Resolution 176-1979e RESOLUTION # 176-1979 WHEREAS, the BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS of MONROE County, Florida, approved an application for James Hansen to construct a boat ramp and slip and approximately 60 linear feet of seawall, and WHEREAS, the Department of Environmental Regulation pursuant to Section 253.124 Florida Statutes, requires that before a State Permit can be issued that a Biological Assessment made by DER be read into the Minutes of the County Commission. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the following Biological Assessment be read into the Minutes of the County Commission and approved by that same body. The applicant proposes to construct 60 linear feet of vertical concrete seawall out from MHW to regain eroded property and tie in to an existing adjacent residential seawall. An artificially deep peripheral channel exists just outside the location of the proposed seawall. The seawall would be constructed with concrete sheetpile, have a 5' wide cap on top and be tied back with concrete deadmen. All work will be performed from the applicant's uplands but due to the location of the proposed wall, 10-15' waterward of MHW, access will also be through the submerged area behind the wall site. The application states that no material is to be placed waterward of MHW (Section 6). Depending on the depth of the fill, it is estimated that about 100 cubic yards of fill material will be placed waterward of MHW as fill behind the seawall. Also proposed is the excavation of a boat basin 15' x 30' x -4.5' average depth, and an adjoining upland boat ramp 15' x 30'. The ramp surface would be reinforced concrete as would the sides (3' wide cap on top) of the basin and ramp. Excavation would be performed by backhoe and again due to the eroded shoreline, access would be through some submerged areas. Additionally, a week gate comprised of vinyl coated chain link and 12' tube framing and with the dimension 17' wide x 4.5' high will be placed on hinges and mounted across the entrance of the boat basin. The top rail will be placed at +4.0' MSL and the lower rail at -2.5' MSL. The project site is on the open -water shoreline of the Gulf side of Marathon. It is located in a residential area, about 75% developed and much of the uplands was gained by the excavation of residential canals and peripheral channels. Across the deep peripheral channel out from the applicant's shoreline are relatively shallow productive flats and baybottom. Much of the local Shoreline is altered with numerous discontinuities. The upland portion of the site is old eroded fill and is sparsely vegetated. Some scrub vegetation, a few transitional zone succulents and a few Australian pines (Casuarina e uisetifolia) are present. The shoreline is eroded rubbl-e—with little attack -vegetation in the submerged areas. This rubble extends out about 10-15' below MHW and then drops into a deep peripheral canal about 50-70' wide and an estimated 10-15' deep. Similar shoreline exists for about 150' to west of project site. West of this is a vertical concrete seawall APPROVED ON-1 -14-) BOOK T 61 PAGE 1�3 { along the edge of the channel. Because of the NE orientation of this shoreline and the irregular nature of the general area shoreline, creating a cove effect, it is believed that windblown organic debris is a problem in this area, especially in the fall and winter. During the present site inspection, a wrack line of floating seagrass up to 10-12' wide was present. Subsequent inspections of other nearby shoreline where pockets, basins and coves were present, confirmed that large amounts of seagrasses accumulate and are trapped in the general area due to the altered shorelines. Bottom types in some of these areas were found to be soft with settled organic debris and silt. As revised (6/13/79), and with the addition of the weed gate, it is felt that the original objections to beh excavation of a boat basin on this site have been overcome. Although the use of a mesh size as large as standard chain link may allow the passage of some floating grass and debris, it is believed that a gate confluent with the seawall to be constructed will allow the free movement of most of this material along the wall in the direction of the prevailing wind. The functional value of a gate of this type will only be realized if the gate is properly maintained and used as intended. Due to the eroded nature of the shoreline and the presence of an existing bulkhead to the east no adverse impact of the proposed bulkhead is anticipated. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, by the Board of County Commissioners of MONROE County, Florida, that said Board hereby gives its approval for the construction of the above mentioned work. RESOLVED this 14th Regularly scheduled meeting. day of August 1979, at a BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS MONROE County, Florida ATTEST: j Cha rman Clerk kW