARI1'1ENT OF ENVI~1ENTAL REGUIATION In the r,1atter of: MCNROE COUNTY, FIDRIDA Through it's Board of COunty Corrmissioners Donald Schloesser, ChaibTIan CASE NO. Respondent. CCNSENT ORDER TI1is consent Order is made and entered pursuant to Section 17-1. 58 (3), Florida Adrrrinistrative Code, between the Depa.rt::rrent of Environ- rrental Regulation (hereinafter referred to as Depa.rt::rrent) and Monroe County Board of COunty COrrrnissioners (hereinafter referred to as Respondent). WHEREAS, the Respondent maintains, operates, manages and controls a solid waste transfer station kncmn as the Key Largo Transfer Station, located in Section 9 of Tcmnship 60 South, Range 40 East in Honroe County, Florida, and I'lliEREAS, on September 26, 1977, Res]X)ndent was issued and aC02pted Deparbrent of Envirol'1I'OOIltal Regulation Operation Permit number 81"1044-4644, and WHEREAS, the Respondent maintains, operates, manages, and controls a solid waste disposal site known as the Long Key Sanitary landfill located in Sections 4 and 5 of Tcmnship 65 South, Range 35 East in Monroe County, Florida, and WHEREAS, on August 5, 1977, Respondent was issued and aC02pted Depart:rrent of Envirol'1I'OOIltal Regulation Operation Permit number 8'\"1044-2033, and I'lliEREAS, the Respondent maintains, operates, manages, and exmtrols a solid waste disposal site known as the Cudjoe Key Sanitary Landfill located in Section 19 of Ta-mship 66 South, Range 28 East, in Monroe COunty, Florida, and WHEREAS, on November 16, 1977, Respondent \vas issued and accepted Depart:Irent of Envirol'1I'OOIltal Regulation cperation Permit number 8'\',1044-2041, and \ \.\ WHEREAS, on or about June 1, 1979, the Res};X)ndent, at the Key Largo Transfer Station, allONed garbage to re- main un-transferred on-site for over forty-eight hours, and WHEREAS, the Res};X)ndent' s actions as alleged above were in violation of Chapter 17-7.091(2) (f) Florida Administrati ve Code, and WHEREAS, on or about February 7 or 8, 1979, and June 1, 1979, the Res};X)ndent, at the Key largo Transfer Station, allONed solid waste ill the form of white goods, rretals, and other materials to be disposed of in and within 200 feet of a natural body of water, and WHEREAS, the Res};X)ndent' s actions as alleged above were ill violation of Chapter 17-7.04(2) (a) (Now Chapter 17-7.04(3)(b) and (3) (c)), Florida Administrative Code, and WHEREAS, on or about February 7 and 8, 1979, and June 1, 1979, the Respondent, at trle Key Largo Transfer Station, maintained a solid waste dis};X)sal si te without a penni t, and WHEREAS, the Respondent's actions as alleged above were in viola- tion of Chapter 17-7.03(7) (a) (NON Chapter 17-7.03(2) (a)), Florida Administra- ti ve Code, and WHEREAS, on or about February 7 and 8, 1979 and June 1, 1979, the Res};X)ndent, at the Key largo Transfer Station, dis};X)sed of solid waste by an unapproved rrethod, and WHEREAS, the Res};X)ndent' s actions as alleged above were in viola- tion of Chapter 17-7.04(1), Florida Administrative Code, and WHEREAS, on or about February 8, 1979, April 18, 1979, and June 1, 1979, the Respondent, at the Long Key Sanitary Landfill, maintained cell side grades with slopes greater than thirty (30) degrees, and WHEREAS, the Res};X)ndent' s actions as alleged above were in viola- tion of Chapter 17-7.05(3) (i) (NON Chapter 17-7.05(4) (1)), Florida Administrative Code, and WHEREAS, on or about February 8, 1979, April 18, 1979 and ~1ay 31, 1979, the Res};X)ndent, at the Cudjoe Key Sanitary Landfill, maintained cell side grades vlith slopes greater than thirty (30) degrees, and -2- \~1" WHERF..AS, the Respondent's actions as alleged above were in viola- tion of Chapter 17-7.05 (3) (i) (NON Chapter 17-7.05 (4) (1)), Florida Admini- strati ve Code, and WHEREAS, all of the above rrentioned actions were not in complianCE with State standards and are therefore in violation of Section 403.161 (1) (b) , Florida Statutes, and vJHEREAS, the parties concerned having net on June 18, 1979 to informally discuss the matters at issue in an atterrpt to resolve the afore- rrentioned alleged violations, have arrived at a mutually acceptable resolution pursuant to Section 17-1. 