Resolution 184-1979 RESOLUTION NO. 184~ 1979 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING APPEAL TO THIRD DISTRICT COURT OF APPEAL FROM FINAL JUDG- MENT ENTERED IN CASE NO. 79-767-CA-07. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA: 1. That appeal be taken to the Third District Court of Appeal of the State of Florida from the Final Judgment entered in case no. 79-767-CA-07. 2. That Mallory H. Horton, Esq. be and he is hereby authorized to prepare and file said appeal and do all things as legal representative attending thereto. RESOLVED in Regular Session at Key West, Florida this 14th day of August, A.D. 1979. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA By: Ii Jt,;;/- " ~airman ----. Attest: / ~/ '-'- . ).~ ...... / ,,' /.;><..~ ~ >'~<':-J'f:/'"d//:/<f~-" .' " '- / ,. Clerk '- I '-ilr.r"l"'i''' .....":~'r,"~..u ,.~ .. ^,,'-' r k~~..t'd:..;,:,,'l 'l.J,,:,,,:'~:'l'J -f::)~!r .,~::'r-: f..~,1"I!,,,,~..,.,~~"'I,,'!'J. :;~j::.L';~~:~:,i~;..,.~':::~ ~,; IW'1tr..r.n C. Pfl'[WE Asst. COill~ty Ath.ifii01 ,,\ ~') ^ PPRO\JEO ON J. (J ~ C'"\ " O^GE. .' \ .-1' aOO\{~ - 20J