Resolution 175-1979
RESOLUTION # 175-1979
Florida, approved an application for Harvey Smades to construct
285 linear feet of rip-rap seawall, and
\'lliEREAS, the Department of Environmental Regulation pursuant
to Section 253.124 Florida Statutes requires that before a State
Permit can be issued that a Biological Assessment made by DER must
be read into the Minutes of the County Commission.
NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the following Biological
Assessment be read into the Minutes of the County Commission and
approved by that same body.
The applicant proposes to rip-rap a total of about 285 feet of
two eroded shorelines and backfill with approximately 150 cubic yards
of clean oolite backfill. As revised (6/25/79), the rip-rap along
the oceanside (SE) will be placed along the MLW line as determined
by the beginning of vegetation (algae) on the sloping rock rubble.
Distances from the proposed rip-rap line to the edge of the peripheral
channel range from about 8' to 15' on the SE side. Along the lower
energy (SW) shoreline, the rip-rap will be placed several feet inside
of the dropoff into the artificial peripheral channel.
The project site is located on the SW corner of Cudjoe Key at the
end of a residential road in a residential area. The site is on a
point of land bounded on the SE by open waters of Cudjoe Bay and on
the Sli by Sugarloaf Channel. Residential development is light(lO%)
in the area, much of the shoreline is altered by peripheral channels
and uplands are old fill areas. Much of the windward shoreline is
eroded rubble with little mangrove vegetation. Offshore bay bottom
~shallow (to about -5' MLW) and vegetated. Peripheral channels and
residential canals are deep (15 to 20 feet).
The site shorelines are eroded, gently sloping, rock rubble areas
that have eroded back from the deep (-15'), peripheral channel. The
amount of erosion is greater on the exposed SE side of the property
and extends for up to 20'-25' from the channel to the top of eroded
bank in places. The channel edge is irregular and unstable, dropping
off steeply. On the protected SW side, erosion is from 10'-15' back
from the channel edge.
The rock rubble intertidal zone is unvegetated but heavily colonized
by several species of small gastropod molluscs and one species of
attaching pelecypod (Arca ~.). Below MLW there is a zone of
lithophytic algae (Laurencia, Acetabularia, Batophora, Ceramium
and then to the edge of the channel is a zone of mixed seagrasses
Batophora, Penicillus, Caulerpa). Seagrasses exist only along the
outer edge. This vegetation serves to stabilize and protect this
lower shoreline from additional erosion. Net samples in this
vegetation produced amphipods, isopods, nudibranchs, numerous small
decapod crustaceans (shrimp), gastropods (bubbles) and some tube
dwelling polychaetes. The SW shoreline lacks well-developed vegetation
zones and is sloping rock rubble.
The upper edge of the eroded shoreline is vegetated by scattered small
buttonwoods (Conocarpus erectus) and some sea purslane (Sesuvium) and
bay cedar (Suriana maritima). Remainder of the uplands are old fill
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with little vegetation and construction work sites for a residence.
This project, as revised, will have insignificant adverse impact
on local biological resources, will serve to protest the applicant's
uplands from further erosion and may stabilize the subtidal areas.
The use of rip-rap at MLW will allow some dissipation of wave energy
may cause some scouring of outlying subtidal areas.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of
MONROE County, Florida, that said Board hereby gives its approval
for the construction of the above mentioned work.
d f August
ay 0
, 1979, at a
Regularly scheduled Meeting.
MONROE County, Florida
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