Resolution 174-1979 RESOLUTION # 174-1979 WHEREAS, the BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS, of MONROE County, Florida, approved an application for Harold Miller to construct 225 feet of Seawall, and lffiEREAS, the Department of Environmental Regulation pursuant to Section 253.124, Florida Statutes, requires that before a State Permit can be issued that a Biological Assessment made by DER be read into the Minutes of the County Commission. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the following Biological Assessment be read into the Minutes of the County Commission and approved by that same body. Applicant proposes to construct a seawall along plotted property line, which aries between 2 to 5 feet waterward of e~sting MHW line. Seawall will be constructed of short section of square concrete piles, tied landward, at 10' intervals, with sections of concrete piles used as "rakers", except at corner where larger rakers will be used for the curve. Area behind the seawall will be filled with 241 c.y. of clean sand and marl delivered from upland. Large rip-rap will be placed at waterward toe of seawall. A concrete cap is proposed over the seawall. This is a manmade, water oriented development with canals and the upland is mostly fill marl, which has eroded unevenly along the waterward line of the unprotected lots. The developed homesites have seawalls or boulder rip-rap at waters edge, with some type of boat mooring. The vegetation on the developed lots is ornamental, on the undeveloped lots, pioneer. This area is approximately 60% developed. The bay bottom (shelf) in the area as the seawall is marl silt with 1-2% small stones and empty gastropod shells. Waterward of the toe of the seawall, a sparse growth of Tha1assia, tiny clumps of Batophora spp. and Haodule wrightii (Cuban shoa1weed) exist. In the construction zone, a white mangrove (Laguncularia racemosa) and two black mangroves (Avicennia germinans) are growing. One red mangrove (Rhizophora mangle) is growing waterward of site. On the eroded face and the edge of the lot, Borrichia spp., Sesuvium sp. grasses, sandspurs, spanish needle, and Brazilian pepper have become established. A hermit crab and two(2) transitory snappers were observed in the project area. Samples of the marl bottom, in project site, contained no macroscopically visible organisms. The impact of this project will be the reduction of erosion from this corner plot and the increase in habitat among the boulder rip-rap. The established black and white mangroves, growing precariously on the edge of the lot may not be able to survive the placement of fill. APPROVED ON ~'\l\-'l' " BOOK \ ',II PAGE , () \ \1~ BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, by the Bbard of County Commissioners of MONROE County, Florida, that said Board hereby gives its approval for the construction of the above mentioned work. RESOLVED, this 14th day of August , 1979, at a Regularly scheduled Meeting. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSION MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA ATTEST :-- I Zo '<b/~4-i ) Cler \~~