58 (3), Florida Administrative Code, it is therefore: AGREED AND ORDERED 1. The Respondent shall transfer all of the accumulated garbage present at the Key Largo Transfer Station on June 18, 1979 to the long Key_ Sanitary Landfill as soon as possible and by no later than July 23,1979. 2. All netals and white goods shall be rerroved fran the water at the Key Largo Transfer Station by the Resrnndent by LTuly 23, 1979. 3. The Respondent shall remove all presently accumulated rretal and white goods from the Key Largo Transfer Station by September 18, 1979. HONever, the IRparbrent may grant an extension of this ti.m2 period if there is any justifiable delay in the removal of said waste by the County. 4. The Respondent shall apply for a permit for a yard trash dis- posal site at the Key Largo Transfer Station by July 23, 1979. 5. The Respondent shall establish an area -----__--- at the Key Largo Transfer Station for all white goods and scrap netals awaiting transfer off site. This area shall be fifty feet (50') away from any bcx1y of water. The Respon- dent may also accept up to fifteen junk autambiles on site awaiting transfer. 6. The Respondent shall, at the CUdjoe Key Sanitary Landfill and the long Key Sanitary Landfill, have the required degree of slope pursuant to Chapter 17-7.05(4) (1), Florida Administrative Code by August 18, 1979. 7. Improved litter control will be provided by the Respondent at all ~~'-l"'?f of the aforementioned sites. -3- \~3 8. The Resp:mdent shall consent to the entry of this order by vote of it's goVerning body at a regularly scheduled rreeting. 9. This Consent Order shall be the final agency action of the Departrrent. The tenns ar.d conditions set forth nerein may be enforced in a court of competent jurisdiction pursuant to Section 120.69 and 403.121, Florida Statutes. Failure to comply with the tenns of this Consent Order shall constitute a violation of Section 403.161(1) (b), Florida Statutes. Hi . Respondent hereby waives the right to a hearing or adrninistrat.i ve or judicial review of the tenns of this Consent Order. 11. Respondent is fully aware a violation of the tenns of this Consent Order may subject Respondent to judicial imposition of darna.ges, civil penalties of up to $10,000.00 per offense, and criminal penalties. 12. Th~ Departrrent hereby expressly reserves all remedies available tc. it in the event of any incident, occurrence or activity other than that which is the subject matter of this Consent Order and to enforce the tenns and conditions 'of this Consent Order. 13. This Consent Order shall take effect upon date of entry by all parties. BOARD OF mUNTY CDMMISSIONERS OF M:lNROE COUNTY, FIDRIDA: DEPAR'IMENT OF ENVIIDNr>1ENTAL REGUIATION: Philip R. Edwards District I-1anager South Florida District 2180 West First Street Suite 401 Fort Myers, Florida 33901 Telephone: (813) 332-2667 Chai of e Approved by solution No. attached as Exhibit I Richard G. payn Attorney for Monroe' County Post Office Box 1617 Key West, F19:r:ida..3~040. ,"'~ I f;-:"7~""-"_: f~, _ ',.' ' . l . . . :: 'j .', ;: ~ ~,.~., : i ... -4- \~L\- iXl'JE AND ORDERED this Florida. day of A.D. 1979, at Tallahassee, -5- State of Florida, ~parbnent of Environrrental Regulation Jacob D. Vam, Secretary \~? . ' CERI'IFlCA'IE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY that the original of the foregoing proposed CONSENT ORDER has been furnished by United States Mail to RICHARD G. PAYNE, Attomey for Monroe County, Post Office Box 1617, Key West, Florida 33040, on this 11th day of July, 1979. .. (~ .. / (" ,I / , I' 1 ""', (" /,~ '" 'I ( . ') ( I '/' / t: OOUGLAS H. MACLAUGHLIN Assistant General Counsel State of Florida, Department of Environrrental Regulation 'lWin TcMers Office Building 2600 Blair Stone Road Tallahassee, Florida 32301 Telephone: (904) 488-9560 \~\.